X-rays taken from Orillia General Hospital.
5/1935 | Patient started taking Nurse Caisse's treatment. |
8/1935 | Weight of patient was 104 pounds. |
9/1935 | Weight of patient was 112 pounds. |
10/1938 | Patient feeling very well, general health improved, working in a mill during last summer. |
1/1935 | Copy of letter written to Mrs Tynon by Dr Arthur E. Ardagh, Orillia
Arthur E. Ardagh, M.D.
Peter St., Orillia.
Dear Mrs Tynon
Your letter to hand and I am sorry to say in reply that I feel this malignant disease has advanced too far and his strength is too much exhausted for an operative procedure to be of any value.
In my opinion the only thing now is to give him plenty of hyprolic and keep him from suffering.
Faithfully yours
A. E. Ardagh
| |
5/1935 | Copy of letter written to Miss René Caisse from Dr J. D. MacDonald |
Dr J. D. MacDonald
Physician and Surgeon
Huntsville, Ont.
Miss R Caisse,
Bracebridge, Ont.
Dear Miss Caisse,
Mr John Tynon desires that a physician should authorise you to give him some treatment.
I had this patient under my care in January before and after he was in Orillia Hospital but he has consulted three or four physicians since that time and I believe he had some treatment in Bracebridge Hospital where the Rectum was dilated.
If he wishes treatment from you I am satisfied for him to do so.
Yours very truly
J. D. MacDonald
| |
6/1935 | Copy of the Report from Mr John Tynon, Melissa, Ontario. |
My condition before taking treatment from Miss Caisse was very bad, two doctors said it was malignant, and could do nothing for me. Just a matter of time.
I have gained in strength and feel better since taking this treatment,- Headaches are less, since taking Nurse Caisse's treatment, the growth is getting smaller.
Sincerely yours
John Tynon.
| |
| Condition of patient when starting treatment
| Cancer of bowel, rectum and perforations into bladder, pussy and bloody discharge, abscesses forming in Rectum. Blood and pus in urine. X-ray taken at Orillia Hospital. Patient sent home from there incurable. |
| Patients general condition improved, absolutely no discomfort, no bleeding, no discharge either from bladder or rectum. Bowels normal and patient has gained (34 lbs.) thirty four pounds since first treatment |
1/1936 | Dr Ardagh's report was made after X-rays were taken at Memorial Hospital Orillia, Ontario. |
| Copy of letter written by Mr John Tynon, Milissa, Ont. |
Huntsville, Ontario
I John Tynon, was examined and X-rayed at the Orillia Memorial Hospital by Doctor Arthur E. Ardagh of Orillia, who said I was suffering from Carcinoma of Rectum with prostate involvement and perforations into the bladder. I was too weak and bloodless for operation, so they sent me home to die. Dr MacDonald of Huntsville, examined me and gave me two or three weeks to live. He gave Miss René Caisse his written diagnosis and permission to administer her treatment for cancer.
I weighed 91 pounds when I started treatment. After eight or nine treatments by Miss Caisse, I went back to Dr MacDonald for examination and I was cured, he could not find a sign of my malignancy. The perforations of bladder were healed after six weeks of treatments and I began to get well. I now weigh 134 1/2 lbs which is almost my normal weight and I am normal in every way.
I have met many others at the cancer clinic in Bracebridge, who like myself are now cured by this wonderful treatment, and I cannot understand why Miss Caisse is not allowed to advertise her work and be allowed to treat all those who are suffering from this Dreaded disease. When I think of the condition I was in and the suffering I went through before taking this treatment, I cannot express my appreciation.
I was examined by two doctors, Dr W. C. Arnold and Dr E. Wood of Ottawa, who said that I was absolutely clear of my growth.
My wife and family express their appreciation with mine and I trust that this letter will help get recognition for this wonderful Cancer Treatment.
John Tynon
Melissa PO,
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