Patient Mr John Cronin
Address World War 2 Veteran
Age 37 years
Doctor Dr Wood
Address Brusch Medical Institute, USA
Diagnosis   Carcinoma of the right lung

  ~ An extract from HOMEMAKER MAGAZINE 1976
John Cronin had inoperable carcinoma of the right lung, with diagnosis prove by biopsy.

By July 28 1959 after seven weekly treatments (Herbal injections), pains in the chest had disappeared, as had his shortness of breath.

Chest opened by Dr Wood of Brusch Medical Center, about ninety days previously, and an inoperable carcinoma of the right lung discovered. Cancer proved by biopsy. Patient not treated by X-rays.

Patient very weak when Nurse's treatment commenced.
One flight of stairs a great effort.

Could only walk short distance without resting and complaining of severe chest pains and was being given opiates.

After several treatments orally and intramuscularly, chest pains had disappeared, as had his marked shortness of breath.

He was no longer given sedation. He could now climb several flights of stairs without obvious effort and had taken up again his hobby of swimming. Previous to treatment he had been unable to attempt swimming.

Patient is an alcoholic. In August he got "Drunk" and was taken to the Veteran's Hospital where he was informed his veteran's compensation would be cut off if he took any treatment except that offered at the Veterans Hospital.
Pain in chest returned while in hospital and pains developed in legs, treated by X-ray at Veterans Hospital.
Patient appeared subsequently at Brusch Medical Center and asked for further treatment, saying he would gladly sacrifice his compensation for relief and improvement that the treatment had given him.
Under circumstances, further treatment refused.

An extract from
The Brusch Research for René Caisse.

Dr Brusch was not interested enough to keep a copy of his research.
These cases were in Rene Caisse's files which were NOT destroyed as some misleading writers (Gary Glum) claim.

The Author of this web site coments.This is obviously one case where the Brusch Institute doctors had a chance of recovery, and refusing treatment is not something I consider admirable. Perhaps alcohol was the cause perhaps the escape from his condition. He was a World War 2 veteran. The point is a doctor, could help the patient and refused because he was suffering from another disease, alcoholism as well. Not what I expect nor worthy of his attitude to the oath.

Perhaps he was too busy looking after J.F.K.
Perhaps it is why Rene Caisse refused to sell or give Dr Brusch her formula when she sold it in 1977, and why she still had to supply Dr Brusch the herbs for Mr McGrail's oesophageal cancer in 1976.

-See the "Homemaker Article", published August 1976
Dr Brusch sold Elaine Alexander his idea of the Caisse formula in 1988.

This is now called Flor essence. Elaine Alexander who sold Flor essence as a cancer treatment, died from cancer in the mid 1990's.