Patient Mrs J. C. Forsythe
Address Utterson, Ontario
Age 55 years
Doctor Dr A. F. Bastedo
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of Cervix.



Patient had growth removed from her pelvis in the Toronto General Hospital by Dr Marlow and Dr Wales


Operation performed by Dr Wales in Utterson for abscess on back of lung.


Patient had stitches after child birth, ulcers in cervix burned and quarterized


Patient had gall -bladder operation in Grace Hospital in Toronto by Dr Cursell.


Patient had growth removed by Dr A. F. Bastedo at the Bracebridge Hospital. Told pelvic region full of little growths not removed, patient had severe haemorrhage after this operation.

Sometime between 1929 and 1931 patient was in bed with T.B.


Patient haemorrhaged again and was sent to Toronto General Hospital, had radium and X-ray and was told had two growths in womb.


Patient troubled again. Dr Greig of Bracebridge then examined patient and caused more bleeding.

May 8th 1937

Patient started taking treatment.

Sept. 4, 1937

Patient says she is much better, used to have headaches, hasn’t them now.

Sept. 25, 1937

Patient says general condition better. Has a pressure across the abdomen, and tired feeling, has frequent urination, nerves bad

Oct. 2, 1937

Patient feeling much better, less frequent urination, nerves better, no headaches.

Jan. 8th, 1938

Patient has no discharge from vagina for past three weeks and has felt much better.

Nov. 1, 1938

Patient very well and thinks she does not need any more treatment.

Copy of letter written by Mrs Forsythe

Oct. 15 1938
To Whom It May Concern-
At the birth of my second child, I was badly torn which my doctor did not attend to at the time. I went in this condition for about five years when my doctor said I would have to have an operation. I went to Toronto, had a growth removed and the tear stitched.
All seemed well for some time, when I began to haemorrhage again. Had another operation and another growth removed. All went well for a time when the haemorrhage reappeared. This time Dr H. C. Wales advised me to have radium which I did, a 36 hour treatment. This stopped things for a short time when I began to have discharge which contained pus.
I went to the doctor, was examined but got no satisfaction and after examination bleeding started again. I went to Miss Caisse and begged her to give me treatments. She did not want to do this but however after much persuasion Miss Caisse consented to treat me and I am happy to say that my condition is 100 per cent better. I am able now to do all my own work, which before taking treatment from Miss Caisse I was unable to do.
Hoping you will see fit to allow Miss Caisse to continue this good work, I remain
Yours truly
Mrs J. C. Forsythe

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