Patient Mr Alex Wargacki
Address London. UK
Age 30 years
Diagnosis   SARCOMA.


Actual correspondence between Max (Site Author) and Alex
Alex W to Apexes

I saw a post you made awhile back about Essiac Tea. I have sarcoma and would like to try this. When I search Google for Essiac many different products come up and it appears that the only 'official' one is produced in Canada. I would love to get hold of a quality supply, could you help me?

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your enquiry.

Firstly I do not know where you are writing from or what country you live in.

I have been supplying and/or manufacturing the tea since 1991 in and to many parts of the world.

Since I started exporting Essiac in 1991 when I first started exporting it from Canada and introduce it basically to the rest of the world, I have seen many successes.

Sarcoma has responded well in the past with people I have dealt with and I remember very well a 12 year old girl with a sarcoma on her leg amazing her doctors by her rapid recovery.

Unfortunately every man and his dog has jumped on the band wagon and many with little or no knowledge or experience of this wonderful tea or cancer, but rely on people such as myself to earn a reputation so they can sell their concoctions.

The Canadian supplier is not the one who supplied me many years ago and that business did not succeed and another proprietor has taken over supplying the tea in Canada. The one I dealt with originally, with whom I had a contract to supply and from whom I got all of the Rene Caisse?s case files and publications etc. is long out of the business. He did have a distant link to the people who purchased the formula etc from Rene Caisse in 1977.

I can supply the genuine product to you, and I can tell you there is no-one else worldwide who is selling the tea to be made up as Rene Caisse did that I have seen on the net.

If you were to buy from Canada or elsewhere today you would need to check the following:

All the herbal powders must be powdered.

There were only ever 4 herbs.

The formula Rene Caisse sold has Indian Rhubarb (Rheum officinalli) not the inferior Turkish Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum). Note: many herbalists do not know the difference, or that there is a difference. One grows to 2m /6ft tall, the cheaper alternative to 1m/3ft.

The herbs should not all be premixed, as Rene Caisse boiled some but not all the herbs, they were added later to steep.

If you have all the correct herbs it is safe to drink large quantities of the tea. Our best results have been achieved by drinki8ng volumes others would not dream of using, but then that is why I have people alive 15 years after they were terminal and why I am alive after my diagnosis in 1994/5. Small volumes slow down the disease; the volumes I use get on top of it and reverse the process. (I note when Rene Caisse's mother got stomach cancer she gave her 7 times the dosage of other patients, she wanted to be sure of her recovery more than anything.)

I like to know as much as I can about the person using the tea so I can offer as much help as possible. If you let me know more about your condition, age, other medical conditions etc, I may be able to give a lot more assistance.

Hope this helps and I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Best regards



Hi Max,

Thanks for your detailed Response. For the past year I had had a slowly enlarging mass on my right thigh near the knee. I recently had it seen to and had some imaging work done, the doctors suspect that it is a liposarcoma but they want to do a biopsy to be sure. I don't want a biopsy as everything that I have read tells me that there is a risk of spreading the cancer even though the doctors assure me this won't happen. Subsequently, I can't know for sure that it is cancer but I would like to shrink the tumour regardless, it is about 10cm. I don't want to use conventional therapies as from my research they just make you sicker and don't work!

I am 30 years old, without any other health problems, I live in London UK.

The website that I keep getting referred to as the 'legitimate' supplier is this one:

However, given the fact that the recipe was sold on the premise that it would be affordable to everyone, this website seems to be charging a hell of a lot!




Hi Alex,

There is a lot written about Essiac, and most of it is inaccurate at best.

The comment Rene Caisse made about the supply of the tea was along the lines that she refused to give anyone the formula (including doctors she worked with) because her success was being achieved with simple herbs. She believed if everyone was given the formula it would not be used at all people would ignore its usage because it was so simple. My experience bears this out. Where I have helped out really needy people and given them the tea free it is often not been used, the people have no value for it and end up throwing it out eventually.

I agree with your hypothesis about exposing cancer to the air, but most doctors deny it as it would stop them from carrying out most of their diagnosis and treatments. What they cannot prove scientifically is that it is incorrect, but then again much of what doctors do is not proven, they just require that others prove things scientifically so there competition is conveniently eliminated.

Resperin the original company manufactured largely ineffective drugs before being sold the Essiac Formula by Rene Caisse. They could not emulate the Essiac results, and licence another company who also failed to achieve results and licensed - Mankind Research Foundation in the US. They too gave up and a David Dobbie was licensed to supply Essiac in Canada. I contacted him and he negotiated a licence for me to supply outside of Canada, and he supplied me at exorbitant prices. Dobbie eventually bought Resperin, as by now they were only involved with Essiac anyway. Dobbie made millions and went on his way. A new company was formed and that is the Resperin Company you see on the net.

From the start it was obvious the biggest problem with Resperin Essiac was their volumes. Using the tea we have shown time and time again that using large volumes 500ml to a litre a day gives the best results. However the correct herbs are vital using these volumes or there will be as much harm as good done. Many people substitute yellow sorrel for sheep sorrel. Sheep sorrel is a very delicate and expensive plant to grow and harvest compared to yellow sorrel which looks the same by the leaves are 3-4 times as big and the plant much more productive. Yellow sorrel has much higher levels of Oxalic acid which can cause kidney problems.

Another aspect is the use of powdered plants. It is very cheap to buy dried leaves or cut burdock root. It costs more to have the plants powdered than it costs to buy the plant dried. We know that when Rene Caisse could no longer buy powdered herbs she purchased a machine to grind them herself, powdering the herbs was that important. You might find it very difficult to even but powdered herbs, most herbalists find it too costly to stock these herbs in powdered form. The best source of herbs is Germany and they have laws there controlling the supply of herbs. In the UK I can get the lawn clippings, grind them up and say it is the Essiac herbs. There is no control of herbs as they are not effective medicinally in British law. This is why so much substitution takes place, and often the herbalist will not be aware they are getting cheaper inferior plants of a similar family or species.

I am currently living in Australia's Gold Coast. We left the UK 4 years ago, but I supply globally from here.

For serious users of the tea looking for quick and effective results we supply the tea in a large container (2 x 1 litres of powder). One container's ingredients are boiled up for 30 minutes then the second container is added and the tea left to steep.

The container contains a measuring cup, and you use 1 cup of each container for 3 litres of water. I usually make up 6 litres at a time so use 2 measuring cups of the first container the add 2 of the second when the boiling is finished.

It is very simple and quick. I do it the day before and leave it overnight to cool and refrigerate. It is much nicer to drink chilled, and must be refrigerated at all times. At room temperature it becomes active, and will go off very quickly in warm temperatures.

One container will make more than 30-40 litres of the tea depending on evaporation etc, so it will last a month to 6 weeks using a litre per day or 3 months using half a litre per day. Most suppliers would consider 250mls a lot of the tea per day, and one container would last 6 months at that rate.

We did sell a container for 100 pounds while in the UK. This is actually less than it cost in 1992, and considering the currency difference with Australia where it is sold for Aus$240 (131 pounds) it is really very cheap. I would also need 20 pounds towards postage which would take less than 7 days.

I wrote a book (480 pages) about Essiac in 1994 called Essiac Fighting the Cancer in our System when the Australian Government stopped me supplying the tea in Australia. Now I could lecture on the topic for a week without repeating any information. I also paid for a Professor of Oncology in Austria to research on the tea back in 1995-6. This is not published as I paid for it and will not disclose the findings to unscrupulous ignorant marketers just looking to benefit from my success. If there is anything you wish to know feel free to ask and I will do my best to reply. If you wish to purchase we normally use PayPal and if necessary Credit card with PayPal.

Hope this help. Look forward to helping you shrink this thing as soon as possible.

Best regards


06/Nov/2009 Hi Max,

I really appreciate your detailed information, it seems like you really are an authority on this treatment. It is difficult for me deciding on alternative therapies, there are so many and all make promising claims. The price that you quoted is very cheap, especially considering that it will last 6 months at a fairly high dose.

If you don?t mind, could you please tell me a bit more about your personal experience with Essiac and how it actually works in treating cancer? From my reading I have come to the belief that cancer is actually some kind of healing mechanism by the body caused by a toxicity crisis. The tumour or tumours actually being sites of accumulated toxicity which if let to roam freely in the body would severely damage us.

Also, would it be possible to get hold of your book at all? I would like to read it.


07/Nov/2009 Hi Alex,

Firstly on what is cancer? This is not something doctors can tell us in a lot of cases or why. There are different causes. EG Testicular Cancer and Ovarian cancer can be caused by a sperm or egg subdividing like a fertilised egg so actually so pregnancy, but because there is no fertilisation there are just random cells scattered through the mass - hair follicles, nail tissue etc. It has been known to keep reproducing indefinitely; there is a case of a woman who died around 1952 whose cells (still subdividing) are used to test the effects of among other things, cosmetics on human tissue. Recently her family in the USA attempted to sue for compensation for the use of her tissue, I don't know if the case is resolved yet. Also interesting in her case was her cells were also found in Russian labs and got there during the cold war! Her cells were of special interest because they reproduced so rapidly. If you have either of these forms of cancer a pregnancy test will show up the hormone HCG (the anti-rejection hormone to stop the body rejecting a foreign object - the baby) proving you are pregnant.

I believe most cancers are cause by failure of the pancreas to cause properly digest food due to stress which causes high levels of adrenalin. When protein is not digested properly cells of food get into the blood stream and overload the immune system. Under normal circumstances we produce 10,000+ malformed cells every day in the process of rebuilding the body. These the immune system disguards. When it is overloaded the uncontrolled malformed cells congregate in areas of weakness, normally an inherent/heredity weakness such as the breast, bowels, lungs etc. They combine and grow into their own organ, or growth and being faster acting and more aggressive than normal cells take the best of nutrition etc. This is a very brief summary of my theory. When I discussed it with the President of The German Oncology Society he did not discount the possibility I was right, and when I talked to one of the world's leading blood experts, he said he discovered just prior to cancer forming in the body, the blood contained traces of tiny fluorescent substance which could be undigested food.

The tea intake volume is an interesting subject. If you take enough you will remain with your present condition. If you take too little, it will slow down the condition but will eventually not win the battle. If you hit it hard you will get quick results, and normally require less than either of the other 2 methods. I recommend starting strongly then cutting back after the first 3-4 weeks to see if you notice a difference using less. If you do stay with the stronger amount, if not try reducing it more in another month. Your body usually knows if you are using enough or nor, by how you feel, sleep, etc. For most people who come to me, cancer is beyond medical control, and I would not be gambling to use the minimum amount possible.

My situation is I had been supplying the tea since 1991 when to my surprise in 1995 at the World Cancer Conference in Sydney Australia where I was promoting Essiac to the doctors, I was diagnosed by 2 doctors independently at the workshops as having cancer myself. The workshops were illustrating new European techniques developed to diagnose cancer.

At the time I had a 3 year old son and my wife was expecting our daughter.

I did not get any medical treatment, but started using large amounts of the tea immediately. I am still here, as are many others who were dying of cancer at that time who contacted me.

There are a lot of people looking to supply remedies for cancer. I contacted one once that was selling Essiac. I asked them for evidence of a medical diagnosis and success without medical involvement at all. The reply was that in time they believed they would be successful in saving lives. They had been selling for 2 years and had no success, but they use the name Essiac so people think they have an effective product. I have got so annoyed with the use of the word Essiac to mean so many things that I started using the name CanTea, so people could differentiate my product from the rest. Mine is different as I pointed out, no-one I know of use the Caisse method of preparation (boiling the roots and bark, steeping the green herbs) other than myself.

