This is a letter to the Leader of the Australian Liberal Party
and from 1996 Prime Minister of Australia .

The authors identity phone number and address have been removed from the letter.Their identity has no bearing on the information in the letter. These are the actual words sent to the Leader of the Opposition in Australia soon after his election as leader.

Unfortunately nothing was achieved by sending this plea for help.

Mr John Howard MP

Mrs K Wilk..
------------- Rd
Ph -----------

20 Jan 1995

Dear Mr Howard,

I have just become aware of a government action that I find alarming and contradictory to my rights as an Australian Citizen.

I was diagnosed in September 1992 with breast cancer and subsequently underwent a mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy.
(See enclosed).

The above treatments have failed to halt the spread of the cancer and my oncologist measures my present life span in months to one year.

Such is the predicament of thousands of Australians at the moment, however I consider it my right to fight this disease with whatever is available and have been utilising diet, meditation and herbs that can assist in the alleviation of pain, or have been known to halt or slow the progress of cancer.

One such product, a combination of herbs that are readily available in health food shops here, but the combination is Canadaian following a special formulae and distributed in Australia.

I have been taking this for three months and as you can see by my scan I should be a very sick woman, however I look and feel well apart from skeletal pain and continue to carry on business from home to the surprise of my doctors.

As a registered nurse I am aware and sceptical of "cures" of which the tea makes no claim. I am simply grateful for the quality of life it may bring for as long as possible.

The TGA have as of 19.1.1995 informed the importers that they must cease trading.

As a person who has worked in the medical field I am aware of the suffering of people with cancer, most tragic are the children, as a citizen who is constantly told of the enormous efforts being made to find cures and the work of such organisations as the Garvin Institute. I am concerned by obvious contradictions in what we are told and what is happening.

If there are any worthwhile properties in the tea wouldn't if be logical to commence a program of testing or is there a hidden agenda to suppress the product for economic reasons.

I would be most grateful if you could investigate this government action and inform me of any developments.


K Wil...


Below is Prime Minister Howards reply
to his constituent's plea for life saving help...


Perhaps it's in the post, it's only 21+ years.

I knew you would be interested to see P. M. John Howard was as interested in the

War on Cancer

to save tens of thousands of Australians lives yearly,
as he was in the War in Iraq to save Iraqis from Sadam Hussain.
John Howard became Australia's second longest serving Prime Minister,
and under his watch the rate of deaths from Cancer went from 1 person in 5 to 1 in 4.
That is an extra 5 per hundred deaths Australia wide, in a decade, from 20 to 25 per hundred grandmothers, grandfathers, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, grandsons, granddaughters, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, girls, boys, lovers, friends and acquaintences.

In 2016 it is 33 deaths per hundred.
Didn't we do well in the past 2 decades!
Increased the number of deaths per hundred by 66%.
And that is nothing to do with population growth, it is per 100 of the population!