Diverticulitis is, like most of the diseases on the YCYC sites, something that to date baffles doctors. They do not know why people get diverticulitis but they have theories.
You have pockets/pouches which grow in your bowel and some waste collect there. It can collect bacteria and can cause infections to grow and spread.
Symptoms include pain in the area, fever & chills, constipation or diarrhoea, nausea and/or vomiting and loss of appetite.
Medical treatment is “hit and miss” with drugs but be careful they don’t aggravate it, special diet, heated pads, breathing exercises.
or the big one surgery! That is where the money comes in!
I would highly recommend Cantea as a first chance to naturally and painlessly rectify your problem without side effects.
or to become a helper, and fund your CanTea payments,
or earn from helping others.