Patient Mr Richard W
Address Toronto, Ontario
Age 81 years
Diagnosis   Cancer of the bladder with prostate gland involvement


September 1993

Dear Sir

I am writing to tell you about my husband Richard's illness and his successful recovery from cancer of the bladder, after taking the tea.

On April 29,1985 Richard had his first operation after bladder cancer was diagnosed: and a few days later his prostate was removed. In the following years Richard had surgery on 9 different occasions to remove cancerous bladder tumours. During 1991 Richard became more and more tired and miserable, even our family doctor stated, he was in good condition, heart , blood pressure etc. O.K.

On June 15, 92 he had another operation for tumour removal (minor operation as the nurse called it.) He returned home the next day and on June the 17 we bought him back to he hospital by ambulance. On June 19, at 2.30 a.m., the hospital called to inform me my husband was in Intensive Care on a life supporting machine in almost helpless condition with severe infection, pneumonia, kidney failure, the blood sugar high etc... He was in Intensive Care for 12 days and came home 3 weeks later, hardly able to walk.. 35lbs weight loss.

In October 92 (15. Lo.) there was another tumour removal operation. He did not wake up from the anaesthetic for exactly 7 days. Pneumonia again. Before Richard was discharged in the middle of November 92, the surgeon told me "I have to operate again. I don't like it but I could not get all the tumours out". Richard was in poor condition, and our Doctor was hinting he might not make it through another operation. In desperation we went to a Doctor of Naturopathy, who recommended the tea. All I expected was, that R. might gain some strength.

So in January 93 Richard began taking the tea. Soon little floaters were coming out of his urine. During April 93 appro. 40 small and large tumours and tissue pieces were passed in his urine. I have kept these tumours stored in a glass jar preserved in formaldehyde. Richard and I could not believe what was happening. May and June were one of the happiest months in years; He works in the garden, makes major house repairs and is in better health than 2 years ago and at this moment is 81½ years old.

Every word in this letter is true. I have kept detailed records of everything that happened. Enclosed is a colour photo of the tumour for you to see.

I wish with all my heart, that many of the cancer stricken human beings have the same wonderful experience as Richard and I.

Yours truly, ...........................

The Floaters

CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results