Patient Maria K
Address Australia
Age 75
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Stomach plus GROWTH IN NECK, GOITRE, KIDNEY & BLADDER PROBLEMS


Letter received from Maria titled "MY STORY".

NOTE: Maria was born in the Balkins, and whilst her English is very good, it is her 2nd language.


In reference to a neighbour suffering with Stomach Cancer.

One week after having an operation with his stomach taken out, the doctors said that he's okay and there's no care needed he is too old (75 years)

However everything was not okay at all.

He was in a lot of pain and suffering a great deal. he shrinked, was not eating, sleeping, and aged a great deal. Also he could not remember his neighbout of 12 years.

I felt sorry for him and purchased 2 ready mix formula for him. I prepared the formula 100% to the directions given to me. Because I didn't know what side effects it can have I took the second formula myself.

I do not suffer from Cancer, but I wanted to know what I am giving to another person. I knew that it would not harm me. The result was that I had no side effect whatsoever .

I was totally amazed with the results as I had kidney pain and a very week bladder with an infection. My doctor couldn't give me any medication because I am allergic to most modern medicine.

One week after taking the tea both my kidney and bladder healed 100% Also I could feel a great improvement in my wellbeing. All my friends and family noticed a considerable change.I felt as if my body was rejuvinated.

Three days after using myself as a Guinea Pig, which I do not regret at all, I then gave the other formula, which I prepared to the directions, to my intended neighbour.

After 3 days my neighbour was walking properly without a walking stick, was eating well,able to sleep, was in generally high spirits, and could remember me again, which he thanked me for. It was a miracle to see such an improvement in just so little time

Further more I had a goitre operation 7 years ago and my voice box was affected, also I could feel that the goitre was coming back. Also I felt as if there was a blockage in my voice box. After taking the tea I could feel something slipping off from my voice box and my voice is a lot better. Also there is no wheezing when I breathe.

Since my experience I highly recomend it to people. I have taught people to be known of this. I have photocopied the booklet that I received and have taken it to Herbal and Health Stores and told people what it is all about. Also I have distributed copies to the university where young doctors can learn from it.

From the bottom of my heart I would love the Bureaucracy to be stopped. For them to allow people to openly use and to know about this.

Yours faithfully

Maria K

CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results