Mr Marty T
NSW Australia
Lung Cancer with Metastasis to Liver.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome of Son.

Actual Emails from Marty which tell his ongoing story.

Dear Max,

In April 1997, I was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the left lung, and 2 weeks later underwent removal of the lung. At the time I was advised that no signs of spread were evident, but now I have been diagnosed with cancer of the liver. My son obtained tea through the Australian distributor, and I am about to undertake a course of same.
Can you give me recommended dosage for advanced cases, if different to the written instructions?
Also, I am about to see an Oncologist for advice on chemotherapy,etc. What are your views on undertaking this type of treatment with tea. As you can appreciate, I would like some advice ASAP as my G.P. envisages 12 months longevity without treatment, and I do not want to undertake chemo if there is a viable alternative.

21 May 98
Dear Max,
The Oncologist suggested that at the moment it would serve no purpose to undergo chemo. I feel fine and have no symptoms, so I really cannot say whether or not I am obtaining any benefit from "T".
The Onco has told me that my liver is pretty well covered with lesions ("like a Swiss cheese"), and any treatment would only be palliative. He also shortened my expectancy to 6 months.
I am getting no negatives from the tea and look forward to my next ultra-sound, as suggested, in 3 months time. Touch wood.
Meanwhile, should I pour the liquid off the solids after steeping, or just leave the lot together in the storage jar. I'm actually getting used to the taste.
The social workers at the cancer centre that I attended had never heard of the tea, so I am going to give them all the lit. I obtained on the net. Perhaps you could point me to more info.

22 Jun 98
Dear Max,
I hope you don't mind the sudden rush of questions, but I want to give it my best shot.
Would you be able to suggest any dietary requirements to help the tea to work? I have a pretty good varied diet, including plenty of red meat, but wonder if this should be varied.
Another question-TA DA. I enjoy the odd drop of amber fluid, but wonder if this is advisable. I must point out that I live in a hotel, which up until this point, has been great.
I look forward to your reply,

17 Jul 98
Dear Max,
Well, it's about a month since I started on the tea, so I'll put in my first report.(The first of many I hope).
I'm quite used to the taste now, and the only side-effect that I have noticed has been my weaning off the morning coffee. I couldn't survive without it before, but I haven't even missed it after taking "THE BREW" for the first week. I think I am sleeping slightly better but the real test is still 2 months off. (Ultrasound) My doctor has agreed that anything that benefits is worth it and is quite happy to monitor the effects for me.
Here's hoping,

4 Aug 98
Dear Max,
I've just received the results of my ultra-sound and the news is a bit here and there. They seemed to be scratching their heads after the ultra sound and asked me to undergo a C.T., which I did. According to my doctor, they couldn't get a clear comparison from the ultra sound and now the C.T. scan can be used as a benchmark for future comparison. Miiiind you, he did say that it appeared as if the lesions have not advanced at all, and maybe, just maybe I've turned the corner.
I'm not bragging just yet, but if the same results show up in 3 months, I'll be jumping up and down to find out why "they" won't recognise The tea.
Anyway, the sun's over the yardarm, so I'd better visit the Public Bar and drink to everyone else's health.
All the best,

22 Aug 98
Dear Max,
There has been no mention of chemo or any other treatment by my Doctor since the ultrasound. I will be having a C.T. in early December to try and get a comparison. I haven't been back to the clinic to see the nurses as I feel that I could be robbing someone else of their care as I obviously don't need it.
I have spoken to two ladies in the past week who have different symptoms but may benefit from the tea. I also told them to email you direct for help if they were unsure of available information. I gave them your address. The first lady has recently undergone chemo for the third time for breast cancer, and this time it failed. (Note - Sounds to me like the first 2 failed to work too. - Max. ) Heavy morphine and a pretty hopeless outlook, so I advised her to get onto the tea immediately, after reading the appropriate literature. I feel that she will try it.(fingers crossed).
The second lady has suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for six years, following a bout of Glandular Fever. My son has also started taking it for C.F.S., following glandular fever. He's the one who put me on it in the first place, so, fingers crossed again.
As for travelling to U.K., my mate and I have decided to wait until this bloody dollar of ours will buy more than a tenth share in a pint of lager.
Keep Well,

23 Aug 98
Dear Max,
I''ll make sure you have the results by the required date. Actually, when he told me I could have the next C.T. when I wanted, I chose 3 months and reminded him of the fact that a coroner's car may be needed to transport the corpse.