In 1995 I had a letter from the Australian government's Therapeutic Goods Administration saying my treatments had become known in the treatment of cancer, therefore they were licensing them as a medication and it would be illegal to supply them without a prescription. I knew I had upset some doctors but it was quite a compliment that my results were so noticeable. That is a further reason I changed the name of my product, and found I was left alone as I told them if they licensed any of my name I would just change the label. The ingredients are of course legal to sell, just don't mention cancer.

The tea works in different ways, and I will give you a few examples.

A woman with 32 tumours in her abdomen ranging in size from small to a grapefruit found that the fast growing tumours dissolved very quickly. In a few weeks she was rushed to hospital to have the waste drained, 2 litres were taken and 2 weeks later a further 2 litres. It is obvious the faster the growth the faster the result, all other things being equal.

On many occasions people with bowel tumours have passed the tumour when going to the toilet. The tumour did not dissolve, and when it happened with the first few was quite disturbing for the patient. I always discuss this with bowel cancer patients now; it is something to look forward to not worry about when it happens. All that is left is new scar tissue pink as when a wound is healing on the skin according to doctors who had checked these people after the event.

It is normal for a tumour to dissolve from the centre outwards. An MRI will show the centre is soft. In one case of a brain tumour the tumour was at a stage where there was only soft tissue with a firmer "outer shell". The doctors told the man his tumour was being down-graded to a cyst when they scanned it. He was delighted and rang and told me. He had had an operation initially removing a third of the tumour, but the rest was not accessible or treatable and he was terminal. It was a miracle, and because of the reclassification by the ignorant doctors the man stopped taking the tea.. I told him the hard outer shell was still live cancer but he did not take my word for it. Rufus rang me 18 months later and told me he had had further surgery and chemo, but was in a bad way, the tumour had come back with a vengeance as I said it would. Unbelievably he went to the doctors (who were useless the first time) for help and did not come to me. I told him I would send him so tea immediately. Three days later his wife rang and thanked me for the tea and all the help, but it had not arrived in time. I was pretty upset about that case, he did not need to die, he just had to listen to what I was telling him, and after all I was the one with the successful results initially.

Alan was a roofing contractor who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia. He was admitted to hospital in the first week in November and by Christmas was back home down from 104Kg to 60KG. He had had 2 rounds of Chemo and refused a third. He was given 3 weeks to live and was on so much morphine he was not fully conscious. He had 4 school age children. Within two weeks of using the tea he was down watching TV and in 6 weeks visiting people he had met in hospital - driving himself. Then someone told him about apricot kernels (also called B17 or Cyanide). He asked me if it was a good idea to take these too. I said I could not see why he would change anything as he was virtually recovered. Within a month he had a severe bout of septicaemia and passed away before the ambulance got to him. Another person using the kernels suffered the same fate. If anyone asks me about them I tell them about Alan and suggest they choose one or the other, not both. The tea boosts the body functions that is why the immune system improves and organs start for function normally again. It could also boost the cyanide levels!

I sent some tea to a doctor specialist) in Austria with pancreatic cancer, He was dying, and 3 months was not possible. This is the worst form of cancer, least responsive and faster to overcome a patient. Less that 1% survives for a year at the time (1994). Because of this I said you need to drink large quantities 500mls to a litre per day. He spoke no English so had the information translated. The translation said drink one and a half litres a day, so he did. Within 5 months he was back at work and still is 15 years later. It is thanks to this impossible case that I got the respect of some of Europe?s leading Professors of Oncology, Presidents of Oncology Societies etc, and have visited them for holidays.

There are a lot of points illustrated in these examples; they may help you in your recovery journey in the future.

It being 2.57am I am retiring. I hope there are not too many typo errors.



08/Nov/2009 Hi Max,

I am going to Los Angeles on the 30th November and will return to the UK around 14th December. Do you think it would be best for me to order it now from you, prepare it and store it? or should I wait until I come back? I am not sure how Essiac Tea is typically stored and how long it will last before spoiling.

Also, is it necessary to change my diet at all while taking the Essiac Tea? The internet is full of so much conflicting information regarding diets, ph levels, alkaline or acidic it can make you go crazy. Additionally, I have come across information which seems to suggest that root canals can cause cancer and slowly leak toxins into your body. What do you think about this? ? I have one root canal and wonder if I should get it removed.



Hi Alex,

I have designed the packaging of the tea so it can be made up in whatever quantity you want a daily amount or a week amount. I do not suggest it is kept "made up" longer than a week. I know suppliers have it sitting for 2 weeks or more but I don?t believe this is the best use of the product, and I certainly do not keep cooked fresh food with no preservatives in my fridge more than a week before consuming it.

If you are living in a location where you can boil a pot of water and have a fridge in LA you could take the powder with you and make some up there.

I provide a measuring cup with the tea and you use 1 cup of each mix in 3 litres of water, or you can even make up a glass full at time, and pour boiling water over it like instant coffee except you leave it to cool and leave it in the fridge to cool.

The tea becomes active at normal room/body temperatures and quickly determinates if left in hot conditions, but at fridge temperature it will be fine as I mentioned. HOWEVER you mentioned teeth and if you have any problem with teeth, even an abscess the tea will quickly and painlessly get rid of it. Hold the tea in your mouth until it warms a little before swallowing. I can tell you this from personal experience. As soon as there is any niggle, don't wait for serious pain, drink a glass as above. Continue drinking a glass of the tea every time you feel any niggles starting. Eventually the time will be longer and longer between drinks and eventually over a day or two the abscess will be gone, completely painlessly and stress free.

My experience is the more people try to change their diet or lifestyle the less likely they are to benefit. The same applies to additives, and other treatments etc. Having said that, eating healthy is better than eating fast food or poorer quality. EG A hormone free chicken is better than a normal one. If you have a disease involving fast growing uncontrolled cells you do not need further doses of growth hormone.

Keep up your protein. One way some people slow cancer is to reduce protein intake. This means the body starves and the cancer gets all the protein. Many people die with cancer that is not eating enough protein, they fade away and die basically of starvation. Your body need the protein for energy to fight the cancer, especially when it is being stimulated and redeveloping from the tea.

I have the benefit of having Rene Caisse's files, and having spoken to an ex-patient. In her later years the best way to get to see her when she was old and not doing much was to go armed with a bottle of gin for her. Cigarettes were also helpful. Obviously as a nurse she knew a lot about health? One comment of one of the files of a stomach cancer patient was how pleased she was that at last he was well enough to eat a good fry up, steak and eggs for breakfast.

Rene Caisse never had anyone change anything about their diet. A lot of crazy things are discussed on the net, and in most cases they know nothing about the tea so come up with these crazy ideas to get the attention of the public. Moderation in all things is good remembering what I have already written.

My biggest problem is people who become vegetarians. How do they get the much needed protein? Normally they don?t! Vegetarian is good, and I have been one from birth, but I know where to get my balanced diet. In the UK there is Quorn which is a great substitute, but only in the UK.

Hope that covers everything.

In my opinion I would start ASAP, and I would take enough powder with me to make it up whilst in LA. The sooner you start the sooner you stop, and the smaller it is.

Best regards



Hi Max,

Could you give me your PayPal address so I can send you the money for the tea?

A few other points. I have read a lot about hemp oil (not the seeds, the real stuff) being the most effective cancer cure ever known, do you know anything about this. Also, at the moment I am supplementing my diet with 1g of laetrile tablets per day, after your previous emails I guess I should stop taking these if I am on the tea. It is interesting what you say about diet, many articles I have read say that all cancer patients should give up meat and fish and go vegetarian. I have never thought about vegetarianism before but after doing research it seems that maybe the human body is not designed to eat animal products. Right now, my diet is very clean, I don?t eat meat but am eating fish everyday with plenty of vegetables and fruits. I have quit the cigarettes and all forms of sodas, canned drinks. I just drink juice and water now.

Finally, how long does the unprepared tea keep for? It is cold now in the UK so I don?t see any danger of it spoiling.




Hi Alex,

My address for PayPal is

I would stop using the tablets personally, but I do not tell people what they should or should not do. I would rather let them make their own decisions based on whatever relevant information I have which I always attempt to provide them.

I am not in a position to comment on hemp oil, but like cold pressed flax (linseed) oil I believe it could be very good for people.

People using vegetarian diets are shown to be less likely to get cancer than those who eat a lot of red meat. But one race of Eskimo people is not known to get cancer, and they really just eat meat. The study of vegetarians among Europeans populations is based on the Seventh Day Adventists (SDA?s), because the majority of them are vegetarians and it is not easy to do a study of vegetarians using any other set. However it is a bigger picture than the research indicates and they probably have no investigated it fully. Yes SDA?s has much less cancer which could be attributed to the following collectively or singularly. In 99% of the followers in the past SDA?s

  • Do not eat meat. (Some eat fish which had fins and scales).
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not touch alcohol.
  • Do not drink coffee or tea because of the caffeine.
  • Discourage mixing milk and sugar.
  • Discourage the eating of Cheese other than cottage cheese.
  • Discourage eating more than 1-2 eggs a week for adults, less for children.
  • Live ?unworldly? relatively protected and stress-free lives full of hope of everlasting live.
Just make sure you are getting your protein from Fish, Quorn, and Nuts etc. Cancer will take as much of the protein as it needs you eat for your body as well.

I told you about the tumour dissolving from the centre or middle outwards. What I did not tell you is it first removes metastasis (relocated Tumours) in the reverse order they grew. IE if one started last night, it will be the first to go on the tea. When they have all gone then it starts on the source. I don?t know if this is relevant to your situation but now you know, though you may not know if there are any metastases spread around your body.

The unprepared tea is in powdered form, in light resistant and airtight containers so lasts for a couple of years.

Best regards

Max Costello


Hi Max,

Thanks for the useful information. Could you please give me the total amount which I owe you for the tea+ shipping?

How long did it take for your cancer/tumours to resolve when taking the tea? Do you have any kind of statistics on success rate; I would assume that people who have not submitted themselves to radiation/chemotherapy would have better results.



Hi Alex,

The price in the UK is 100 pounds and the shipping 20 pounds.

There is no way of knowing how long tumours will take to dissolve. I have seen very rapid growing ones dissolve in a month, and others can take more than a year. It depends on many factors - how fast growing, how much tea intake, type of tumour, location of tumour, previous treatments; whether or not it is metastasised, how big it is etc. the variables are endless.

When I was diagnose in 1994/5 I did not even know I have anything wrong, I was just being one of the guinea pigs to demonstrate how they took and tested blood. Several professors were showing their countries or clinics latest inventions.

As far as we knew, no-one expected to be positive.

A couple of years ago I talked to one of these professors about it, and he told me as far as he is concerned I am clear. If not I would not be still here. He knew out the tea, I had supplied him with it for testing and research and he did not expect to treat me when I was diagnosed. All he said was "You know what to do don't you."

You are quite right. People who have not had hormone supplements, poisoning, burning and mutilation from their doctor stand a much better and faster chance of recovery. If part or all of some organs are missing and the immune system is destroyed one could not expect the body to make as good or as quick a recovery as a whole body with a functioning immune system, including productive lymph glands and bone marrow.

Best regards

Max Costello


Hi Max,

I have sent you payment for the tea.

