Patient Mr Tony Baziuk
Address Capreol, Ontario
Age 36 years
Doctor Dr McNeill
Address London, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the lip, and stomach ulcers

  Remarks .

Aug 7, 1937
Patient started to take treatment.
Feb 21, 1938.
Patient discharged as cured.
Copy of letter from Mrs W. Bogart.


Patient had radium treatment at London Ont. Patients face was so disfigured it was unbearable to look at when patient first came to clinic.

Sept 19, 1936,

Had first treatment. Weight 151 pounds. After the first treatment the growth on lip entirely disappeared. After one month patient came to clinic for second treatment. On his second visit the face was normal, people did not know him. He improved rapidly and gained weight.

Oct 12, 1938

-patient very well, eats anything he wishes without distress. Has worked since taking first treatment, and was unable to work previously to that. Lip looks perfectly normal.

Feb 17, 1938

Bracebridge Gazette
A Grateful Patient of Miss Caisse.

Mr Tony Baziuk, C.N.R. engine watchman at Capreol called at the Gazette office recently. He was in town to bring down a largely signed petition from Capreol on behalf of Miss Ren� M. Caisse, and to express his heartfelt thanks to her. Mr Baziuk tells the Gazette his experience as follows:

About a year ago he had cancer of the lower lip so badly he could see the swollen lip over the end of his nose and he had been compelled by his suffering to quit his railway job and had to go on relief. A locomotive engineer happened to notice Mr Baziuk's lip and told him he should come to see "that nurse at Bracebridge".

So Mr Baziuk managed to get to Bracebridge, by the aid of the friendly railroaders, and went to Miss Caisse. He took five treatments and felt relief two hours after the very first treatment. One week after the first treatment he was able to go back to work for the C.N.R. and has been on the job ever since. He took the first treatment in April. He feels healthy now and says "I eat for one man and work for three and sleep like a little baby".

Such is the experience Mr Baziuk related to the Gazette one day last week and he certainly does not seem to have anything unusual now about his lower lip, except a small hollow at the right corner where, he says the cancer was.

1960 Patient still living.


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