Patient Mr Thos. Runnerfield
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Age 72 years
Doctor Dr E. G. Ellis
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Mouth


Copy of Diagnosis


Miss Caisse,


Dear Miss Caisse,

This is to certify that I have examined Mr Runnerfield today in my office and have advised him to have treatment by you for his mouth condition.

Very truly yours,

(Dr) E. G. Ellis


Patient was operated on in 1931 by Dr Bruce, Toronto for cancer of the mouth, and again in 1932.


First treatment by Caisse.


Soreness in mouth all gone, also soreness in throat all gone. Patient feeling generally better. Patient had pain in front of ear and side of head, which has also disappeared.


Patient has no trace of cancer in mouth and feeling generally very well, particularly for age.

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