I am curious, did you ever monitor the progress of your own tumours with the tea, and how long did they take to dissolve?


Hi Max,

I have not received confirmation from you that you received payment for the tea ? I sent it through PayPal a few days ago.

Could you please confirm?

Thanks 18/Nov/2009

Hi Alex,

Sorry for the delay in replying to you, things here are a bit hectic.

Thank you for the payment to PayPal, it arrived safely.

I will send out my next shipment of orders tomorrow our time.

I do not know what the story was with my tumours. They were not externally visible and I had no consultations after that surprise diagnosis, I certainly was not expecting it at the time. However I am confident that if there was a problem now it would have been obvious well before this, it was 15 years ago. Further I am sure the professor would have said or done something if he saw any signs when I regularly visit him on a social level when I am in Europe.

I would point out I have never spent a night in hospital only ever been there myself for broken bones and stitches as a result of playing rugby.

Even more amazing is I have not suffered a cold or flu in the past 15 years, most of which was living in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. Similarly my wife and 2 children, who do not even know what a cold or flu is even like.

Keep me posted, and be sure to ask me any questions which arise.

Best regards



Hi Max,

Could you tell me when you mailed the tea? I have not received it yet. How long does it normally take to arrive?

Also, something you might find interesting is that I am being harassed by the doctors at the hospital to have a biopsy. I think it?s incredible to them that someone would refuse their treatment. I am thinking of writing a letter to them but am not sure what to say.



Hi Max,

Could you please confirm when the tea was sent as I have not received it yet? I am going to LA on Sunday and it would be nice if the tea arrived before I go. However if it keeps for 2 years it won?t be a problem as I will be back in a couple of weeks. If you haven?t sent it then please wait until around the 10th December to ship it.

Do you have a tracking number by any chance?



Hi Alex,

I can confirm I sent the tea last week, and expected under normal circumstances it should have been delivered this week.

I have asked the post office about delivery time and they gave the standard answer 7-10 days. Normally it is 5-7 in reality.

The only reasons I can see why there could be any delays are that we are getting close to Christmas when increased volumes can slow down delivery times, especially internationally and possible strike action or the after effects.

I would much prefer you started before you went away obviously as you would too.

The parcel is quite large for a parcel, about a 1 ft (30 cm) long and 4 in (10 cm) diameter.

It is not something that can be put through a normal letter box opening.

The post office does not supply a reasonably priced tracking number for overseas parcels.

I certainly hope your tea arrives before you leave, and would appreciate hearing when it arrives if you have the time.


Max Costello


Hi Max,

Thanks for the info. I will keep you posted on the teas arrival. When the actual box is received where do you recommend I store it? Bearing in mind the temperature in the UK is now about 12 degrees



Hi Max,

I have received the tea, thanks very much. I have also returned from the USA. So I want to get started immediately.

I am looking at the instructions on the side of the container and it seems that it would be best to make up 6 litres in one go and then consume 500ml per day? Do you suggest I get a kettle which can boil 6 litres at once?

Also, how would you suggest that I store 6 litres of tea, do you suggest any particular kind of container which would hold the 6 litres?



Hi Alex,

Glad you have finally received the tea; I hope the trip went well.

I boil 6 litres at a time, and keep the tea in the refrigerator in well washed 3L plastic milk bottles. On occasions I have also used cordial and soft drink bottles when nothing else was available. I do not have any reason to believe any of these have adversely affected the tea.

I don't think this is relevant in you case but if there is any sign or the growth visible externally I would be dabbing a small amount of the tea directly onto that area 2-3 time a day.

I look forward to hearing of your progress, and wish you all the best for the festive season and the New Year.

Kindest regards

Max Costello


Hi Max,

This is the method which I plan to use to make the tea. Can you confirm if this is ok?

I will pour 1 litre of filtered water into my kettle. I will then 1 tablespoon of powder from each container into the kettle. I will boil the tea and leave to cool. I will then pour the 1 litre contents into another bottle and store in refrigerator. I will repeat until I have 6 1 litre bottles filled. I will then drink 500ml per day, so my supply will last 12 days.

Please let me know if u think this is ok.



Hi Alex,

I am not sure why you are completely changing the preparation process of the tea. The method on the container is not only the one Rene Caisse used but one I have successfully used for more than a decade and found to be the most effective.

You do not indicate how long you intend to boil the tea, or if you just intend to bring it to the boil. If you are just bringing it to the boil then

I cannot understand why you do not just boil up what you need every few days.

Why you are boiling the contents of the bottom container. Caisse never boiled these herbs and nor have I, This is what separates us from the rest, and gives the best results. The ingredients of this container are destroyed by boiling them. They contain the primary active ingredients. You should add this after the boiling.

The ingredients of the top container have been powdered as they are very solid (woody) herbs and need to be well boiled to extract as much of the ingredients as possible. You will only get limited benefit from bringing these herbs to the boil.

It is your choice to do as you wish and there may be lifestyle issues causing you to suggest these changes, but from where I am coming from you are greatly reducing the quality of the tea. However if it is the closest you can get to the correct preparation then it is obviously better than nothing.

I believe in giving everyone the best chance they can to fight their cancer, and as far as the preparation is concerned, the method on the container has shown to be the most effective and vital for those with the greatest need.

As far as filtered water is concerned, I do not see the need for this if you have reasonable water already as you are going to be boiling it anyway so it should not have any more danger than if you use it in coffee. Very few places in the world have water so bad that boiling their water does not make it fit for human consumption. I note many sites suggest using filtered water or similar, usually because they have no substance, experience or relevant information and are trying to look knowledgeable or professional. Another piece of such rubbish is using brown bottles

Hope this helps. If you have any other issues relating to this I have not discussed or any other questions feel free to contact me.




Hi Max,

I have not prepared any tea yet, I think my original email was a little confusing, let me try and rephrase it.

I want to use the instant method written in red as it will keep the tea fairly fresh and I can consume it daily.

It says to put 1 tablespoon from each lid into a pot and then pour 1 litre of boiling water on it. According to this method the contents of both containers are put in simultaneously and then boiling water is added. Are you saying this instant method is not effective?

Please clarify.



Hi Alex,

Now I understand better.

I suggest for this method than the one benefit is it is always fresh. However making 6 litres at a time it not keeping it fresh, and if it were me I would be making it every second night, leaving it a couple of hours to cool then putting it in the fridge over night and have enough fresh for 2 days. It is not difficult to do; it takes a few minutes and is always a fresh brew.

Do not try drinking the powder, it will drop to the bottom like fine black sand, do not stir it up again before use. It does taste a bit bitter.

Good luck.


Ok thanks. However it seems from your original description that the herbs from the top lid need 30 minutes of boiling and those from the bottom lid shouldn?t be boiled. How will the instant method work properly as the contents of both lids will be subjected to boiling water?



The bottom line is this, there is a best way to do most things and other ways not as good but under certain circumstances are acceptable as an alternative.

In 1993 a friend of Alan Nynoff was in church saying prayers for him. He had ALL (Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia). He was diagnosed with ALL in the November and this was January. He had been given 2 courses of chemo, neither worked and his oncologist was close friend and lived in the same street recommended he go home to live out his life. He had 4 school age kids and was a fit roofer weighing 102kgs in November. By January he was 60kgs and was told it would be less than a month to the end. To combat the pain he was on sufficient morphine to keep him drowsy at best, and often asleep. The church friend spoke to me (he was using the tea for pancreatic cancer) then took a made up supply round to the Alan's wife, told her about the tea and suggested he at least try it. She agreed and just gave it to him as he was not able to comprehend fully what was happening. Alan recovered enough after 6 weeks to visiting people who he met in the hospital went on to be told he was fully recovered.

You are not Alan. If you were facing death so immediately I would not recommend doing what you are suggesting.

The powder is fine enough for use in capsules and boiling water poured over them will release much more than a solid piece of root or bark, or chunks of either which is what many people use unsuccessfully.

Pouring water onto the herbs in a container reduces the temperature from boiling immediately just as adding them to the boiling water does. There is enough steeping power with these herbs close to boiling to get a reasonable result, much better for example than as a capsule tincture both of which I have also researched.

The bottom line is you know the best, you are choosing the second best from a convenience perspective in the knowledge that it is still a very good product.

I guess it is like buying a car. We don't all buy the best car in the world, but the best under our circumstances




Hi Max,

Thanks for the information. I did not get a measuring cup with the tea; do I need to get one myself?



Hi Alex,

Normally I put the measuring cup in the top of the top container. Please check if it is there, sometimes it can be covered with powder and sunken just below the surface. If it is not there I can mail you one.

In the mean time, if you have a cooking measuring cup set, the measure is 1/4 cup.

Please let me know either way ASAP so I can get one in the post if you require it.





I have checked the container and it is not there, I would appreciate it if u could send me one.



Hi Alex,

Not a problem. I am sorry that for some reason it was overlooked, and will put one in the post to you today.


Is it possible to use tablespoons as a measurement in the meantime as I have no cup? How many table spoons should I use for 6 litres?


Hi Max,

The measuring cup was buried inside quite deep. There is no need to send me one.

Btw, how long should I leave the final tea to cool before bottling it and putting it in the refrigerator?


Hi Max,

I made up my first batch of tea last night, but I have a couple of questions:

1) ? When I boil the contents of the top lid for 30 minutes should I put a lid on the top with a small air space for simmering or should I do it without a lid?

2) ? For the first week or so how much tea should I consume to get my body used to it?



Hi Alex,

When boiling up the tea, especially for the first 15 minutes it is very easy to have it bubble up (a bit like milk does) and flow over the side. It happens to everyone first time even though for years I did warn people, it still happened. Experience is a great teacher.

What I Do.

I have a large pot with a 1 inch gap when it has the 6 litres are added to the herbs.

I put about 2 litres of water into the pot with the tea and bring it to the boil. At the same time I boil 2 more litres in my electric jug, add it to the pot and repeat the process to make up the 6 litres.

This takes me about 5 minutes, and then I put the pot on a rolling boil for 30 minutes. A rolling boil to me is when the water is raising humps in the water but not actually bubbling.

This does not have a high evaporation rate but is hard to attain with an electric cooker rather than as cooker.

At the 20minute mark, regardless of what has happened, overspilled spilled etc, I tend to top up the level with boiling water if it has dropped markedly from the original level, especially if it has been from evaporation as all the ingredients are there, just in more concentrated form.

I often add the lid on an angle for the last 15 minutes usually on an angle to stop pressure build up.

It is a matter of trial and error getting the setting right, and the bigger the pot and the more the clearance the easier the preparation obviously.

Posted the measure off yesterday.

Hope this helps, all the best, keep in touch.




Hi Max,

Thanks for the information.

Could you please tell me how long I should leave the tea to cool before bottling it and putting in the fridge?



Hi Alex,

This is difficult because to put a time on. Here in Oz the warmer climate means it cools much more slowly than when I lived in the UK.

When it is reasonably cooled is probably the best answer, so if it is not uncomfortably hot to touch, I do it when it is about the temperature of a cool shower. Probably best to give it a couple of hour at least, here I can give it up to 4 in summer or more especially when the temperature is 35-40C.



19/Dec/2009 Hi,

Thanks for the info.

I have started drinking the tea, how much would you recommend I start taking? Would 200ml for one week be enough time to get my body used to it?

Also how much should I be drinking per day ideally? ? 500ml?




It is common for people to start with 1 litre a day, so half a litre should be fine in your situation.

There is no need to get the body used to it.

