Patient Mrs E. V. Veitch
Address Ufford, Ontario
Age 55 years
Doctor Dr McCormick
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Growth on bladder and side.


Patient had operation for growth on bladder three years ago, (1935), operated by Dr McCoomb Medical Arts Bldg Toronto. Also at the same time doctor took section and said it was the most malignant type of cancer. Patient had no other treatments at that time. Patient suffered pains again in 1938. A growth was also removed from side in 1935, had seven stitches.

Patient had first treatment from Rene Caisse

Patient can now do work around the house without pain. Before taking treatment patient had stabbing pain about every three minutes and could not walk at all. Now can walk without any distress. Patient had discharge from bladder very badly, had to take two or three hot water douches every day to relieve pain which helped perhaps for an hour or two. The discharge at present is very slight and patient has not taken a douche since the third treatment. Patient says life is worth living now, walks well, and is sleeping well.

Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse by Mrs Veitch,-


Ufford, Ont.,

To Miss Caisse or any other person whom it may concern,

This is to certify that this is a true account of my illness from the beginning dating back about 1923 about fifteen years ago as well as I can remember. I was taken with trouble in the vicinity of my bladder and passage leading to it. I Drove a distance of 16 miles in cold mid winter and was chilled through. After this chilling I developed an inflammation of the bladder and I was real sick for a couple of weeks. Did not call a doctor. Kept hot applications on. After this trouble a periodic stabbing pain kept up which was very uncomfortable. This would leave me for perhaps a month and then it would return for some time. This kept up for some time. I then decided to go to see a doctor.

I went to Dr Bastedo in Bracebridge. He gave me an examination and said trouble was in the vicinity of my bladder, so gave me medicine and tablets and put me to bed for two weeks with hot applications. Pain did not trouble me so much when lying down, but when I got up it was back again. The tablets I took for one year steady, and at the end of the year I was no better, so took no more. I bore my pain in silence and tried to do my work which was very hard for me to do and always longing for night to come so I could lie down, as that was the only rest I got. All this time the stabbing pain continued, gradually getting a little worse.

Four years ago last August I went to Orillia to Dr Harvey. He gave me an examination but did not give me very much satisfaction. The passage from my bladder began to pain more and more and at the outside was an angry red growth about the size of a large wild strawberry. This he treated with some very dark fluid which burned and tortured me. He gave me a bottle home and told me to apply with a feather every day. I continued for a week and could stand it no longer. It was as sensitive as "Proud flesh" and resembled it somewhat. I could scarcely bear my clothing to touch it. As time went on the pain extended inward and urination was hindered and gradually became more painful. For a couple of years I spent sleepless nights and was a continual sufferer from , neuralgia and rheumatism all over me.

In June 1935 urination seemed almost impossible and I could see my life would soon end. I got up about three o'clock one morning crazy with pain and instead of voiding urine it looked like blood. I was rushed over to Dr Joyce in Fort Carling and after examination ordered to go to Toronto as soon as possible to Dr McCoomb "Kidney and Bladder Specialist" in the Medical Arts Building. After examination he called the Toronto General Hospital to prepare for an operation to have this growth removed. So I was operated on and while on the table they removed another small growth from my side. This did not pain me of any account. I think they had to put in eight stitches. This has never troubled me since. They also removed the other growth which had extended toward my bladder about an inch and a half, and had also closed the bladder passage. One of the growths was sent to the pathologist and his return said it was the most malignant type of cancer and that is sarcoma. My brother died at the age of 36 with sarcoma so I fully understand what the word meant. .

I was very sick for some time after this and gradually felt better. He asked me to come back to Toronto the following October and be examined again. He believed there was one spot that was beginning to grow again and it was not long until I was aware of the fact. Gradually the old pain began to come back and at the end of three years after my operation I decided to go to the Cancer Clinic in Bracebridge and take Miss Caisse's treatment.

I did not notice much improvement until after the first four treatments, but the next treatment I had a terrible reaction. I was unable to sit up for two weeks and have not gained all my strength back yet. But this was the turning point. All praise to Miss Caisse's treatment, whose name I know will go down in history for her wonderful discovery. My pain is gradually getting less. I can walk with ease and am beginning to do my own work. It is like a new world I am living in. I have only taken eight treatments I think to date,- October 8, 1938.

I am hoping and praying that my improvement continues until I am myself again.

Sincerely yours

Mrs E. Veitch Ufford, Ont.

Extension of letter written to Miss Caisse by Mrs Veitch,-

In my account of my illness I omitted a few things I would like to mention and which might be of importance.

During the last year when the pain was severe I was compelled to use hot water douches in order to relieve me of the extreme pain.

Some days I would have to take two or three of these especially if I was on my feet. Since my reaction I have never had to use one of these douches, and when I say this I am saying a great deal. Also during this year I had a bloody discharge which was very annoying to me and also very painful to me. The more discharge the greater the pain. I was compelled to wear a diaper to protect my clothing. Now this has disappeared almost entirely. Now for eight treatments I think this is wonderful and I really think that the turning point dates from the day I had that terrible reaction.