Patient Mrs Rene Caisse's Aunt
Doctor Dr R. O. Fisher
Address Toronto, Canada
Diagnosis   Stomach & Liver Cancer

This story was written by Rene Caisse
and published in her articles in the Bracebridge Examiner in 1979
(the year after her death).

This was the first time Rene Caisse used the formula she was given 2 years earlier. No one said she had a cure, but no one could say her aunt was not cured either with this information.

Some time later, I got word that my mother's only sister had been operated on in Brockville and the doctors had found that she had cancer of the stomach with a liver involvement.

They gave her at the most - six months to live.

I hastened to her and her doctor, Dr R O Fisher of Toronto, whom I knew well (having nursed patients for him many times) was there, so I told him about the herb tea and asked his permission to try it under his observation. He gave me his consent and was so impressed with the results that he gave me other hopeless cases to treat for him. (Incidentally, my Aunt lived for twenty-one years after my treatment.)