Patient Pr Jan G
Address NSW Australia
Age 64 years
Diagnosis   Recurrent Ovarian Cancer (Carcinoma)


Pr Jan's husband sent me this letter

Hi Max

Here is the 3 Pet/CT scans from 16/5 10/8 anz 18/9/2016

As we mentioned the 2nd report compared it to one from 2 years ago instead of comparing the 10/8 one with the 16/5/2016, so that is why it had an Addendum done on 17/8/2016.

The way I read it the tumour on the Pelvic Area are a bit smaller on he left side. 31x19 versus 33x25.

1 / Jan had de-bulking surgery March 2016 followed by 6 Chemo treatmants.

2 / Chemo late 2008 to early 2009.

3 / Chemo early 2011

4 / Chemo late 2012 then de-bulking again Jan 2013, followed by chemo until May 2013

5 / Cancer returned 2016, confirmed by PET 16/5/2016. Started CanTea 5 weeks later in June.

All the best


Michael is Jans Husband.

In English speaking countries other than America the date is written Day/Month/Year 31/12/2016 not like America's Month/Day/Year 12/31/2016.

Max Note:


CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results