Patient Mrs Joy S
Address NSW, Australia
Age 70's
Diagnosis   Lung Cancer

October 2012


I met with Joy and her son in a shopping center near my home. They had arranged the meeting by phone with me and driven from NSW to Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

Joy told me she had a sister who had met me previously, at a similar meeting. Her sister had cancer in her mouth and was not offered any treatments as it was too far advanced. I supplied her sister the herbal tea for a short period of time, and she was making amazing progress. Everyone was so impressed with her recovery, espectally her doctor who told her she was doing so well he was going to do the treatments she had not been offered previously. She was admitted to hospital and the first step was to remove the cancer from her mouth. How do you doctors remove your cancer? Well he put her to sleep, and cut out a section about as thick as your finger from her lower left jawbone., leaving her lower jaw in 2 parts.

I guess you could say it was a quick method, it was quicker than her body gradually repairing/removing the cancer growing in/on her jawbone gum and mouth, like it repairs a broken bone or a cut on your thumb or ulcer on your lip. What we do know is she was a lot better and so was her cancer, than when she started the tea and he could not offer any treatment previously.

With the gap in her jaw she had to have her jaw wired as there was nothing holding one side of it to the other, just a gap.

As most people and some doctors know when you start cutting cancer it does not repair well. In fact it often causes the cancer to start growing rampant again. Nor was she able to continue using the tea that had got her so well to that time. In fact the only way she could put anything into her mouth was when the nurse put a straw in her mouth through the gap in her wired up jaw bone.

This did not last for long, the cancer got a stronghold and she deteriated quickly, never made any progress after the surgery and passed away very soon after. She never left the hospital alive after being admitted for surgery. I am sure the highly trained surgeons and specialists were well rewarded financially for treating this poor lady, and stopping her already obvious path to recovery.

So that is what Joy had in her mind when she was told a few weeks later she had just been diagnosed with lung cancer. She agreed with her sister who said on her death bed she regretted deciding to allow the doctor to treat her after she was well on the way to recovery.

This is why I ended up having the meeting with Joy and her son in October 2012.

I was deeply saddened and very angry when she told me what had happened to her sister after the doctors decided to get involved in her treatment knowing what they were doing to her by operating on her jaw bone. She told me of her Lung Cancer diagnosis and also that since she was a small child it was impossible for her to use medicinal treatments. Even if her mother powdered a tablet and put it in her food she would bring it back up again. As an adult she could not even take a pain killer for a headache. So as far as she was concerned, Chemo of any sort was never an option.

So every 6 weeks for the past nearly 4 years Joy rang me and ordered another container of tea.

On July 30 2016 she rang me again. But this time she had some more news for me. We often had a chat about how she was going when she rang, and we knew she was getting stronger and healthier, but this time she had some wonderful news for me. The doctor told her she was not suffering from cancer any more. She did not need to go and see him for another 12 months.

This is what makes what I do so amazing. We all get job satisfaction when we do something well. If we win something it is really fantastic, and if we do something to help someone in need we feel excited, proud and really happy, for them and for ourselves too. But if you saved someone's life you feel something very amazing. You never forget it.