At worst, if you need a good detox you might have lose bowel movements for a day or three, that is the worst I can think of from reports back over a 15 years period.





Thanks for the info. I think we have pretty much covered everything.

I would be interested in knowing the science, if any, of how these herbs work in the body.

Do you have any resources on the science of Essiac?



Hi Alex,

I have my own theories about how and why the tea works.

I am working on an invention which will relieve the world of the need to use fossil fuels, and completely save the planet from their greenhouse gasses. It is something I have developed over the past decade, and will be completed in weeks.

Provided it does what I expect I will create the funds to continue the research into the tea, its effects and benefits and reasons for its success.





Just to let you know the measuring scoop arrived today, which was quite quick.

In a previous email you mentioned that you supplied the tea to a girl with sarcoma, this is the condition I have. Do you remember anything about this case? for example how long she was taking the tea and what kind of results she experienced.



Hi Alex,

I hope you have had a great Xmas and the New Year brings you more health and happiness than you could have hoped for.

I worked through most of the festive season, really must finish this machine I am inventing and building.

The case I mentioned previously was a 12 year old girl with the sarcoma on her upper leg. It was before I went to the UK to live, so it would be pre 1996.

I remember the mother being very happy with the progress and unexpected improvements whilst she was taking the tea, I know she was using it for a number of months, but as she was a child she took a smaller amount.

Like most of our success stories, they suddenly stop ordering, and we don't hear from them again until sometimes years later someone will ring and order some tea. They tell me they got my details from the person and they send their regards, they are doing well, everything is fine etc etc.

In 1993 I was going to a Cancer Conference for doctors and was running a stand with my products on display, so I decided to write to everyone I had supplied the previous 2 years. It was a questionnaire to fill out with the option to write a story as well, and I told them what it was for.

I had a fantastic response, but what surprised me (it was very early days then) was the number who I had not heard from for months, who had not contacted me because they were well again and were getting on with their lives. They were Happy to supply me their success stories but their attitude was you told me it was great stuff and it was, we don't need to tell you it works, you know that already. There could have been so much helpful; feedback, which is why I often glean whatever feedback I can if I get to talk to them when they are re-ordering.

OK I look forward to hear you enquiries.




Hi Max,

Thanks for your reply. When I put the finished mixture into the plastic milk bottles I find that towards the bottom there is sediment which forms ? like a sand. When it gets to this level should I just throw it away and make a fresh mixture or is it ok to drink the sediment?

Also, I wanted to ask you, when taking the tea what is the typical reaction of tumours? Do you find they get a bit larger and harder first before they start to soften and disintegrate? I have a noticeable tumour on my leg (sarcoma) and it seems to have gotten slightly bigger and firmer since I have been taking the tea. I have been on 500ml a day for about two weeks now.





Hi Alex,

Don't drink the sediment. It is not going to harm you but it is quite unpleasant to taste and feel in the mouth, and there is no benefit in drinking it.

The normal response to the tea is the tumour will start dissolving from the inside/centre. In time the tumour will end up something like and egg with a soft centre and harder outer area which is yet to dissolve.

People do not normally get to see or feel their tumour(s) other than people with skin cancer and I have not been told of it hardening during the use of the tea. I can imagine there could be increased pressure as the centre dissolves and possibly expands as it is less dense, and this pressure (like blowing up a tube) might make it feel harder over time. The fact this is obvious to you could also relate to the size of the tumour, in breast cancer for example it can take a tumour up to 15-20 years to become the size of a pea. It would be very hard for them to know if it had grown or hardened by feel, and these things are measured by scans or X-rays usually.

It is possible for the tumour to continue to grow whilst the centre is dissolving, but the rate it is dissolving must be faster than the rate it is growing, and this is one of the reasons why most suppliers fail, they do not recommend enough tea to get on top of the tumour and they slow the process but never actually get ahead of its growth rate.

Rufus had a brain tumour. About 10 years ago he contacted me. They had only been able to remove a third of his tumour with chemo, radiation and surgery, and there was no hope of further improvements. He used the tea for about 18 months, and one day contacted me to tell me the fantastic news. His oncologist had downgraded his tumour to a cyst. His cancer was gone according to the doctor. The ?cyst? was mostly soft centred with a more solid outer shell. I said to him that I was very pleased he had made great progress. His form of tumour is generally considered incurable. But I strongly pointed out that whilst most of his tumour was now dissolved, he still had live cancer cells around the outside and because they were no dead, he needed to continue using the tea until there were no live ones left.

The doctor knows best, he said it was no longer cancer! He stopped the tea and I did not hear from him again for another 18 months. After a while, as I had said, the live cancer which just kept on growing, was again a problem and he returned to his doctor. Again he went through the chemo, radiation and surgery which had failed previously, and by the time he contacted me had been given little time to live. I immediately posted him some tea, but about a fortnight later I had the parcel returned with a note from his wife that it did not arrive in time and he had passed away.

I get frustrated every time I recall this. The doctors knew nothing about the cancer and if they had shut their mouths he would have used the tea until he had recovered fully and would still be alive today, and a great example of the benefit of this treatment.

Also probably very relevant to you was my first user of the tea was nearly 20 years ago. She had 34 tumours in her abdomen area. The largest was described as the size of a grapefruit. The doctors were not treating her, she was too far gone and she could feel where more had developed on a regular basis.

I got a call from her husband after couple of months to say she had been rushed to hospital overnight in an ambulance, and they thought she was dying. Her stomach area had blown up like a balloon and they thought she was going. The doctors had put in a pipe and removed 2 litres of waste and she was feeling more comfortable now. She was released and 2 weeks later there was a repeat of the stomach blowing up again and another two litres being removed. Then she visited her oncologist and they found she now had three tumours left, and the largest was the size of a golf ball. She was now feeling better than she had for a long time, and the bumps on her abdomen seemed to have gone.

Soon after this she returned to her oncologist, who was so happy with her ?fighting spirit? he decided to start treating her with a new (then) drug called taxol. It was very new and they knew little about it. He gave her first dose and she went home feeling quite unwell. She did not eat or drink anything that night, or the next day. In fact she was not able to consume anything and within 2 weeks she was dead.

The only reason I related this to you is if you have a LARGE tumour dissolving in an area with no natural outlet for disposal of waste you may need to have the area drained eventually.

Hope this helps. Please keep in contact to our mutual benefit.




Hi Max,

Thanks for the detailed information. I also forgot to ask, when I am making the initial mixture in the pot I find that sediment also forms at the bottom of the pot. In fact quite a lot seems to form at the bottom. Should I also avoid putting any of this sediment in the plastic milk bottles when I transfer it from the pot?

It is interesting what you say about the tumours. Although I refused a biopsy the MRI suggested that I have liposarcoma, which is the cancerous variety of lymphoma ? there is always a chance that it is actually lymphoma. This is a growth arising from the fatty tissues. When you talk about waste forming, would the tumour be likely to eventually turn into a very soft squishy mass which would then have to be drained? Is there any way of determining if the waste would be able to be drained naturally into the body given the tumours current position? I suppose I am just wondering if there is any way of me knowing when it would be appropriate to drain it.

I have read from a number of researchers that the majority of cancerous tumours are in fact a mixture of benign and cancerous cells. Normally having a ratio of 80% benign and 20% cancerous. Does this mean that the tea would only dissolve 20% of the mass and a tumour would still be left, or does the tea normally dissolve the whole mass?

Finally, I am drinking 500ml, which is the equivalent of 1 English Pint. I normally drink the 500ml in one sitting, late at night, 2 hours after my final meal. Is this protocol ok or should I be breaking up the consumption of the tea throughout the day?





Hi Alex,

I think your drinking protocol is OK but drinking half night band morning would possibly be even better.

After consuming the tea, there is no sign of any tumour and if there is carry on using it until all is gone. Remember the lady with 34 tumours only had 3 left when the oncologist overdosed her with Taxol, the other 31 had completely dissolved.

Your comments about 20/80% are not necessarily the norm in every case. With terratoma ovarian cancer for example the tumour is formed by an unfertilised egg subdividing and forming a malformed foetus. The cells are human cells which continue dividing forever, and are used by such as make-up producers checking for compatibility of their products and side effects. The most famous of these examples was a black woman in the US who died in the early 1950's but had the most virile subdividing cells the doctors had seen. As a result they took some of her cells for use with human research and testing in labs.

It mystified US scientists to find some of her cells had managed to get behind the Iron Curtain during the cold war and were being used by scientists there, because they were so active and reproduced so quickly.

Sometime after this story was publicised, the surviving children of the lady decided to seek compensation for using their mother's cells without permission, and for the benefit science and other industries got from the use of her cells over a period of 50 years. I am not sure of the result, but I can assure you she was a not running on 20% benign.

You will know if you need to your area drained, it will be obvious if it does need to be done, but trying to explain why to the doctor may be harder as they believe no one can do what they can't do, and as long as they have this attitude they will never progress. No one has the monopoly on innovation, and most innovative people are not moulded by education see form boundaries. I invent things science teachers are impossible, and if I had been taught that initially, I would never have invented anything by thinking outside the 9 dots.

After the tea has cooled, I often pour off the liquid, but leave the majority of the sediment in the pot and dispose of it then. I think that is what you are asking. However leaving all or some of the sediment is not a problem, just however you feel at the time.

The tea has many uses and benefits many people have used it for many ailments. I believe its greatest benefit is it appears to stimulate the body to function normally, as opposed to something going wrong e.g. if our system was working normally we would not normally get cancer, normally our body produces 10,000 plus malformed cell each day as a normal part of rebuilding and repairing the body, but when the immune system fails to recognise and destroy these, it is the thin end of the wedge for cancer to start forming. - My theory!




Hi Max,

I have been taking the tea now for approximately a month and a half (500ML) per day. I have a noticed a small red circle has appeared on the centre of the tumour on my leg. Have you heard of these marks appearing on tumours before after taking the tea?

I have felt really good since I have been taking the tea, and I have not noticed any growth or reduction in the tumour. I suppose there is no real way to determine how long it will take for a tumour to dissolve.

I have a tendency to fall asleep very late (4am) but I get a full 8 hours sleep. Do you think it would improve my healing if I were to go to bed earlier? Or do you think it does not matter as long as a person gets enough sleep.



Hi Alex,

I have not heard of these marks appearing on tumours not have I read it in any of Rene Caisse's case files or writings. However we know both from her writings and my experience after discussions with other users that the centre of the tumour is the first to dissolve. You are unique in that you can actually see your tumour; others are internal and not visible, so no one has seen the actual effect though some doctors have seen the centre dissolving on scans but not commented on colour changes.

Based on these thoughts, my conclusion is the tumour is dissolving in that area.

Because under normal circumstances the only time people can know how much their tumour has dissolved is when the doctor scans them, it is impossible at this stage for us to predict how long it will take. There will be variances anyway even if we had a rough indication, which would relate to, among other things the speed it was growing, size, present or past treatments (this applies to others rather than you who would supply information for us to evaluate), health and strength of the body, strength of the immune system etc.

People usually tell me they sleep soundly and well, but I have not found it helps me sleep personally, I only get on average 4 hours sleep, and have done for more than 2 decades. I cannot see that sound sleep must be at a certain time, otherwise people in Australia who are 10 hours ahead on the UK would need to sleep during daytime. Possibly your time clock is set to the US which is 5 hours behind the UK and would mean you were sleeping 11pm to 7am.

