Patient D.A.F.
Address Perth, Australia
Age 65 years
Diagnosis   Diabetes


A story about a close relative.

Mr D.A.F. was an architect and very close relative who suffered from Diabetes for more than 15 years
His feet were completely numb, and had been from the mid-shin area down for a long time. There was no feeling on either side. In fact, occasionally he returned home at the end of the day from having been on a building site and walked on a large nail which had gone completely through the sole of his shoe and into his foot. It would not be until his wife saw the red dots of blood on the carpet where he had walked that she knew he had again nailed his shoe to the sole of his foot.
A couple of years earlier his big toe had been removed as it failed to respond to medical treatment when it became ulcerated.
Mr D. A. F. always drove an Automatic car, and always had one foot on the accelerator and one ready on the brake. If he wanted to stop suddenly and use the right foot on the brake pedal, there is a good chance he would miss the pedal and not be able to find it in time to stop.
When he was diagnosed with bowel cancer, he decided to try the tea. A very fussy Englishman who would not eat such unmanly rubbish as pasta or pizza, and thought a healthy diet was meat, mash and peas, and knew the doctor knew best, it surprised us all that he agreed to drink the tea.
I was amazed when I got a call from him one morning a couple of weeks later and he said "I have some very interesting news for you". The fact he rang me was amazing, he had never called me before.
His story went “Because I have no feeling in my lower limbs I have to be very careful when I am washing my hair in the shower. I cannot feel movement in my ankles, and when I wash my hair I could easily fall over without knowing. To rectify this, I place one hand on the wall of the shower so I can be sure I am not falling.” He continued. “Today when I got into the shower, the floor felt cold. It is 15 years since I have felt anything with my feet. I was so excited I got out of the shower and wiggled my toes on the carpet. I could feel the texture of the carpet too. It is like a miracle, I would never have believed it could happen.”
I’m sorry to have to tell you the rest of this story. Mr D.A.F had his feeling returning to his feet, but as it did he started suffering from aches and pains caused by his feet. He was flat footed anyway, but with the surgery and many accidents with his feet over the years, he believed the bones were badly deformed and he was most uncomfortable with the pain.
To stop the pain Mr D.A.F. decided to stop using the tea and let his feet regress to their previous painless, numb state which quickly happened once he stopped the tea.
One other effect of taking the tea which his wife told me was that after many years of impotency, taking the tea had considerably raised his libido level.

CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results