I first spoke with Mr R. Voss about his condition in 7th May 2000.

He told me he had earlier been diagnosed with a brain tumour, a Glioma, he had been operated on to remove the tumour, and a third of the tumour had been removed from the top of the tumour. No more could be removed as it was too delicate an operation and too close to the brain. The third they had removed would relieve the pressure he was suffering from for a period of time, but there was no known cure, and he was not taking any treatments.

That day Mr Voss bought some tea, and continued to use it from then on, on a daily basis.

At this time I should explain what we have been told about the tea and its response by a leading Professor of Oncology (I funded to do a series of Medical Research Trials) and other users. The base tumour or source tumour is different to any metastasised growths and always is the last to respond. A serious of MRI scans in the mid 1990’s on Dr E.F. who had pancreatic cancer showed the tumour became soft in the very centre of the tumour. This soft area grew larger until the tumour was soft all through with only the outer layer remaining solid (somewhat like an uncooked egg with a hard outer shell and soft center). Any undissolved area, like the outer shell in this example, is still live active cancer. Eventually this dissolved also and all traces of the tumour disappeared. Others concur with this from their experiences but it is not something that doctors expect or look for. When using aggressive treatments like Chemo or radiation the aim is to shrink the tumour. The tea does not normally shrink it; it dissolves it from the centre outwards. This fools many doctors and people into thinking because the tumour has not got smaller, the tea is not working. Normally the tumour remains the same size until it actually dissolves completely.

Back to Mr Voss.

After faithfully using the tea every day, and ordering every 5 weeks, in April 2002 Mr Voss rang me and said “I have fantastic news. Today the doctors told me I no longer have a tumour. The cancer has completely gone, and the area that was once a tumour is now downgraded to a cyst.”

While Mr Voss gave full credit to his recovery to the tea, as there was nothing else he took or was given as treatment after the surgery, he was not prepared to the warnings I gave him that the “cyst” was not a downgrading of his tumour, and the thin solid outer shell holding the soft center was still active cancer cells yet to be destroyed.

Taking his doctors diagnosis of a “cyst” he immediately stopped ordering the tea. His last purchase had been 19th March 2002. Unfortunately the story does not stop there.

The next time I heard from Mr Voss, he told me that he had 1-2 months to live and he was very weak and unwell. He had had a relapse; the “cyst” had started growing after he stopped the tea. He had gone to his doctor again, and as soon as the doctor saw him he was off to surgery again followed by Chemo and radiation.

As with the first time these treatments failed completely and left him in a much worst state that he had been, in a very short period of treatment.

He told me he wished he had not stopped the tea.

He told me he wished he had gone back on the tea rather than going back to his doctor. He then placed an order for some more tea.

A couple of weeks later I got an Email from his wife saying he was to be buried the following day, and inviting me to the funeral.

This could have been a wonderful success story. It was probably within months of being so. It ended up a tragedy because the doctors did not understand what had happened, had not experienced this before and mislead Mr Voss to believe that somehow he was cured. He nearly was, but nearly is not good enough because in this case the result was the loss of a young life, possibly needlessly.

He wanted everyone to know his story, and make people aware of his mistakes so that they are not repeated again.