Patient Mr. John S.
Address Perth, Western Australia
Age 51 years
Diagnosis   Prostate Cancer & Dangerous Medical Ignorance


What Would You Do?


This is the story of John, a respected accountant, with his own practice. John, like many men of his age group, went to see his doctor because he felt that things were not as they used to be, and he needed a good check-up.

After a discussion on the symptoms, John was sent to a specialist. As the result of his examinationJohn's Oncologist, and friend, decided to do some more tests. These would be the regular tests for men with the symptoms he displayed.

On the 12th October 1994 John had a scan, and during the scan his friend the doctorexactly what was going on. He focused on the area where there were little white flecks and said "This is cancer." The scan with the white spots show where the tumour is. We will have to shrink this down and eventually remove it.

As is normal with the treatment of this disease, John was given hormone tablets to attempt to shrink the cancer prior to surgery, expected to be in a further 6 months. Unlike most people in his situation, he also visited a friend who was a very experienced Naturopath. She was not so keen on the regular treatments, but discussed the tea with John, and gave him some information to read on it, being a combination of 4 naturol herbs, with no known harmful side effects after over 100 years of use took his interest. He decided to give it a try, with nothing to lose, and see how it went. He noticed changes in his condition very quickly, but as these were not scientific, waited expectancy for his medical appointment.

John next visited the specialist on the 10th Feb1995, just 4 months after his diagnosis. the specialist again went over the area with the scanner, focusing where the white spots were. At the end the Oncologist told John he wanted to operate in a couple of weeks' time.

It was at this point that John told the doctor he had been taking the tea. Then he said he was surprised that surgery was being suggested, as he had not seen the same white spotted area he had been showing as being the cancer four months previously even though the scanner had searched the area very thoroughly. The doctor said he would see him in two weeks' time after consideration.

Two weeks later John returned to see his specialist, to be told the same story, that he wanted to operate. John again objected saying he could not see why he needed the operation. The oncologist explained to him that he had had discussions with colleagues on the situayion, and none of them were aware of this tea. He definately had the cancer the previous October, and there was no way it could just disappear. they would still need to operate and remove it.

Now John was confused as to what was supposed to happen to him He had been shown the cancer 4 months ago, and now it was obviously not there. Both he and the doctior could see that much. He thought for a moment then he asked the doctir what he was going to operate on. There no cancer where he was going to operate on previously, what was he actually going to do?

the doctor reaffirmed there was no way the cancer could just disappear and he wanted to open him up and find out where it had gone. Then when he found they would remove it. John is an accountant and a practical man. He could not believe the doctor was going to explore for a tumour they both saw four months previously, but had now obviously disappeared. His eyes had seen for himself, clearly it was not there.

Against the further warnings, and considerable pressure from the doctor as to what would happen if the now imaginary cancer was not removed, Johnstuck to his decision which he sees as logical, and declined to go under the knife.

John has discussed this prostate cancer with other friends with similar problems, but they ridiculed him and say he should listen to his doctor. They will not remove their cancer with a herbal drink, they will have it cut out.

What they are not considering the tea users in the past find their cancers go for good. the tea treats the cause as well as the cancer, which is the result not the cause. Tea users recover fully, and then do not have a reoccurrance. The book 'Fighting the Cancer in our System' gives case studies of patients who have lived for 40 years after being diagnosed with cancer, and they did not have reoccurrances, because the cause of the cancer is addressed by the tea, not just the resultant growths.

John remains in good health, does not need to get up repeatedly at night, and has the PSA in the healthy range, and is working as if he had never been sick in his life.

The tea's supplier told john and his naturopath of many similar stories, and said the most serious case was one where a patient was described as unstable(terminal), hospitalised and beyond eating solids. He was also in Perth, and was aged 72. He regularly need morphine for his pain. The man was given the tea by his son. He came off morphine, and was discharged from the hospital after 9 days on the tea. He continues his recovery at home over the next few months, and went overseas on holiday 3 months after his discharge.