Out of interest, you note there was no growth over the past 6 weeks, what growth would you have expected over that time?




Hi Max,

Yes I am in a unique situation in that I can see the tumour. As it is a soft tissue tumour it is quite large and bulky, and sometimes is uncomfortable, but it certainly makes it easy to monitor the progress I am making. I know I first noticed the lump march last year and it has steadily grown since then. It is often difficult to gauge how much something has grown over a particular period and I don?t know how much I would have expected it to grow over the past 6 weeks. However from what I have noticed it has not grown nor has it reduced, the only anomaly is the small red patch/circle which has formed on the tumour.

Of course it is quite possible that other tumours had relocated to other parts of the body or there are other issues pertaining to the underlying causes which the tea is getting rid of; perhaps it is not even started attacking the source yet. I have not had any medical treatments for this problem yet apart from scans, and I am also relatively young (30). So I would have thought that this would give me a better chance than most of curing this problem.




Hi Max,

I have run out of Essiac. Could you please give me your PayPal address so I can pay you for more? Kind




Hi Alex,

My PayPal address is

How are things going? I was wondering if there are any noticeable changes. I have just received an email request from an organisation in the US to be interviewed for a documentary on alternative cancer treatments, with the tea as the central item of discussion.

Apparently it is to be screened worldwide next year, but shooting starts in a month. I am awaiting more information, and am worried about exposure, which could be a problem for my freedom.

Will send the tea off immediately I get confirmation of payment.

Best regards



Hi Max,

For some reason PayPal have put a block on my account until I provide certain information for them so payment might be delayed a few days.

I have not noticed any changes on my main sarcoma tumour; it is still the same size but has not gotten any bigger. I am taking 500ml a day, maybe I should try more. However, when I started the tea (approx 3 months ago) I was getting terrible burning pain in my chest toward the side, I was thinking maybe this was a tumour around my lung area, but now this pain is completely disappeared. Perhaps it is removing other tumours I am not aware of and will eventually move on to the main site.

The documentary sounds like a good idea, but with the way things operate I would be weary of these types of things, it is probably going to be some hit piece or attempt to set you up. Anything which disturbs big pharmacy and their money making machine will certainly incur their wrath in some form or another.



Hi Max,

I sent payment for the tea a few days ago, can you confirm you have it and please let me know when the tea is sent out.



Hi Alex,

As you know I am very interested in how people I supply are going and I am just writing to ask if there has been any progress.

From memory, previously you thought it had stopped growing, but detected no other change.

Is that still the case? Have any X-rays or scans been done?

Look forward to hearing from you

Max Costello


Hello Max,

Thanks for your interest. At the moment I am not taking the tea but wanted to try another product called 'paw paw' which I will to take for a few months to see if it would reduce the tumour mass. While I was taking the Essiac the tumour was certainly not painful at all and was not growing in size. Now that I am taking the Paw Paw I am not really sure whats happening with the tumour, it is quite painful at night and seems to be swollen, I have been told this often happens before it is about to decrease in size.

Unfortunately I cannot afford scans or x-rays, being in the UK this can be so expensive. Fortunately I can see the tumour from the outside so it is possible to somewhat gauge the size of the mass but obviously I cannot see whats going on inside. Having a sarcoma tumour is so difficult because there is so little information on its treatment, especially with regard to alternative medicine. Many of the alternative treatments have no case histories when it comes to Sarcoma. Perhaps I was wrong to stop taking the tea but I wanted to try different alternative treatments and see how they made me feel. I do honestly feel that the Tea was doing well for me but maybe I was too impatient and expected the tumour to break down quicker than it did. Perhaps this was unrealistic.

At this stage I am really not sure what to do. Maybe I should just focus on the tea. Thanks for your concern.




Hi Alex,

It is not up to me to give anyone advice about what they should or should not do.

However I checked my web site and found a case you might like to read. The address is

There are a few points I would make. She was treated for 5 months before being able to do housework, and obviously carried on with treatment that I have no further records of.

Her sarcoma was located in the abdomen and would have more ready access to the tea than on a leg, so it may take longer to respond.

After a number of years experiencing the cancer she was finally successfully treated in 1938 by Rene Caisse and lived for more than 20 years and when last contacted was age 72 and still going strong. In those days that was longer than the average life expectancy on 3 score and ten years.

Conversely her brother with the same condition died from the sarcoma.

When you decide to change again you may wish to consider this case, and I must apologise I had not found it earlier for you. I have so much to input and this case had slipped through unnoticed until just now when I checked.

I look forward to hearing of your progress, and invite you to take a look at my site, which I have just made available after many years of work and updating, in between working on my 100% environmentally friendly engine.

Best regards



Hi Alex,

I will look through my old files and see if I can find anything more on sarcoma cases that has slipped my memory, but I have my doubts at this stage.

The tub is designed to last about 6 weeks at a litre a day, if you do not boil it too hard and lose a lot from evaporation.

I have no doubt whatever that larger quantities produce much better results.

I have added to my site some information which will answer some of your questions at

I will write an article about intake tomorrow.




Hi Max,

The website looks really good. I hope you manage to update it more as time goes on.

I am curious, has anyone ever been able to dig up any information or records on the Native Americans using this formula (the ones who gave Caisse the formula to begin with?). It would be fascinating to track the history of the herbal formula through the ages.

In your opinion if the tea is consumed for long enough can a tumour of any size be dissolved eventually?, or in some cases would someone reach a point where it doesn?t shrink anymore and would need to have some surgery to remove any remaining mass?




Hi Alex,

The site about usage is up and running including a very important link with an explanatory note. The address is

I hope it is helpful for you in making further decisions on your health and medical condition.

I believe it is important you (and everyone with this disease) do the best they can in the shortest possible time to rid themselves of such a dangerous and life threatening disease.

I also believe it is important to have faith in what you do, as this gives a positive approach and relieves the stress which can contribute (and may have caused) the condition.




Hi Max,

Thanks for the additional information. I realise that you can?t make decisions for people or offer them medical advice, however it would be nice to see all the case studies from your informal clinical trials in 1995 put on the website so everyone can see the successes and the failures. I am curious, from all the people you have supplied the tea to and who you have followed up with what has the success/failure rate been?

One thing I don?t understand from my reading is that it seems that Rene Caisse used to inject all her patients with the herbs - am I correct in this understanding? Subsequently if she injected her patients in this manner wouldn?t it make sense for us to also inject the herbs? Wouldn?t oral consumption be therefore less effective?




Hi Alex,

For 20 years people have used my case studies to sell their versions of the tea. It is never the same and does not get the job done. But as long as people see a way of making money they will go to any lengths to do so, especially where such an emotional subject as cancer is concerned.

I contacted one supplier as a client once, knowing they were using my information to promote their product. In our discussions I asked if they could tell me one case of success they had achieved, where the patient recovered but had not used any medical treatment. She replied that they had only been supplying the tea for 2 years and they were sure they would get some cases soon. Their big pitch was they were the cheapest available, why spend more than you need to? Well in their case they were not supplying the right herbs, and they were not powdered. A major cost in manufacturing the tea is the powdering of the herbs, so supplying dried leaves and cubes of herbs like roots and bark is not the same thing, quantities vary depending on the size of the cubes etc when they measure in cupfuls.

Rene Caisse used injections because it was the only way she believed doctors could and would use her formulas. She also knows if they knew what the ingredients were they would lose interest. Very early on she found out injections do not work for all the ingredients, only one does its job in injection format.

Caisse personally used tea for her own consumption daily.

It is my belief that there is only one way to change the world from cancer with these herbs, and that is in residential clinics like hospitals, run by oncologists. I have wanted to do this since 1998, and have the staff to start with waiting still to get it started. You know from your own experience that people do not stay with the tea as they would with a doctor?s prescription in a clinic, where there was daily consultations and nurses supplying the tea at regular correct intervals. Until this happens it will never change the world, and always be a fringe treatment.

Researchers never supply their case studies or make them public. They analyse the results and produce a finding. I would be breaking confidences if I allowed public access to medically run trials.

I know the tea works and I know what it works with, what forms of cancer give the most amazing results, and will prefer to start with these cancers which I know I can get 50-75% success where mainstream gets less than 1-9% 5 year survival and much less for 10 year for the equivalent condition. E.g. Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (80% of all lung cancers) and pancreatic cancer.

I am building my environmental engine to fund the building and running of the clinics. I have the way to help people but I am not inclined to tell everyone how, or it will not work, not be treated seriously, and I will not have a major effect on the cancer epidemic.

In 2008 7 million died from cancer worldwide. Oncologists predict this will double by 2020 and treble by 2030. Shows how much they believe in their ability to get a cure!

In the interim, I help those who come to me for help, and hope that they get the best out of what I supply them. Breast Cancer takes 10-15 years to grow big enough to be of diagnostic size (a pea). Then patients want it better in a month or two. It does not happen but with the clinics and more than a dozen alternative treatments available I can create clinics that will get results faster, and permanently. But like Coke, I don't see any reason why I should help all the opposition to the secrets of my success. If people wish to have the best results, then I will do the best there is for them, that is how I put bread and butter on my table, and buy shoes for my teenagers.

Hope this gives you a picture of where I am hoping to be 5-10 years from now.

Best regards



Hi Max,

Is it possible to get a copy of the book you wrote called "Essiac fighting the cancer in our system (100 years on)? edited C. Macdonald. (487 pages)

I see various references to this book on the internet but can?t find it anywhere.

For some reason over the past few days I have been craving the Essiac tea, but I can?t imagine why. I am dreaming about it and have a compulsion to read everything about it. I do not believe that everything in this world can be explained by logic or science, perhaps this is an internal sign that I need to start consuming the tea again.




Hi Alex,

Firstly I have only one copy of the book myself and the last sale of the book was sold more than 10 years ago.

My life was threatened following the printing of the book, and the use of Ex-KGB was mentioned.

If you look the statistics of the expected growth of cancer mortality/morbidity by 2020, there is no indication there will be any new advances in treatment over that time, and as cancer is the biggest earner in the medical industry, which is second only to oil in value and potential, why would the industry want anyone with to reverse of their profitability? In my book I point out "If you find a magic grape they will cure cancer, the industry will either make its use illegal or destroy it."

The whole cancer research program is corrupt and built on false premises. What other industry employs people to find a way of making their whole industry redundant, make millions of highly qualified often very wealthy people worldwide unemployed and without any useful work experience in another industry so limited prospects to maintain their lifestyle.

A very dear friend of mine, self made millionaire, Ex president of a European Oncology Society, and Professor of Oncology. I know it well, I have spent many nights there, as have my family since I saved his best friend from terminal cancer, and supplied him the tea for his patients. The one disappointment for me is I met him too late to help his mother who died years before from breast cancer.

In the 1990?s I asked him about helping Francois Mitterrand the French President who had prostate cancer. Success with such a notable person would help my cause greatly. He knew many oncologists in Paris, as he does around the world. His reply was (in broken English) ? Max, Mitterrand is the wrong politics. He will die.? This is the power doctors hold.

Back to the book! There is a lot of humour in the book, sarcasm directed at the industry, and now I am wondering if I should put the chapters it on the web site that are not already there. The problem is I type with 2 fingers, so the prospect is mind boggling considering the volume and my work load with the engine right now. Writing an Email like this takes me 1-2 hours normally. I cannot afford to pay a programmer to do it.

It does not surprise me that you are feeling the need for the tea. As I mentioned often (I think I did to you too) people often find they can feel when they are not having enough of the tea, and this is often a good indicator of their body?s needs.

