Few people realise the danger to their lives when they visit their doctor after commencing the use of a remedy the doctor knows nothing about. Most doctors can not tell you the cause of cancer.
Doctors don't have a cure for cancer, or you would get them to use it on you, and most wouldn't know or want to know a cure if it jumped up and hit them in the face. It would mean the end of the biggest, most corrupt and dishonest industry in the world and cost most of them their jobs.
This is proven by the fact they have governments pass laws that make it illegal for people who can actually help cancer sufferers unless they are brainwashed with their usually ineffective methods and medications.
I put these stories on here because they were people who were recovering and well on the way to fully free of their cancer. But when the doctors thought they were cured their advice ultimately caused their death or an attempy to poison or cut out recovering pieces of vital body organs.
It is too common, one unnecessary death is too many for me and I want to stop it happening any more to you or anyone else.
Listen to what your doctor says and compare it to what happens when people use the tea and the examples I have given you.
Doctors have never heard of tumours disolving from the center, their treatments do not have this effect, so they do not know how to explain this and usually will not even look to see if this unheard of Miracle Phenomenon by your now fully functioning, amazing body's immune system has actually happened.