Adenocarcinoma is one of the most common types of cancer. It is a carcinoma forming in the glands of many organs of the body.
Lung Cancers are the biggest cancer killers and Adenocarcinoma (Non Small Cell Lung Cancer) (NSCLC) is 80% of all lung cancers.
Prostate Cancer forms in the Prostate gland and is 99% of all prostate cancers.
Pancreatic Cancers is the fastest cancer killer and the hardest to treat. Normal life expectancy is 3-6 months and tumors in the Pancreatic Ducts are called Adenocarcinoma. Dy 2030 Pancreatic Cancer will be No2 Cancer Killer after lung according to the WHO forecasts.
Esophageal Cancers Adenocarcinoma in the Esophigeal gland is the most common Esophigeal cancer.
Colorectal Cancers 95% of colon and rectal cancer are Adenocarcinomas.
Breast Cancers About 95% are Adenocarcinomas, 80% being infiltrating or invasive ductal carcinoma. Most cancers
Medical Attacks for Adenocarcinoma are Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy in varying combinations. But as these cancers are generally terminal over a 3 months to 10 year span one must assume there is nothing much medical treatments can do for Adenocarcinoma other than cause a lot unnecessary suffering and butchery for a very doubtful benefit, and in many cases worse scenario than no treatment at all. Medical research has shown if doctors got paid for the period they extending the current life expectancy of their patients they would make more money by sending them home without treatment.