
Mr Ca





The majority of people who come to this site are terminal with cancer.

The doctor has done whatever they could for them, and they are not expected to live very long.

For any of these people to recover must therefore be close to miraculous, but miracles do happen.

What is amazing is that the success rate is better than that of current chemo success. Further chemo success rates include all stages even very early diagnosis, not just the terminal which visit here. (Statistically overall success with all users of chemo is arround 20%, a figure that is better than radiation for all stages.)

Though our success with terminal patients is exceptional, it is not 100%. But we always had satisfied families who say the tea took away the normal pain and distress.

It means that in the majority of cases people either did not need paliative care at all not even morphine, or in some cases only in the final weeks of their life. It gave quality of life to the end and allowed them to be fully conscious and in their normal surroundings. They could say goodbye with dignity, and were not as burden to care for.

This leaves the family with much less distress, and memories of a peaceful loving farewell. It avoids the ongoing state of pain and sedation, unpleasant smells, hospice clinical environment, unknown surroundings, 24 hour access and other memories we so often are told about.

They will normally just drift off to sleep peacefully.

This letter was written by a lady who believed in the benefits of the tea even though it did not save her husband. It is always nice to hear from satisfied customers, but I'm sad we lost Mr Ca..

Copy of the letter from Mrs Ca.

Dear Sir,

As per our telephone conversation this morning, I have returned the cartons of tea for refund.

I am grateful for the opportunity to do this. Although the herbs did not save my husband, whose prognosis was always bad, I am sure that the tea extended his "quality of life" in the all too short period that we were using it.

My husband was diagnosed as having particularly rampant strain of melanoma, but remained well and strong until 2 weeks before his death.

I believe the tea contributed immeasurably to his well being up to that particular time.

Many thanks for your prompt service, & for the opportunity to return the balance of the goods.


N.B. The 20% success rate for chemotheropy as stated above comes from a radio 5 interview in May 2000 and was made by the professor recently appointed "Cancer Czar" by the UK government to head their push to reduce cancer death rates in the UK.

Most recent research into the success of Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer shows the success rates in the US is 2.1% but in Australia a better 2.4%. Can you think of any good reason why you would try an expensive medical treatment with a success rate of just 2 in 100 cases? Seriously?.

As the doctor who tried to have me stopped in 1995 from helping people, cancer is an industry, and a very profitable industry, and he did everything he could to stop me doing this to his industry.

No industry wants to become redundant. How would the drug companies survive if they didn't have a "chemo market", and the control of it. It would be like makers of carts for horses, or people shoe horses like my grandfather was trained to do. We would not need more that half our medical profession, from the University Professors to GP's and Researchers to Clerical Staff and all the people in massive factories to make poison and pills etc etc!