Remarks Patient examined at Western Hospital, Toronto by eight of nine doctors, also examined at Lockwood Clinic, Toronto,- patient had all kinds of X-rays, has had no radium, no operations, in very nervous condition, diverticulitis. |
Letter written to Dr Emma M. Carson of Los Angeles. |
Craig-na-Cullah Cottage Haliburton, Ont.,Can. 18/8/37
Dr E. M. Carson, M.D. Hotel Hayward, Los Angeles City, USA
Dear Dr Carson,
I take pleasure in giving you briefly - statement of my condition before and after taking treatment (8 so far) from Rene M. Caisse of Bracebridge. Intestinal trouble for years. The whole area from rectum to throat being affected. Four years ago expelled waste of Colon with best of care, advice and diet. I got through another year. In Sept three years ago, I entered the Lockwood Clinic, Toronto. After X-ray and several consultations, they told me I had cancer of left (to ast.) kidney, and if not operated upon that within six months it would be too late. My experience seemed to tell me that my chief trouble was at the rectum in colon and bowel. I sought further advice and was sent to the Western Hospital, Toronto. After many X-rays and consultations - time for my operation was set. (They partially agreeing with the diagnosis of the Lockwood Clinic) but I was then in such a condition that my husband refused and took me home (I didn't care). I took the grape cure, other diets along with osteopathic treatments until June 1st this year. I told the osteopath who was treating me that I was discouraged and that this sack in bowel was emptying about every three to four weeks - mucous, orange colored substance etc. He advised me to see Miss Caisse of Bracebridge. After my first treatment this sack in bowel really did empty itself and had not refilled. I have also passed broken growth resembling pieces of sponge, also just before my seventh treatment, I suffered great distress and soreness over my lower abdomen. I then passed scrub-like piece with much ropy colitis substance attached. There is a constant slueing away of broken down tissue and Ah, I am feeling so much better and have enjoyed this summer more than any in years. I am so happy to be feeling better and will certainly continue my treatments. I would do anything if other poor sufferers could have the help I believe Nurse Caisse can give them. Yours very sincerely, Isabel Cameron | |
AUTHOR'S NOTE The treatment response described in the letter above are typical of most bowel cancer patients I have talked to over many years.
The description of the wast material she passed is expected with Bowel Cancer from their experiences, and I usually point this out to stop them being worried when they experience this amazing occurrance. Normally this is the last they or their doctors see of their cancer.
However there has never been this report of pain with people I have talked too when they cured their cancer (see Alan L and Mr P.T.). |
Letter written to Dr B. T. McGhie by Mrs Cameron |
15 Roblock Avenue, Toronto, Ont. 19/1/38
Dr B. T. McGhie, Deputy Minister of Health, Whitney Building, Queens Park, Toronto, Ont.
Dear Sir: I am a patient taking treatment from Nurse Rene Caisse of Bracebridge, Ont. In the fall of 1935 my case was diagnosed as Cancer of the kidney by the Lockwood Clinic, Toronto and was told that in six months it would be too late to operate. A little later at the Western Hospital, after examination, X-rays etc. by three Doctors, an operation was urged. We decided otherwise and my husband took me home. I managed to get along somehow with the help of Diet, Naturopathic and Osteopathic treatments. I was advised to go to Bracebridge in June 1937 and see Miss Caisse. I am so much improved that I have every expectation of a complete cure. My own experiences and my observation of others taking the same treatment and my conversations with them convinces me that Miss Caisse possesses a remedy of inestimable value to cancer sufferers. I trust that what I have told you of my experience will help you to use your influence toward securing recognition for Miss Caisse when this subject comes up for consideration in the Legislature. Respectfully yours Signed G. Isabel Cameron | |
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