Twice I have saved someones life many years ago in my youth. As a child about 9 years old I dived into the school swimming pool and pulled out a younger pupil Leslie Taylor who was drowning. He could not swim and the water was over his head. I got him out of the pool and he started to cough and started breathing. The second was some time later when I was 22. I took my class of 12-14 year olds and some parents for a week to be billeted by another school in a completely different environment. For many it was the first time they had been to a beach. We went to an indigenous village and learnt a lot about the people who lived there. On the way home we had a special treat. We took the children to a swimming pool at a natural spring. This was a very new experience for the children too. The most popular activity was the slides and 2 diving boards, one low and one quite high at the deep end of the biggest pool. I was with the non-swimmers in the learning pools when some of the children started calling me that Joanne was drowning. She had jumped in from the high diving board but did not know how to swim. She was a polynesian girl and had very long hair. She obviously thought you just jump in and then you float up to the top. When I go to the spot wher she was I could see her hair down at the bottom of the pool. I dived down and brought her to the surface. Then I pulled her to the side. But then I had a problem. It was 1965, and not a modern pool you would find today. There was a vertical ladder to get out of the pool and the water level was well below the ground level. I grabbed her round the waist with my right arm and used the left one to hold on as I climbed the ladder. It was very difficult to lift her out with one hand to hold the rail of the vertical ladder. But one thing that we did not expect was that by holding her draped over my right arm with her stomach taking her weight and her head and legs hanging she started releasing the water and by the time I got to walk on dry land she had started coughing and breathing again. She gained her counsiousness again. Fortunately she is still alive today in 2016.

Those 2 memories have been with me for over half a century. I will never forget them as long as I live. In fact I died in 2014, for 45 minutes but that is another story. But these memories are still as strong as if they were yesterday.

Since then I have played a part in saving the lives of thousands of terminal cancer patients like Joy. And I still feel a tremendous satisfaction from doing what doctors who spend years and years of learning lots of information, and spend billions of dollars researching new treatments, can do nothing that can save the life of people like Joy. In fact one doctor tried to "Stop me doing this to their industry" as the doctor put it when his patient recovered from her terminal breast cancer with no treatments from him, but only months of projected survival.

When I was talking with Joy I said what did you do to get this amazing life saving result she had achieved. Her answer was simple.

"I did everything you said. I did it every day and never missed once. I drank the tea 1-2 hours before or after meals. I have never changed anything in all the nearly 4 years so far since I was diagnosed." said Joy.

That is very imporrtant. Too many people try this and then try something else to see if that works better and then they go back on the tea. Then someone tells them something else that might work, or they read a new story on the net. etc. Joy stuck with it to the completion of her journey with lung cancer and she reached her goal, now she is cancer free. And what a goal. What a choice! Dead in 2 years by the doctors methods, or lung cancer free in 4 years with the tea. She has no complaints about her choice.

I also asked Joy whether she was getting her flue innoculations every year, as that is what the government and doctors are pushing so strongly for?

"No!" was her fast reply. "I have not had a cold or flue all the time I have been on the tea. Often at church or when shopping people will say to her don't get too close to me I have the flue or a cold."
Joy replies "Don't worry. I don't get the flue or colds, I am immune to them!" And she obviously is. Not because of the doctors new jabs every year, she doesn't need them, because her immune system is doing its job properly and very effectively! And it covers all the strains even the ones the doctors don't know about yet that will come along in the future. After all injections are some of the latest flue strain, and it is our immune system that stops it. If you are older and/or have a weakened immune system you are more vulnerable to new types of flue.

So for less than $6 a day Joy has not only overcome terminal cancer, lived twice her expected life expectancy since her diagnosis, and stopped suffering from minor conditions like colds and flue. She has become progressively healthier than when she went to the doctor with breathing problems, and now can do the work she wasn't able to do on her farm. All this for cheaper than a mug of coffee at Starbucks!

This is why this site is called "YouCureYourCancer". Because you can do it if you do it like Joy did. Follow the simple instructions. Nothing is 100%, but nothing is as bad as 97% failure with chemotherapy, and that was proven scientifically in 2007. And according to the World Health Organisation we are not expecting any major breakthroughs for any cancers by 2030. Lung cancer will remain the number 1 cancer killer. New cancer cases will go from
14.2 million per year in 2014 to 22.4 million cases per year 2030 and deaths from
8.2 million per year in 2014 to 13.2 million deaths per year in 2030.
About 1000 deaths every hour now and 1500+ deaths every hour by 2030.
The yearly ratio of deaths to new cases grows from 57% now to 58% by 2030 thanks to the lack of success from the billions into futile research every year.

CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results