Patient Mrs Chas Guppie
Address Gravenhurst, Ontario
Age 21 years
Doctor Dr M. M. Fisher
Address Gravenhurst, Ontario
Diagnosis   Skin Cancer - Squamous Carcinoma.


Letter from Dr Fisher


Mrs Chas Guppie,


Dear Mrs Guppie,

When you come out you better come out prepared to go down to Toronto for a little treatment. I received the report back today and the section shows that thing on your hand to be a skin cancer. You will have to go down for treatment. Come in to the office on your way however till I give you a letter.

Kindest regards

M. M. Fisher.

PS Don't worry it will be O K.

M. M. F.


Section sent to Toronto, and report came back skin cancer, on palm of right hand, one month's duration.


First treatment by Caisse Patient did not go to Toronto for treatment.


Hand improving.


Growth has decreased in size but still throbs.


Patient's hand completely healed, soft and pliable, saw doctor in Gravenhurst who said she had nothing to worry about now.


One cannot tell which hand had been afflicted with cancer.

Copy of diagnosis.

Public Health Laboratories
Department of Health, Ontario
Parliament Buildings


Guppy, Mrs Chas
Nov 2-37

Dr M. M. Fisher
Gravehurst, Ont.

Material: Tissue from hand`
Diagnosis: Squamous Carcinoma of Hand (early)
Gross_Specimen: The gross specimen consists of a rounded portion of skin 1.2 cm. in diameter together with subcutaneous tissue measuring 3 mm. in thickness. In the centre of this portion of tissue is a somewhat raised nodular ulcerating surface 5 mm. in diameter which on section minute haemorrhages and is apparently composed of epithelial tissue. The tissue appears to be thinning down to the subcutaneous tissue.
Microscopic_Report: The tissue shows a heaped up nodule where the squamous epithelium is invading the underlying tissue in a malignant manner. The surrounding stroma shows a marked amount of chronic inflammation. The general appearance is that of an early squamous carcinoma arising in an area of inflammation.

H. J. A. Ansley
Form D172-10M-10-38

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