Patient Mrs Verica A
Address Perth, Western Australia
Age 34 years
Diagnosis   Glioma. Brain Tumour



In January 1994 Mrs V.A. was diagnosed with a Glioma. This is a particularily nasty form of brain tumour.
At the time she was aged 34 and had 2 boys in their early teens.
Like most couples she and her husband were struggling to provide a reasonable life for her family and she had her own beauty salon.
After receiving her diagnosis Mrs V.A. was told that she had an untreatable disease, and the doctors could only monitor her progress and administer pain killers when appropiate.
The doctors advised Mrs V.A. that there was no chance of survival until Christmas that year. Further they explained that as the tumour grew it would start effecting her physically and mentally. In a short period she would be unable to walk or talk, and the pressure would necessitate she start using strong pain controls. Her ability to talk would stop and her brain would not reason. She would become dependent on 24 hour care.
She was advised to sell her beauty parlour as soon as possible, before it became impossible for her to do so herself.
Alarmed, and determined to do everything in his power to help, her brother started looking into what other options they had, and they decided to try the famous cancer tea.
A few months later (in May 1994), Mrs V.A. went for further tests. (The medical results are below.)
NO APPRECIABLE CHANGE IN THE SIZE? By now she was expected to be deteriating.
As the signs were good, Mrs V.A. decided not to sell her business. She carried on with her four glasses of the famous tea each day, and carried on working...
That christmas she was racing around the supermarket doing last minute shopping when, as she rounded a corner at the end of an aisle she almost knocked over her oncologist. She had not seen him for more than 6 months, and he knew that by now she would be dead.
He just stood motionless and stared at what he must have thought was a ghost. His mouth moved, but he could not speak. He just stood frozen in disbelief.
In January 1995, a year after her diagnosis, and well past her 'use by date', Mrs V.A. again went for a medical.
What a result. The glioma had not grown, no deteriation, no metastasis and still no forcast physical signs of the disease.

I kept in contact with Mrs V.A. for some months after that but later left the country and lost contact.

In 1998 I decided to contact Mrs V.A.'s brother whom I had got to know quite well over 4 years earlier. However his phone number had changed, so I decided to try his sisters old number to see if anyone there new his number.
A lady answered the phone and when I asked if she knew Mr- she replied "Yes. He is my brother."
I then told her who I was and was interested to hear she was still working but had just sold her beautician salon.

That she was alive nearly 5 years after her diagnosis is an unexplainable result. She was spending the following weekend at a country health retreat for cancer patients hoping to offer them hope and assistance. I wish her well and hope she lives a full and healthy life, and helps many like herself.

There are many success stories like this one, but what is unique with this and the others I put on this site is that they were not just terminal, they were not offered treatment, so no credit could be attributed to any other source.

Confirmation of the original diagnosis.

With no treatment and after 4 months, it would be normal for the tumour to have grown and its effects becoming obvious. With the tea, she had not deteriated at all!

Here is the amazing result 1 year later.


CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results

If you or someone you know desires the amazing success others have shown here, you can order the same they did