5 Oct 98
Dear Max,
My son has started taking The tea for Chronic Fatigue and I thought you may like to hear the results so far. After one week of two lots of 120mls daily, he claims that he has forgotten what it was! Rises before his alarm in the morning, (something he hasn't done for years) and full of energy. He is in a high pressure job, long hours etc., but reckons he hasn't felt this good in years. Pretty good eh?
Keep Well

17 Oct 98
Dear Max,
I've given Stefan all the info I can help him with. It's up to them now, although I have warned him not to expect great things from the doctors as regards alt. therapy.
In regards to my son: J takes enough brew with him to last a week as he works in Sydney. Last week he missed coming home and ran out on the Sunday. By Tuesday he claims that he felt dreadful and the people where he buys snacks actually commented that he looked as if he was going backwards.(Health food store). When he explained, the lady exclaimed that 15 years ago her husband had been given 2 weeks to live with cancer. He still works in the store today. They have been closed down twice in this time for selling Essiac. The store is in Sydney. They do not stock Essiac any more.
Regards, Marty

3 Dec 98
Dear Max,
Well, my use-by-date has come and gone. I saw my doctor today, and the results of the CT scan are non-committal to say the least.
The radiologist's report stated that there was no appreciable difference from the September scan. My doctor is keeping very close-mouthed about the subject, and I don't think he's game to say what looks inevitable. A bloody herbal tea is knocking them all on their arse!!
My son J has a friend in W.A. who works as a radiologist.
She stated that it is standard procedure for patients not to be given an ultrasound for cancer in the liver because they probably wouldn't live long enough for a follow-up to be made for comparison purposes.
I told my doctor this and he more or less agreed that this could explain the messing about with my early messing about (6 month's ago) but denied any knowledge of the practice.
Further, as I explained, J has received absolute relief from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome using The tea, and is now fighting the allergy side of C.F.S. He is being treated by a top allergy specialist in Sydney who told him that YES, he had heard many good reports on the use of The tea in treating C.F.S. My own doctor remains non-committal. Well, it's time for a party, and then get back to the fight to get rid of the little buggers.
Keep Well

14 Dec 98
Dear Max,
Well, here I am into the second week of my use-by-date and I've never felt better. If I could just get back the lung they took, I would be firing on all 8.
I am interested in visiting in February.
A friend and I were looking at a visit to the U.K. about this time, so what would the arrangements be? The capsules sound great, and it would be good if they were as effective, if only for travel purposes. My wife has been nutting out a system for brewing small amounts of The tea while I am O.S., but it's a real hassle.
Anyway, All the best for Xmas,

Jan 1999
Posting to the Cancer Newsgroup
In June of this year, I was diagnosed with metastasis of lung cancer in the liver. My doctor was not optimistic, to say the least. The oncologist that I was referred to had one look at the tests and gave me six months. He also stated that no offer of chemo was to be made, apart from palliative care if needed, in the coming months.
My use-by-date has come and gone, and after a CT scan, I have been told that no change is discernible in the infestation. To say the least, I'm over the moon.The only "treatment" that I have received is a daily doses of tea in the form of CanTea.
I have never suffered any symptoms (Thank the powers that be), so I can't actually compare as a before and after, but I can state categorically that I have never felt as well in my life. The stuff obviously works as a tonic, if nothing else. I have not changed my diet or lifestyle in any way. (I drink and enjoy T-bone steaks).As a matter of fact, I have put on weight, which, in my previous life, I could hardly afford to do.
If you would like to correspond with me, or would like more information,please don't hesitate to contact me at
If you would prefer to contact me by snail-mail, my address is:
M. Tomkinson,
Denison St.,
New South Wales
Australia. 2795

I'm sure everyone will join in congratulating Marty for his wonderful progress. Marty is still alive and well 1/2001

Here is Marty's Latest Scan (Jun 2001 & into his 4th year)

Here is Marty's Latest Scan (Jun 2001 & into his 4th year)

And Marty was told he would not see Christmas 1998!
19th March 2002
I have just received my latest Email from Marty.
It reads
Dear Max,
You'd better update your page.
Alive & well 3/2002.

CT coming up in June.
Stay Well,

I'm sure you all join me in thanking Marty for his ongoing information and congratulate him on his amazing progress. If only the doctors took an interest in how he has achieved this.
And if you had lung cancer as Marty did or metastasis to the liver you may want to consider that 90% of people with lung cancer die from it, but the metastasis to the liver is even far more deadly than that.

July 2007


CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results