How is the pawpaw going? Our 1998 business plan for my clinics incorporated more than a dozen diverse natural treatment modes and I am always looking to find successful treatments to add to the plan for when I get it off the ground.

I must get back to the fibre glassing the engine is becoming even more relevant now considering the further/added BP problems in the Gulf of Mexico, and Obama?s call for the development of new technology to replace dependence on oil.

Best regards



Hi Max,

I did not realize it took you so long to type an email. I take for granted typing with all my fingers at incredible speed!

It is very difficult to tell if the paw paw is working correctly, but I do seem to be getting 'lysing' syndrome. I am not sure if you are familiar with this concept but when a tumour breaks down you get symptoms such as very bubbly urine. However, because Paw Paw just breaks down the tumour and doesn?t carry away the malignant tissue quickly it can appear that tumour is actually bigger when it is just swollen and inflamed - the only way to truly tell is via a PET scan which here in the UK is extremely expensive.

Essiac is probably better in this respect because some of the herbs in the mixture carry the waste away so the inflammation is not severe. It is a difficult choice; I have been told that Paw Paw and Essiac conflict, but my body is craving the Essiac. One thing I know for sure and that?s that conventional methods do not offer any long term solution to this problem, I have a feeling that even surgery in many cases makes the situation worse by spreading it all over the body. It is difficult to make the average person understand that when you actually look at the figures for cancer it is quite clear that all the conventional treatments radiation, chemotherapy and surgery offer little hope and that doing nothing is actually more effective (statistically) than having any conventional treatment.




Hi Alex,

I guess no-one is perfect, and we all have our strengths. Unfortunately when I went to school, a boys college, there was no typing courses, and my work direction since has not led me to develop the skills of typing. I have never seen myself as a journalist, and am more interested in the maths/science side with a particular interest in inventions.

I am worried that you are possibly showing signs on Lysing Syndrome, as you will know the effects of the disease are very serious in themselves too. Be very careful what you do.

In support of the CanTea Essiac protocol it is one of the few remedies, (the only one I can think of) which addresses the body, supporting and restoring it. Most address the cancer and are more likely to leave the body vulnerable to metastisation into other areas or reoccurrence in the future. Further the tea is able to be used even by people who have no disease without harmful effects and can boost the body's immune system, and possible destroy unknown cancers from developing.

In 1994 I had a 74 year old naturopath contact me about supplying the tea to his patients. He asked for a sample to use himself both for the experience of using it and to identify if there were any side effects or difficulties for himself. He had a patient with bowel cancer and was worried about using the tea when I explained to him bowel cancer were different in response to the tea and passed the tumour when they went to the toilet rather than destroying it. I always warn patients of this as it can be frightening to see 12-18ins of veined partly stringy slimy fleshy material in the bowel.

He had been using the tea for about 6 weeks when he rang me in great excitement. He had been at a conference in Sydney when he had a sudden extremely urgent urge to use the toilet. What he passed was exactly as I had described to him, but he was completely unaware he was suffering any disease at all.

Rene Caisse used the tea daily herself and when journalists visited her home they saw it in her refrigerator ready for use when she was nearly 90!

I myself still go onto the tea regularly, probably a quarter on then a quarter off because I get a bit lazy or busy with other things. Then I suddenly think it is about time I went back on the tea. Winter approaching is often one of these triggers, and is far better in my book than flue injections or colds. Over summer (Christmas in Oz) we get into the "rich" food etc and with skin cancer warnings on the TV etc I get back on the tea again. If I was having the normal "cutting poisoning and burning" (a phrase I introduced and used regularly in my book, for my cancer, I would not be able to give myself a yearly booster, and with many alternative treatments this would not be advised either.

When I was diagnosed with my cancer my wife was 7/8 months pregnant with my daughter. In October this year she will be 15. I have never spent a night in hospital in my life, never had any medical treatment for cancer other than a suspicious wart removed which was tested and was not malignant.

Remember I mentioned the use of my research and testimonials by other suppliers whose product and usage was not the same as mine. These are some examples, obviously not from Romania, though these people have been supplying Essiac since 1994, thanks to my introducing them to the product.

My current web site is

At my site under Success-A.L.L._Alan N.

An Australian who came to me before Romania even heard of us.

At my site under Success-Lung-Marty

Marty is still working running his pub in New South Wales. He occasionally contacts me and refers people too. His condition metastasis after surgery is untreatable.

One I put up from my Research can be viewed on my site under Success-Pancreas-Dr E F MD

The doctor is one of the greatest results in medical history. The worst form of cancer, exclusively treated scanned by a world respected Professor of Oncology whose wife actually boiled up the tea for their friend and colleague, very advanced staging with only weeks survival, huge intakes bigger than anyone else thinks is safe or possible, incredibly fast recovery in 3 months, no reoccurrence after 15 years. Impossible!

The Romanians have no right use these completely cases to sell their completely different product. It is false and misleading. I note they say supplied by S O J O Products to try and avoid my finding it on the net, and did not use my name or Marty's in the Lung cancer.

You can see this really winds me up!

Think very carefully about what you are doing. I avoid giving people advice where possible as there are legal implications and doctors get very upset too, but I try and provide enough information to allow people to make an informed decision on what they think is the best way forward for them.




Hi Max,

I am not complaining about your lack of typing speed. I am actually quite sympathetic because I feel bad that it takes so much of your time to write an email!.

After a lot of thinking and soul searching it is clear to me that I should return to the tea and leave the paw paw for now. While I do believe that the paw paw is certainly breaking down the tumour I have a strong feeling that that is all it is doing. There is nothing else which is aiding in the transport of the waste materials from the tumour site and therefore these lysing signs are appearing and as you said can be quite dangerous. I am planning on consuming 1 litre of tea per day (500 ml in the morning and 500ml at night, always on an empty stomach (2 hours before/after eating). I also got hold of some pancreatic enzymes; do you think it is ok to take these as well?

Over this past week I have been researching Essiac more carefully and watching the YouTube video about Ren? Caisse. What I didn?t realise before is that this is not simply just tea; it is a powerful mixture of herbs which have been used for centuries in their own right. For some reason before I did not really appreciate the herbs that are involved and their medicinal properties (assuming they are quality). I also find the video quite incredible, especially the part where Dr Leonardo the cancer surgeon basically tells her that it works but that the medical profession are not interested in such cures. It would be amazing if that statement was on record somewhere, but I am sure it is something a surgeon would say to someone in private who is threatening their business.

Yes it must be annoying seeing all of these people cash in on your good work, and to add insult to injury they are peddling an inferior product. You say that you were diagnosed with cancer, but what type of cancer were you diagnosed with?



Hi Alex,

It is great that you are going back on the tea, I have seen many different treatments over the years both mainstream and alternative and when in 1995 I was at the Sydney 2nd World Cancer Conference run by Professors of Oncology from around the world, (I was there with a stand for Essiac) I went on the last day's post conference workshops which was demonstrating the use of the latest cancer diagnostic techniques.

Along with many others in the main hall I gave a blood sample and the hundreds of doctors and specialists watched as they demonstrated Dark Screen Microscopy where the diagnosis was done on a special dark field microscope and the images were shown on a large screen.

When my sample came up, the Professor demonstrating the methodology that worked closely with the Oncologists in Austria but was head of Science at Vienna University, whose original fields were Biology and Photography, suddenly stopped discussing what he was seeing on screen and called over the Professor of Oncology to discus my case.

The professor whom I had met and later became my great friend came to the microphone and started by saying "This is a cancer cell." as he pointed to the screen. "Now you see it moving down here." On the screen we were looking at my cancer cell blown up to about the size of my fist. It looked perfectly round except for the top half of the right side which looked like a cartoonist draws a pointy nose like an >. I was horrified, in front of all these people here was me being told I had cancer, and my wife was about to have a baby.

I decided to get another opinion and went to another room where there was another demonstration in progress. I lined up to give a sample and when I did the Canadian Professor who knew nothing about me said to me "Were you not aware this is not for patients? This is a private workshop to show professionals the tests we have developed and how to use them." His method was reading the shapes formed by the edge of the sample on the glass under the microscope. Even people developing cancer, well before it is diagnosable, cave different patters form on the glass as it dries, and it looks like "craggy fiords" rather than a much smother pattern of healthy patients.

What type of cancer had I don't know. I have asked many time buy my friend will not discuss it with me. All he said to me afar the diagnosis was "Max you know why you are here, you know what to do. Just do it!"

Well I was there to introduce the doctors to my Essiac, and that is what I did. To this day I don't know what I had. Then again statistically around that time more than 15% of cancer patient who died from cancer which the doctors could not locate or identify, and even after autopsy they were still unable to give the precise cause of death other than to say it was cancer, and I don't think it is much better today.

In the late 1990's I was contacted by a man in Eastern Germany who told me he had a video or Rene Caisse, and asked me to visit him and discuss it. It turned out he was a Naturopath, and in the mid 1970's had been so unwell he was forced to use a wheel chair. He visited Caisse, but did his homework on her first and found out that the only way to get to see her was to bribe her with a big bottle of Gin and a carton of cigarettes. Apparently she loved martinis. In short she made him well again, and he was living in Germany and wanted to sell me the video for UK100,000 pounds. He worked out that if I sold thousands of copies of them I wouldwould make heaps of money. I did not have the cash up front, and even if I did would not have paid that much, and we parted friends after a weekend discussing everything we both knew regarding cancer and Essiac.

That was the same video now on the net.

It demonstrates many things, and proves most people are doing the wrong thing.

Some examples are:

Caisse did not say she would boil up the tea again in the morning as people do in todays world, I think Caisse and I are the only ones who do not boil the greens, and even worse most do it twice, 8-10 hours apart.

She is very clear about using powder, even bought her own grinder when she couldn't get powdered herbs. Most people think you use cups of cut herbs, which is like cubes and chunks.

We see Caisse spooning in the leaf powder after boiling the woody roots and bark.

She holds up bottles of the tea and they are not in brown bottles, but clear bottles. The neck of the bottle is clear and only coloured where the colour of the tea is visible.

Remember Caisse normally used injections when she was running her clinics in the 1920's-40's.

She was looking for a way to make her remedy as doctor friendly as possible, but could only get success with injecting the most effective herb, the others need to be digested to get the results she did.

I have been down the same path, and tried capsules and tinctures with alcohol bases etc but nothing gets the results like boiling the majority or all of the ingredients. Extracting for example the necessary ingredients of the Slippery Elm only works with boiling, alcohole does not get it out and in dried powder form in capsules the body does not extract it well either.

I must get on with my other work. Its 3.30am here and I sat down to write to David Cameron about the environmentally friendly engine I have invented to save the world from pollution and stop the need for fossil fuel. It will revolutionise the world as we know it, I just hope he is interested in my project. I will probably have a better chance with Obama, but am less likely to be able to get the information to him, with his giant team of minders.

Keep me posted on your progress.




Hi Max,

Thanks for your interesting reply. I am curious; you originally mentioned that Rene Caisse gave her mother 7 times the normal dosage when she had cancer - what was the normal dose Rene Caisse gave to patients? Also it seems from the video that some people were only given Essiac once a week and they still managed to obtain full recoveries - albeit it took longer. Given this, taking Essiac every day in the right quantities should work quickly.

I am curious, do you make every batch of tea yourself or have you outsourced it to another company? It must be quite a lot of work to grow and mix up the tea yourself.

