Patient Mr J. Findlay
Address Novar, Ontario
Age 36 years
Diagnosis   Ulcers of the stomach, Cancer of the lip - duration 7 months


June 16, 1937

Patient had first treatment.

August 21, 1937

Growth on lip smaller, patient eating and sleeping better.

August 28, 1937

Patient has sharp pain in lip at times.

October 9, 1937

Growth on lip almost gone, does not form a scab now, does not pain. Patient feeling very well and working hard. Digestion good and patient has gained ten and a half pounds.

Copy of letter from Mr J. Findlay


Oct. 17/38

This is to state that I Jack Findlay do hereby declare that I got my first treatment from Miss Caisse in July 1937 for Cancer on the lip and an ulcerated stomach.

I have had about ten months treatment since July 1937 and do hereby declare that I am very much improved and feeling better all the time.

Jack Findlay

HOMEMAKER MAGAZINE August 1977 tells us
Brusch Medical Institute follow up found Jack Findlay
Still alive in 1959 aged 65


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