Patient Mr James Nicholson
Address Sebright, Ontario
Age 84 years
Doctor Dr J. M. Harvey
Address Orillia, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of left cheek, Epithelioma on face and around eye.



First treatment by Caisse
Patient feels well for his age, growth gone.

Copy of letter received from the
daughter of Mr J Nicholson.


Atherley R.R.1

Feb 16 1938.

Dear Miss Caisse,

I am so very happy if this petition is of any benefit, everyone signed with pleasure.

Poor old dad wanted to write a testimony on it but I explained to him what it was.

He surely is very grateful to you and his face looks good.

You would never know he ever had cancer at all.

Best regards

Mrs Bert Day

PS Don't be afraid to call on me if I can be of any assistance at any time, it is a real pleasure