Good luck with your energy project.



Hi Alex,

Rene Caisse treated her patients weekly but her mother daily. Neither she nor the doctor ever told her mother she had cancer, and she told her she was looking after her health generally.

Thing are a lot differences now from the 1930's including lifestyle, diets, food quality, food processing, junk food etc. Our bodies are becoming less able to fight cancer, something borne out by statistics this week when the Ozzie Minister announced a 10% growth in cancer cases from 2006 to 2009. Our bodies do not have such effective immune system as we tend to us antibiotics for all illnesses. Further most people in Caisse?s time were given much "softer" treatments. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy were discovered in the late 1930's, past her clinic period. Now days people demand treatments and so many people come to me who have had enough poison and burning they should have been dead from the treatment already. I am sure than when Caisse supplied Busch with tea for patients at his clinic they received at least daily treatments.

I do not grow all the herbs myself; the rhubarb takes about 9 years to grow for a start, and slippery elm trees longer.

I mix and package all my tea, always have, never left it to anyone else other than when I experimented with capsules and had them manufactures in England. This is a job in itself, but I get by normally with 4-5 hours sleep, and the rest of the day and night making and distributing the tea, working on my invention and answering Emails (mainly nigh time).

Have you started on the tea yet? If so how are you feeling?




Hi Max,

Yes I have started on the tea. I am on 500ml daily, but now I am spacing it out twice a day (half a pint in morning/half a pint in evening) while also making sure I leave a 1/2 hour gap between the tea and eating. I have purchased some nice glass pitchers to store the tea as oppose to the plastic milk bottles, I must say that it tastes much better like this; I am also making sure that not much sediment gets into the mix. I have also been researching the tea heavily including case histories, it seems that when the tea is prepared properly using the right herbs etc and a good dosage is used it seems to have a 90% success rate with all types of cancers - from my own analysis. I just plan to continue drinking the tea until the tumour disappears, in fact I am sure it was regressing before but my impatience led me to abandon it, a mistake but one I will learn from.

I feel great now being back on the tea, one thing I have immediately noticed is that I am having a lot of bowel movements and feeling much lighter - perhaps waste material being expelled? I am curious, how many ML was Caisse giving to her mother per day? I find it amazing that people managed to recover so well with just weekly treatments.

I think the fact that I have not had any conventional treatments will greatly help my chances.




Hi Alex,

It is not known what strength or quality Rene Caisse used for her injections, but we do know that some took years to recover. When she sold the formula some 40 years after her period of clinics, the doctors at Resperin who purchased the formula used tinctures rather than injections, and had little if any success. This leads me to believe she sold the formula but either they were not given preparation and usage information or being doctors (read Gods) they knew better than a nurse about preparation and prescription of herbs.

Resperin licensed the use of it to Mankind Research Foundation in the US and again they could not replicate her results (or mine for that matter), and the owners gave up on the formula until eventually more than 20 years after they bought the formula David Dobbie was licensed to supply it and through him, me in Oz and Europe. David later bought Resperin. He just supplied the powder initially and developed his own formula he thought would be even better, which he called Phytaid. It died a natural death. David retired and sold his company in Canada to his chief salesman who runs it today.

Volumes have always been the problem with the product, people having all manner of problems. Many have written about oxalic acid problems and this is caused by people not getting the right herbs, especially Sheep Sorrel. It is impossible to tell the difference between sheep sorrel and common sorrel without seeing the plant, but if anyone bought common sorrel and used it even at much smaller doses they could developed serious side effects. I had my sheep sorrel tested at university to guarantee I had the correct species.

Common sorrel is a much hardier plant as it has a tap root rather than a fibrous root and the bigger stronger plant can yield up to 50 times that of sheep sorrel plants.

Under normal circumstances there is no problem with the substitution as it is a minor aspect of herbalist?s formulas, but where it is a focus in a formula it can be very important.

Obviously from a commercial/financial perspective common sorrel being much cheaper is often used to replace or bulk up sheep sorrel.

From a legal perspective, amazingly in most countries, because herbs are not recognised by the medical profession as a treatment and no restrictions pursued, there is nothing stopping anyone selling grass in a bag and calling it whatever they like.

The same applies to the Indian rhubarb, a very tall plant when fully grown. Many people use the turkey rhubarb which is half the size. Both came from China originally and the route they came through 200+ years ago gave them the name. Obviously the were harvested in different parts of China and are two of the 47 known species. Turkey rhubarb is used by most people who use the Gary Glum formula, and part of the reason why that formula is less effective just like their pack of powdering the herbs with their formula.

In 1995 I pointed out to the Herbal Pharmacopeia by the British Herbal society (the World Bible of herbs) of the differences in the two rhubarb plants. Even they were unaware.

I worked hard to get David to put proper and reasonable intakes on his tea, and he did twice increase (double) his intake suggestions, but they are still woefully too small, and I could not in all honesty work with him knowing people were dying because of his pig headedness. His background was medical, he and his wife both being lab technicians identifying cancer cells with microscopes. In about 1993 his wife had a breast cancer scare, and I wrote to her telling her what I knew that might help her. She replied that other people can use herbs if they want too, they trusted the doctor. I was appalled. Perhaps that is an indication of what they were like. I knew them well, even went to Canada and spent a week with them in the very early days for both of us. David contacted the production out to a company some distance from where he lived. He fell out with the owner of the company doing his manufacturing and distribution and thought he was ripping him off by manufacturing and supplying after the contract was cancelled. David who is 6ft 3ins and in his 40's went round to see the guy and gave him a hiding. He was later charged with assault.

Now you know some of the background and dirt first hand.




Hi Max,

Thanks for the information, it is very interesting. It seems that the medical profession, just like any other profitable business, is highly corrupt. I find it amazing that the two people who are supplying a cancer cure have no faith in it, especially when they are supposed to be the official distributors - amazing and sickening.

It seems that when she had the clinic people were injected with sheep sorrel and then the other elements were given as a tea. Do you think she did this because it would please the doctors or because it was more effective? Did she treat certain people by giving them the tea alone? Did she ever comment in her writings about the injections vs. tea?

I am also wondering, is it best to drink the tea immediately or can I sip it over 15 minutes? Maybe gulping it down quickly is better. Additionally, there is often sediment at the bottom of the pot which often ends up in the jug, is there a problem drinking this sediment? - will it hamper the effects of the tea?



Hi Alex,

Caisse realised that the only way Essiac could become a cancer treatment used by the medical profession, she had to make a describable product. Originally she tried injecting all 4 herbs, and the patient nearly died almost instantly, and fortunately the doctor present managed to save the patient's life. She continued for some time testing on mice and eventually decided on the one injection and the other 3 as tea.

I have not seen her make a comparison of the tea and injections that was not why she used injections. However she did inject her mother and she was really out to give her the best she could.

I do not believe the speed the tea is drunk is as important as spreading the intake 3-4 times daily rather than one big hit.

The medical profession corrupt? Never! When I named the book "Essiac, Fighting the Cancer in our System" system was a two edged sword, the bodily systems and the health system.

In the mid 1990's a patient who was given 6 months to live contacted me and said she was going to see her doctor. It had been 12 months since her diagnosis and she was confident she was better. She asked me for all the information I had on the tea. She was recovered and she said to the doctor instead of telling your patients there is nothing you can do for them and leaving them to die, you should contact Max and supply them with the tea. She gave him my details.

I got a call from the doctor and he said "I have been given your details from a patient of mine. You are curing cancer patients".

I said "It is nice of you to say so but I never make claims like that".

Then he said "I'll stop you doing this to our industry".

I replied "I thought cancer was a disease not an industry". He slammed the phone down in my ear. Within 6 weeks I received a fax from the Therapeutic Goods Administration - the Australian Government's medical watchdog. It stated "Your Essiac has become known in the treatment of cancer. Therefore we are licensing it as a medication. It is therefore illegal to sell it or supply to anyone including yourself without a prescription."

I tried lawyers MP's, The Health Minister who lived 1 hour from my home, and all the TV stations. Not one would give me an appointment, run my story or consider my case. I lost thousands of dollars in stock which I could not sell and after 9 months of fighting the ruling unsuccessfully I moved to the UK, as there was a silly law in Oz that if you have a terminal condition you can import up to 3 months supply of any treatment you choose 4 time a year. - A long story behind that law which came into force about 1992.

I could supply people from the UK but by now my client base of over 3500 from 0 in 5 years was slashed badly, and people did not want to go through all the hassles and paperwork and import from the other side of the world.

This is when I started using 'Can T', a pun on cancer/Canada and tea. I told the authorities if they wished to licence 'Can T' I would change the T to A or B or C etc. and they realised that we could relabel instantly but not stop me using the herbs, so they left me alone. Can T was not a good name for internet searches and we started using CanTea when the authorities were over trying to stop me completely, but I did keep a very low profile and still do.

Cancer is the mainstay on the medical and drug industry. Daily we see people fund raising, sports groups etc, yet no progress is made to stop it.

Fund raising and charities really annoy me. It is a waste of time and the money. President G W Bush was contributing 5 billion a year to cancer research. What difference does another hundred thousand make to that type on investment? When I started in the early 1990's, 1 in 3 got cancer and 1 in 4 died from it. 20 years on 1 in 2 get cancer and 1 in 3 die from it.

To put that in cold hard figures it was of 1 million people 333,333 got cancer and 250,000 died from it to now with 500,00 per million getting cancer and 333,333 dying from it. That is a 50% growth in new cases in 20 years. With these stats, another 50% growth by 2030 (20 years) will see 750,000 in every million diagnosed with cancer.

I think, like politics, spin is the order of the day. Every time the TV tells us of a new cancer treatment it is "under trial and will be available in 5 years". In 5 years it is forgotten but it did mean their fund raising systems got a boost yet again.

This is why my clinics are so important to me, and why I am working so hard to get them established.




Hi Max,

Thanks for the further information. I am curious, I was reading around the internet and I came across numerous articles which claim that Caisse said that tumours often enlarge before getting smaller on Essiac as metastasized cells are drawn back to the primary tumour site - did she say this?

I would also like your opinion on actual tumour size; it seems that the medical profession is only interested in reducing tumours but not putting the body back in a healthful state. Reduction of tumour size seems paramount regardless of whether the patient is destroyed with surgery or chemotherapy. Do you think that if a tumour is too big the tea will be unable to reduce it completely?, meaning at some point some surgery would have to be done to remove the remaining mass?



Hi Alex,

I have read the Caisse claim that they increase in size before dissolving.

I also note that from my own experience talking to patients that this is not common, but they virtually never report this, and some have been told it has reduced in size. The norm of my people is they stay the same as the centre dissolves then they disappear as they end their time.

There is a possibility that again because of the time difference between then and now, that diagnosis was a lot slower and metastasis more common. It might be that when the metastases reduce they accumulate in the original site cause the increase in size? I have several ideas on the cause. It may be related to her weekly treatment where it attacked the tumour; there was a fight back and possibly some stimulation from the tea initially. Overstimulation of cancer cells can possible destroy them eventually as they are already hyperactive normally. These things I will investigate with my clinic eventually.

Just a warning reading about Essiac on the internet.

Where are journalists getting their stories from? Is there any new information about the tea or are they retelling the Caisse story.

Most suppliers do not communicate with their patients on a regular basis, and know very little of what is really happening and why. They do not really know what the patient is doing, what supplements etc they as using, when the doctor has or is doing etc, so they cannot really provide any new useful information. Stories of success are often published that really tell nothing of the treatment past or present.

