Patient Mrs D. A. Heimbecker
Address Magnetawan, Ontario
Age 56 years
Address Dr McNeill
Address London, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of Uterus, Goitre and Piles


Dr Bruce of Toronto operated on the patient, removing the uterus, ovaries and appendix.


Patient took treatment from Dr Hett of Kitchener for four months, when growths were increasing.


Patient came for Caisse treatments which were at first refused thinking the case hopeless. She left crying and came back and insisted on having treatments, which were started on October 13th 1937. Nerves bad, eyesight bad and patient had piles.

Copy of letter to Miss Caisse from Mrs Heimbecker


Bracebridge, Ontario
March 19, 1938
In October 1930 I had a discharge. I was examined by Dr Freeborn in Magnetawan. He could not find out what was wrong. The discharge had a strong odour.
In winter of 1931, I went to Dr Sheaunager in Kitchener, he told me I would have to have an operation to scrape my womb. I had this done in February 1931 at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. I was just as bad as before the operation. Dr Sheaunger told me it would take some time to clear up.
In June 1931 I went back to Dr Freeborn, he examined me again and gave me to understand I had cancer. I went to Toronto in June 1931 and was operated on at the Wellesley Hospital by Dr Bruce.
Three years later I noticed my trouble was back. In 1935 January 6th, I started taking treatments from Dr Hett in Kitchener. I took about twenty of his treatments. I thought I was cured but I wasn't. I went to work again and stood it till last fall 1937.
During the summer. I heard about Miss Caisse and decided to try her treatment. On October 12th. 1937, I started taking Miss Caisse's treatment for Cancer. I have taken Thirty-eight treatments.
I was examined by Dr Dodds in Bracebridge March 16th, 1938. He said I was entirely cured and that there isn't a trace of cancer to be found.
I feel like a new person since last fall. My goitre has also decreased one half the size it was last fall 1937. I have improved in every way.
I have been suffering with piles and am rid of that trouble. I thank Miss René Caisse for all of this.

Mrs Dorothea Heimbecker