Patient Mr Walter Hampson
Address Utterson, Ontario
Age 34 years
Doctor Dr A. F. Bastedo
Address Bracebridge, Ont
Doctor Dr Ansley, Pathologist
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Squamous carcinoma of the lip


Copy of Pathologists report.

Nov 8-37
Patient T-5890-37

Mr Walter Hampson,
Utterson, Ontario,
age 34.

Dr Ainslie, Pathologist.
Diagnosis: Squamous Carcinoma of the lip.
Microscopic report: Sections through the tissue showed marked inflammation and thickening of the surface layers of the epithelium and underlying stroma. The epithelium also shows the basal layer irregular and spreading out in the underlying tissue in a manner suggestive of early malignancy.

Although the lesion is largely inflammatory it is impossible to rule out malignancy owing to the hyperplastic character of the squamous epithelium.

The gross specimen of a small portion of whitish grey tissue, measuring 4x5x3 this is firm and fibrous in character and shows small areas of haemorrhage."

T E Ainslie
From Form D172-10M-9-37


First treatment by Caisse
Patient's lip improved rapidly. Had to discontinue treatments because it was difficult for him to come for treatments. Growth disappeared with a couple more treatments, only a twitching feeling in lip where stiches were put in. October 16,38.


No sign of growth remains.


Mr Hampson is still living and has had no recurrence as of 1962.


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