Patient Mr Frank E. Oke
Address Huntsville, Ontario
Age 44 years
Doctor Dr McCormick
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the lip

April 1st., 1937

Miss René Caisse

Dear Miss Caisse,
I want to review for you the history of my case, with which you are more or less familiar, owing to your series of treatments.

I suffered for some months with a sore on my lower lip. I first noticed it in November, 1935, and went to a local medical doctor. I was told to rub on it "Rubbing Alcohol". I did this. The sore continued to get worse. During the winter it became very painful.

In May, 1936, I had to go to hospital for an operation, and had it again examined by one of the hospital physicians. I was told it would be all right after my operation, which was internal in character.

But the pain became worse. I was finally released from the hospital and started again to work. The pain of my lip was so severe that I had often to leave my work, and go home to rest. I suffered intensely, and was about to accept the advice of a friend, and have a medical man perform an operation on the lip.

But instead, I finally acted on the advice of another friend and went to see Miss Caisse. I commenced taking her treatments. Little by little change took place until the fourth treatment, when the pain began to subside. I continued until I had taken ten treatments in all. When this number had been completed, the pain had gone, and the sore gradually healed.

The healing process continued steadily: the pain was entirely gone, and I am glad to say that now the sore is healed up perfectly, and I have no pain whatever, nor anything to indicate that I had this cancer, except a slight scar of my lip.

From the nature of my trouble, and from the manner in which the sore developed, with intensifying pain, I am certain in my own mind it was cancer. But I am completely healed, thanks to Miss Caisse.

Yours very sincerely,

Frank E. Oke
Huntsville, Ont.