Patient Mr Albert Moses
Address Toronto, Ontario
Age 37 years
Doctor Dr James L. Stewart
Address Boise, Idaho, USA
Diagnosis   Cancer of the rectum with prostate gland involvement Carcinoma. Haemorrhoids

  Growth in lower bowel with prostate gland involvement, a long standing case of haemorrhoids. Patient had no operation, no radium, had a few medical treatments, - under a lump. May 37 Patient started to take treatment. Feb 38 Patient died.

Letter from Dr James L Stewart, Boise, Idaho March 37

My diagnosis at the time that I examined Mr Moses, March 3 1937, was cancer of the rectum.
The findings were a crater like growth in the anterior wall of the rectum about four or five cm. in diameter and about six to eight in anuse. This growth was attached to the prostate.

James L Stewart

Letter from F. P. Jeppesen, M.D. 1.1937

622 Eastman Bldg.
Boise, Idaho

February 19, 1937
Dear Doug,
The bearer of this letter, Mrs Moses, brought her husband in to me for an examination for prostate trouble. I found a bladder residual of 10 ounces and on rectum examination I found a huge carcinoma of the rectum.
Mr Moses is a resident of Toronto and wanted to return there for any surgery that is indicated. He does not know many doctors there and I thought you could easily refer him to a good man. Roscoe Graham is the only surgeon that I could think of off hand.
They are very nice people and would very much appreciate anything you could do for them. The lesion could be primary in the prostate but I don't think so.
Mr Moses does not know what is wrong with himself. After questioning he gave me a history of weight loss of about 30 pounds and some blood in stools months ago.

Jeppessen M.D.

Copy of letter to Miss Caisse from Mr Moses 12.1937

Miss René Caisse,

Dear Miss Caisse,
Having taken your treatment for cancer since May 11/37 I would like to say how much benefit I have been from same. Three specialists from United States, two whose diagnosis you have on file and one in Toronto whose diagnosis I don't happen to have but all pronounced it Cancer of the Rectum, and would have to have an operation for same.
While I am not free from Drainage as yet, my health is such that I would be willing to be examined by any of the Medical Fraternity.
I am Yours sincerely

Albert A. Moses
45 Dupont St.

Copy of letter to Miss Caisse from Mrs Moses after Mr Moses' death

Dear Miss Caisse,
Your words of comfort are gratefully re-read. I know that they come from the heart as my heart echoes.
I know that had we gone in time, the treatments which you gave might have cured my dear one would leave only heartache did we not also know that he had great relief from the treatments and was able to enjoy a comparatively comfortable summer.
Many of the distressing features of that frightening disease were absent, one in particular which would have been torture to one of my husbands temperament - was the unbearable odour which obtains in advanced cases, In Albert's case there was none. I cared for him here at home until the last ten days.
I was always thinking of your efforts to alleviate suffering with deepest gratitude. May the Great Physician bless and use you in his service.
Yours sincerely

Mrs Albert Moses

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