Patient Mr VE
Address Herts. UK.
Diagnosis   Thyroid Cancer, Quality of Life, Palliative Care.

Dear Max,
I enclose the containers of tea I bought from you in the beginning of the month. If you recall I did ask if I could have them on sale of return, you did agree to this. Could you please credit it to my visa account.
Unfortunately my husband died 21sr December. I must say that I feel it was the tea that enabled him to eat right up to his death and be relatively free of pain. The cancer, which had started in the thyroid gland and had spread to the vocal chords surfaced all round the neck area. The anaplastic cancer was very virulent and every day one could see it moving ariound the neck and chest area. My husband died peacefully without the use of morphine, which he declined even at the end.
Thank you for sending the tea so promptly, and I am sure if cancer of the throat is to be treated it would be highly effective.
Yours sincerely
Diane V

NOTEI am happy to be able to say there is a good side to this story.
I watched my father die in 1972 from prostate cancer. I went in to see him one day when he was very near the end, and I knew nothing about cancer. He was far too weak to get out of bed, feed himself or go to the toilet. He was like a helpless little baby. My father was a man I looked up to in every way. A strong fighter. Worked harder than anyone I knew and was the most loving father I could have had. I would have done anything for him as he did for me.
When I saw a tear run down his cheek I could not believe it.
I asked "What is going on? Why are you crying?"
He looked at me straight in the eye and said "I can't stand the pain any more."
Anyone who knows anything about me knows I am a fighter. I have been all my life. I stand up for me and mine, always have and always will.
So I went to find a doctor or a nurse. There was no doctor available but I told the nurse about my father.
The nurse said "The doctor says your dad is only allowed to have Morphine every 4 hours. If he has it more frequently he would become addicted to it. He is due his next jab in 2 hours."
I said "We don't even treat our animals on the farm like that. It is appauling!"
That was the worst moment of my life. My father died within a couple of weeks. If a doctor had walked past at that moment I would not be responsible for what I said or did. It was when I really saw the humanity in Medicine, it was a life long lesson.
Now I am happy to help people with pain who have no chance of recovery. It is one of the most humane things we can do to people in pain. I am so pleased when I can't actually help someone with cancer, that I allow them to pass fully conscious, in peace and without pain. It is the next best thing to helping them fully recover. And their family and friends remember a peaceful and loving passing when they just fall asleep gently.