Patient Mrs Mrs Joan B.
Address Cesnock, N.S.W., Australia
Age 8U3 years


Letter received addressed to my wife and I.

Letter received addressed to my wife and I 1994.

Dear M & J.

Joan has made a good recovery at last.

The last time I rang you and told him that she was feling better, well a couple of days after this she started to bleed profusely again, but your wife had already told me this could happen, and we both took it calmly.

All the body waste and blood was almost unbelievable, that she discharged over the weeks.

Now we are completely confident this time.

Thank you both for your kindeness and help.

She is eating and sleeping OK.

Went to our doctor with a urine sample.

I had to ask how it was. He said it was OK, all but clear, very very slight blood - but passable.

Then I had to ask about her recovery. He said "Quite good".

We are changing doctors after 5 years.

I feel sad and upset that Joan had to suffer through his ignorance and inability to diagnose her cancer in the first place when she complained about pain 18 months ago or a little less. - It wasafter she started to bleed that he got things going. He was treating her wrong.

Also when you asked me about Joan being operated on - I have just had my house burgled the day before. I was in a state of distressed state of mind then. $300 was stolen.

What dosage do you suggest to keep her symptom free and in good order? I have severe athritic condition, would the tea help me. Will ring again.

Thanks for the pamphlets. I have distributed thenm to family members, also told others and showed others.

BestRegards to you both


NOTE Joan was a frail 83 year old, and was not able to use the volumes normally used for her condition. She drank what she was able to consume each day. I believe the bleeding and passing of waste written about, was her body's only natural way of disposing of the destroyed cancer cells. A similar response has also been reported to me by bladder cancer and bowel cancer sufferers, though with much less or no blood, and more obvious tumour shape(s) which you can read about in other people's correspondence on this site. Letter received addressed to me.

Letter received addressed to me.

Because of my poor eyesight and inability to see properly I have instructed my husband to write on my behalf and in my words.

My husband was desperate to assist me because of the blood I was losing and the pain and discomfort I was suffering when I was diagnosed as Bladder Cancer. I was unable to eat my food.

The bleeding came on me quite suddenly. My cancer came on me undetected, though I felt ill for a long period of time.

A friend of ours suggested we contact you, as one alternative treatment for my condition.

We were hesitant at first because our friend never said too much.

Husband rang you, and our order was sent to us with instructions & directions on how to prepare.

After long dedication from my husband after 12 weeks of monitoring my condition and body discharges at home, it was a wonderful experience to have the bleeding stopped. My urine has returned to its natural looking colour. My appetite for food gradually returned, and the pain diminished and gradually disappeared.

Because of my age of 83 years, I still feel weak and don’t feel like jumping over the moon, but I have no side effects of the treatment.

I’m continuing with the Sojo Products remedy and will shortly cease to continue with my dosage – maybe on second thoughts as a tonic only. On my own personal experience I believe the Sojo Products remedy has wonderful healing powers, and beyond doubt in my opinion, has been instrumental in my recovery.

Isn’t it true that herbs are used medically for the heart?

I’m grateful to my husband for his dedication and tolerance, and the supplier for patience and guidance in helping us.

I would certainly recommend this treatment to my friends if the need arose where they required assistance, and as a follow-up treatment.

My husband, after reading this experience by me back to me has requested that I sign this so to seal as a genuine and authoritative story. I have very poor eye-sight and am almost blind.

Yours sincerely

Joan B.