Patient Mrs W. B. Wurts
Address Toronto, Ontario
Doctor Dr Ferrier
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Malignancy of the cervix and deep iliac and sacral glands within the pelvis.



Patient had radium needles a year ago. October 14th, 1936, also a course of deep therapy X-ray treatments for about six weeks in Pasadena. Calif., having finished there February 15th, 1937. Doctors advised making an incision and inserting radium now.

Copy of letter from Dr I Norman Ferrier


This certifies that Mrs Wurts, in our opinion, is suffering from malignancy of the cervix and deep iliac and sacral glands within the pelvis.

I. N. Ferrier.

Copy of letter from Mrs Wurts

149 Geoffrey St
Toronto, Ont.

Dear Miss Caisse,

I visited your clinic on Sunday Oct 3, and was told by your sister to send a written diagnosis of my case which I enclosed herewith.

I would be glad to know if you think you could help me. I have had radium needles. That was nearly a year ago, Oct 14th, 1936. I also took a course of deep therapy X-ray treatments for about six weeks in Pasadena, California. I finished there Feb 15th, 1937.

The doctors here say that they suggest making an incision and inserting radium now, and feeling that I would rather not.

Trusting to hear from you, I remain.
Yours truly,

Hattie M. Wurts.


Mrs Wurts started taking Caisses treatments.


Patient feeling very well, general health improved, is able to play golf and has gained six pounds.


149 Geoffrey St.,

Miss René Caisse
Bracebridge, Ont.

Dear Miss Caisse,

In order that you may be familiar with my case, may I say that Dr Minerva Reid, Toronto, discovered that I had Carcinoma Sept. 1936., and upon her advice I took a treatment of radium in the Woman's College Hospital. As I didn't feel well after and had considerable pain, I visited my sister in California where after several examinations with specialists I took a course of deep therapy X-ray treatments. I took all they could give me. In fact they gave me to understand it would be dangerous to give me any more. However I was advised to keep in touch with Dr Richards radiologist in Toronto General Hospital which I did. I went once every month.

About three months ago I felt a weakness in my back and stiffness in my hip and when Dr Richards examined me he said my trouble had returned and now extended to the glands situated in my hips. He advised an operation. It meant I would be opened up and radium needles inserted. It would have to be done at once. It would be too late in three months. It would be dangerous and I would have to take the responsibility and I was promised nothing. It was then I decided to take your treatment and I am glad to report that I am more than satisfied with the results so far.

After three of four treatments I feel stronger and now after taking eight treatments, I have gained five pounds and the stiffness in my hips have almost disappeared. I feel better in every way.

Wishing you every success, I remain
Yours sincerely

Hattie H. Wurts

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