On that subject, how are you progressing and what are you doing?




Hi Max,

As I mentioned before I am back on the tea. I am taking 250ml twice per day (morning and night). My primary goal is to reduce the huge tumour on the thigh (approximately 20cm). Otherwise I feel excellent on the tea. I am also noticing that I need much less sleep when on the tea, instead of 8 or 9 hours I only need about 6.

I will keep drinking it and measuring the tumour on a monthly basis. I hope after 4 weeks I will see some regression. I suppose I am lucky in that I can actually see my tumour through the skin; however the flip side of this is that it is unsightly.




Hi Max,

I would just like to let you know that there seems to be quite a lot of change to my tumour since I went back on the tea. The tumour is becoming extremely soft; I can now push through the tumour like a sponge, before it was extremely hard. For some reason I don?t remember this happening when I first started drinking the tea. Perhaps it?s because I wasn?t splitting the dosage. Could taking it morning and night have such a difference? The actual size hasn?t changed yet but as I mentioned it is getting extremely soft. It does seem that the tumour has gotten bigger since January; however this could have been due to the fact that I stopped the tea for around 2 months. I have read some people say that if you stop the tea that the tumour grows even faster. Anyway, I am hoping that this softening is a good sign and that it will soon disintegrate. What are your thoughts?




Hi Alex,

Most definitely. The signs are excellent. It is my experience from many discussions with users that the tumour grows much more quickly if the tea is stopped.

It is common that the tumour dissolves from the centre outwards, our research proved that, and then I would expect it to be more and more spongy as it loses its rigidity.

If, as you indicate, the tumour is very large, then when it does dissolve you may need the unwanted waste to be drained off, and possibly more than once.

We did have a lady who had her original drainage then repeated it 2 weeks later. She had 34 fast growing tumours in her abdomen, the biggest the size of a grapefruit and in 6 weeks had 3 left, the biggest the size of a golf ball. The drain was inserted in a hospital and was left in overnight. She described the waste as putrid to smell and look at, but who cares when you have that type of result.

Naturally you keep up the use of the tea during this time and do not stop until there is no possibility any live cells remain, including the outer wall of the tumour.

I usually recommend where possible the intake is split 2 or three or 4 times per day both on the label and on my site.


Hi Max,

I am curious, how would I know if the area needs to be drained? Do you mean that eventually the mass will just become a ball of fluid which needs to be burst like a balloon to let all the waste in the form of fluid out?

I seem to be doing well with two dosages a day of 250ml each (500ML total per day) split morning and night so I will stick with that for now.




Hi Alex,

Because there is no natural exit for the remains of the tumour as there would be if it were in many organs, and because of the large volume, you will need to go to A & E and they will be able to drain off the waste.

I expect a part of the wall will initially collapse, and will cause redness, itchiness, discomfort and probably pressure on/in the area. Do not delay once you feel any or all of these or similar symptoms.

It is unlikely doctors will believe you have dissolved a tumour, they have not heard of this happening like this in their practice. However they are often more inclined to accept that spontaneous remission has occurred and the tumour has downgraded itself to a cyst.

Arguing the point will just cause unpleasantness and delay their draining of the area.

I expect it will take a day to drain and depending on how much is removed, the process may need to be repeated in a week or two.

These are fantastic results not to be concerned about and an unexplained miracle in medical terms. This is a further example of why I need clinics where you would be under daily surveillance and the drainage just a formality for all concerned.

Keep up the great progress, and keep me updated too please.

If you wish to take any other substances at this time, I will only recommend one that may assist, colloidal silver, which is available at health shops. It is the best antibiotic known, has been used as such for thousands of years, and could help stop any infection arising from the above.

I introduced it to the UK in 1995 after much agro from the UK Medicines Control Authority, and have been using it with my family for 20 years.

Best regards


14/July/2010 Hi Max,

Thanks for the information. I am curious, do you think over time it is possible that the tumour could just dissipate and dissolve? or are you pretty sure that I will need the area drained at some point? How exactly would I know if I needed it drained?

Also, could you tell me if you know of a good supplier of colloidal silver?



Hi Alex,

I doubt that your body would be able to dispose of the quantity of waste that would result in the collapse of your tumour. If it shrank slowly over a long period it might be different, but it dies from the centre outwards so that will not apply.

Normally a very small tube will be inserted into the area and it drains out over night into a container under the bed. A bit like the reverse of a tube used put fluid into the body.

You will need to get to the hospital immediately your leg starts to feel uncomfortable. The longer you leave it outer shell dissolves, the more your body systems will fight it as an infection or foreign body. It will swell the longer you leave it, and you do not want the material to spread any more than is necessary.

I point out that normally you would not be given this information. I would doubt anyone else would even know about it, but I usually tell people in advance of any situation or experience I am aware of so they do not worried or upset when such events occur. (Another example not well known is bowel cancer. In this case, rather than dissolving the tumour is passed in what appears to be a normal toilet function initially. However in the basin you see a jelly like substance up 18ins or more long with a stringy appearance or veins running through it. We have had a man faint and fall into the toilet when this happened in the early 90's and I warn people with this condition that if this happens it is fantastic and the end of their problem.)

The worst case related to your type of situation is where the tumours dissolves in the abdomen but not in an organ. This caused the abdomen to swell badly within hours of the tumours collapsing, and caused her a great deal of discomfort. In fact she was so worried she called an ambulance and was worried that she was in a very serious condition. After draining 2 litres that night, then another 2 two weeks later she was a lot better. You will not have 4 litres on your leg I am sure, nowhere near, so you can see how serious her condition was.

I have been away from the UK for 5 years and do not know what Colloidal Silver is available. I think that most health suppliers will have good quality products on their shelves. Normally the silver was measured in PPM (parts per million) or mg/Litre. Normally 15-20. There are two methods of production chemically using a silver salt or electrolysis using a silver anode/cathode. The chemical one is probably stronger and smaller particles are produced. All normally say 99.999% silver.

Hope this helps.




Hi Max,

Thanks for the info. At this rate of progress I think it might be another 4-8 weeks before I might need to head to the hospital. So I will continue to examine the tumour and how I feel. One important question though is how to explain to the brainwashed doctors or medical personnel at A&E that I have dissolved a cancerous tumour and it needs to be drained from my body?

Do you think it would be useful at all to get a PET scan around this time?, I have been told that a PET scan can show the tumour dissolving more clearly than any other type of scan. Also, do you think there is any danger in getting a biopsy? Unfortunately in the UK I cannot get a clinical diagnosis of cancer unless it is done by biopsy.

Finally, I think I mentioned before that I keep the Essiac in glass pitchers. These pitchers have a small hole in the lid so you can pour the contents of the pitcher without removing the entire lid. Do you think this small hole will affect the quality of the Essiac? Does the container need to be air tight?




Hi Max,

I just wanted to let you know that I had an MRI scan recently and it showed that about 60% of the tumour has dissolved into liquid. The radiology report also indicated it was benign which is in contrast to my first scan about a year ago which suggested malignancy.




Hi Alex,

I am pleased to hear from you and your progress to date.

You will recall 13 months ago almost to the day I wrote you a long letter about cancer and in it I wrote

"It is normal for a tumour to dissolve from the centre outwards. An MRI will show the centre is soft. In one case of a brain tumour the tumour was at a stage where there was only soft tissue with a firmer "outer shell". The doctors told the man his tumour was being down-graded to a cyst when they scanned it. He was delighted and rang and told me. He had had an operation initially removing a third of the tumour, but the rest was not accessible or treatable and he was terminal. It was a miracle, and because of the reclassification by the ignorant doctors the man stopped taking the tea... I told him the hard outer shell was still live cancer but he did not take my word for it. Rufus rang me 18 months later and told me he had had further surgery and chemo, but was in a bad way, the tumour had come back with a vengeance as I said it would. Unbelievably he went to the doctor (who was useless the first time) for help and did not come to me. I told him I would send him some tea immediately. Three days later his wife rang and thanked me for the tea and all the help, but it had not arrived in time. I was pretty upset about that case, he did not need to die, he just had to listen to what I was telling him, after all it was only the CanTea that boosted his body and successfully dissolve his sarcoms tumour. "

I did not write this because I was taking a stab in the dark about what I anticipated would happen with with either you, the tea and the doctors. I believe I got it 100%.

Now all I can say is that the tumour is malignant just as it was with Rufus, and I will tell you what I told him. If you do nothing, eventually it will overcome the effects of the tea and your body's boosted immunity to it, and restart its growth. Further much like a car battery that is losing its energy, eventually kick starting recovery of the body's functions and organs becomes harder and harder.

A further point I would make is this CanTea is not really the product known as Essiac as such. Over the past 18 years I have been developing the product, preparation and usage to compensate for almost a century change in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer since Rene Caisse developed Essiac. The only aspect in common with Essiac as made by the man who bought the formula a decade ago and my CanTea is the list of ingredients, and then not the same quantities of herbal ratios.

Essiac was a treatment where a person got injections and then drank some tea for the other ingredients. No one was ever given the actual formula of that treatment but Rene Caisse sold a list of the herbs she was using which doctors bought from her over 30 years ago. Even with the list of ingredients they (Resperin) had little success. They licensed a USA based research company (Mankind Research Foundation) to try and improve the product to achieve the success they had witnessed by the founder. They also failed and the formula's ingredients were finally given to an out of work cancer technician (David Dobbie) to have a try at using it. This is where I came in, a few months later and though I went to Canada and worked with David over the next 3-4 years, I got frustrated that he was not doing the right thing which I had proven time and time again to be much more successful. So Successful I was stopped by the Australian Government with the threat of fines and imprisonment. That is when I went to Europe, but when my funding for the clinic in Spain collapsed, I returned to Australia to work on my other inventions. Hopefully these will provide the funds for clinics in the future.

It is up to you where you go from here. All I can say is I don't want to be writing to someone else in a few years time telling them about your success, or the stuff up caused by doctors who don't understand what the tea has done to you and for you to date, and ending as it did with Rufus.

You need to get rid of all traces. You need to drain off the waste; I don't know how toxic it is or might be left there like that for so long.

Please get back to me and tell me what you want to do.

Have a Merry Xmas

Best regards


It breaks my heart to have to finish this story. Alex did not reply to ,y email and I did not hear from him for many months.

Suddenly out of the blue I got an Email from Alex that he had been told of an amazing healer in Thailand and had gone to be treated there with him. Six months later he was in a very bad way again, and had returned to London to be treated there by his doctor.

He quickly realised his error as the doctor didn't help at all, and he was writing to me to buy some more tea.

Soon after that he was he was taken to hospital and he asked his mother to det his tea when it arrived so he could get back on it ASAP.

Sadley the postman tried to deliver the tea several times before leaving a not in his letterbox telling where to collect his parcel.

Unfortunately Alex passed away two day before hi9s mother got the message. She wrote and thanked me for all my help in trying to help her son and expressing her dissapointment he stopped what was helping him so much and tried something he knew nothing about.

PLEASE. If you are using the tea and doing well, and most people do, please don't become another Alex or Rufus. Stick with what is working. No one in this corrupt business world of the Mainstream Medicine Industry is going to put your health and recovery ahead of the industry earning a dollar. There is only one person who will loose if you don't make the right choices, and it is never the doctors. You have to take responsability for your own recovery.

YOUR life is in YOUR hands!
It is YOUR cancer, YOU do what YOU have to do!
CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results