Patient Mrs John Thornbury
Address Toronto, Ontario
Age 52 years
Doctor Dr G. A. Galloway
Address Woodville
Diagnosis   Stomach Cancer (Carcinoma)


Copy of diagnosis.
X-ray plates taken by Miss McNilley of Lindsay Hospital, Lindsay, Ontario. .

I hereby certify that Mrs John Thornbury of Hurley had an X-ray taken of her stomach and bowels at Lindsay on the 14th. day of June 1937 and her plates indicate a probable suspicion of carcinoma of the stomach.

Dr G. A. Galloway
Woodville Ont.

3/1937 Mrs J Thornbury took flu, previously to this she had sick spells and vomiting up bile.
Patient had felt worse since taking flu, had knawing feeling in stomach and hungry but could not eat.
7/1937 Started taking Nurse Rene Caisse's treatment Patient continued to feel sick until August 16th, 1937 then a change took place.
10/1938 After that, patient gradually improved and now patient is very well, has splendid appetite, no sick spells with vomiting, and has no soreness in the stomach.
General health greatly improved. Is working on a farm.
Patient intends to have another X-ray taken of stomach soon.(55 treatments)
Patient still alive 1960.
Age 75
An extract from

John Thornbury testified that his wife had been diagnosed by x-ray two years before as having probable cancer of the stomach, and had been so weak, at 72 pounds, that he'd had to carry her into the Bracebridge clinic. Mrs Clare Thornbury was present to testify that she now weighed 107 pounds, and could do all her own work.

Clare lived to be 91, and died in 1975.

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