Patient Mrs McPherson & Family
Address Canada
Age 37 years
Doctor DR French & Dr Chute
Address Brusch Medical Institute, USA
Diagnosis   Face, Testicular and Uterine Cancer



These three articles in one were related by Mrs McPherson, about her husband's, her mother's and her own cancers, in April 1978, to two leading Canadian Oncologists (Drs. French & Chute, Directors of Resperin Corporation, who purchase the Essiac formuala from Caisse the previous year).

The first case being my Mother, who developed cancer on her forehead, just at the hairline. Some years prior to this she had underwent surgery by Dr.H.A.Bruce in Wellsly Hospital Toronto. This was followed by radiation treatment.

Owing to her past history she was advised by Dr.A.F.Bastedo to return to Toronto for radium.

This she would not do as she still suffered from the burns of her first treatment several years before.

With this is mind she decided to seek treatment from Nurse Rene Caisse, who had recently opened a clinic for treating cancer in Bracebridge. Nurse Caisse said she would try to help her, so immediately started to treatment.

After a few treatments the growth started to change, it got larger in size and took on a different texture and colour.

We were alarmed and asked Nurse Caisse if she still thought she could help.

She assured us it was doing well as this was normal procedure under her treatment.

The weeks following proved very successful and the growth lessened gradually until it was all gone.

My Mother lived thirty years after that to age 85.

The next person to be strickened with this dreaded disease was my husband who in 1944-45 underwent surgery in Toronto General Hospital by Dr Mclelland.

His testicle was removed and proven to be cancerous.

After the surgery the Dr advised him to have deep Xray treatment before leaving the hospital.

In fact Dr Mclelland asked me to persuade him to do this, to which my answer was "I want my husband to make his own decission".

Knowing many people that had been helped with Nurse Caisse's treatment he was not long in making his decission to return to Bracebridge for that treatment.

He is now 66 years of age, can do a full days work and is in good health.

It was about 1948 or 49 that I became ill, and on consulting our family Dr. he suggested surgery. I had a growth in the uterus, was haemorrhaging quite badly. After a few treatments the bleeding stopped and I gradually improved. I took treatments once a week for about six months and tapered off by having treatemnts only occasionally.

I not only regained my health but had a son born in 1954, so you can understand my great faith in Caisse's treatments. Not one of us ever had any side effects whatsoever while taking the medication. Nurse Caisse's treatment was a miracle for our family and in closing I would like to sum it up this way.

If you hear about it, it is a rumour,
If you read about it, it is a story,
BUT if it happens to you it is REAL


Mrs McPherson