Patient Mrs Ida Bain
Address Toronto, Ontario
Age 72 years
Doctor Dr McCormick
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Uterus..

Copy of letter from Mr Bain son of Mrs Bain
Jan. 10/37

Miss René Caisse


Dear Madam:
Having heard of the wonderful results of your labour I am writing you a few lines of our trouble. On the 15th of November I had my mother to the Western Hospital for examination and the doctor said my mother had a small cancer located in the uterus and wanted to operate, as she is 74 years of age I could not see it as a good move. She is a well preserved woman for her years. Would it be possible to arrange for a treatment and if so when. Knowing the Dread of this condition, I am most anxious to help her while I’m not a moneyed man still I will see you are taken care of so far as finance is concerned, as I know everyone is entitled to be paid for service rendered. I could take her up to Bracebridge any time. How long would you like to have her remain. If this is a long case of a very bad condition it would hardly be fair to expect results after medical aid was exhausted. I am employed with Reinsman Co. and will see you are paid to the best of my ability. Please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience, stamped envelope enclosed for reply. Drawing will give you idea of infection....
Infection just above entrance to womb.
Surgeon said it was small but said uterus should be removed.
O. W. Bain


Jan 17/1937

Mrs Bain started taking treatment at Bracebridge. Weight at that date was 119 lbs. Patient responded quickly to treatment, and improved rapidly.

Nov 25/1937

Last treatment wt 125 lbs at that date.

Copy of report of X-ray taken by B. J. Fenner, Toronto, Ont.

Miss Caisse
Mrs Ida Bain
No. 70.486 - Pelvis
Special side view of the abdomen made shows unusually marked anteria bowing of the spine in the lumbar region, proliferating arthritic change in lower cervical and anteriorly on the 3rd and 4th lumbar. This represents the foundation for protruding the abdomen wall which is not present in reality.
The kidneys are normal in size, position and outline, but the left kidney projects slightly anterior at its base.
Calcification is noted in the region of the lower ovary.
There is no suggestion here of cancerous mass or growth.
Yours truly,
B. J. Fenner

Copy of letter written to the Hon. Leopold Mccaulay
from Mr O. Bain

Hon Leopold McCaulay
Provincial House.

Dear Sir
As a former school mate at the Old Union School Lindsay, I am taking the liberty of writing you a personal letter asking you to throw your best efforts behind a Bill that will come up shortly in the Provincial House. The Bill referred to is the one of Miss René Caisse - Bracebridge. Re cancer treatment. I know where of I speak as my mother has been under her treatment for over a year and we the family feel much indebted to her for service rendered which has been most beneficial. I personally know of many who will vouch for this statement.
Let me inform you that she has and will treat those suffering from this Dreaded disease whether you can pay or not. To force this woman to openly hand her formula to the medical Profession is just a fine chance for them to make fortunes at the expense of suffering humanity for they are in the position to day to charge for their services as they please and in many cases charge too much for so little done.
Miss Caisse must carry on until some better arrangement can be had.
Don’t be deceived by all the Professional jealousy which has crept into the picture. I personally invite you to come and see for yourself how well our mother is today and would consider a pleasure to renew old friendship. Once again I want to say I want you to see personally that Miss Caisse gets a square deal to continue on her good work, that those who are suffering such disease may have her services.
I feel sure you will do your duty to the public and to Miss Caisse on this vital question. I wish you continued success in your political endeavours.
Thanking you in advance
Yours truly
O. W. Bain
151 Fern Ave.

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