Patient Mr Mason R. L. Bailey
Address Aberfeldy, Ontario
Age 41 years
Doctor Dr Hamilton
Address Petrolio, Ontario


Started Herbal treatment July 10, 1937.
Patient took Herbal treatment during the summer of 1937.

Feb 17 / 38

Miss René Caisse,
Bracebridge, Ont.

Dear Miss Caisse,
May I beg your pardon for not getting more names on your petition and also for not getting it returned sooner. You can also use my name for the purpose you mentioned on your card of Feb. 4.
I might say that after the last treatment I received from you I suffered a severe attack of gall bladder and liver trouble which the doctor here has been watching here ever since. However I am feeling better and am able to do a little work now. (I don’t want you to think I mean your treatment caused this trouble). The doctor told me about a month ago he couldn’t find any trace of stomach ulcer.
Wishing you every success in your endeavour for recognition,
I remain
Mason R. L. Bailey
(Please let me know how you get along).

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