Patient Mr Noah Cotton
Address Hawkestone, R.R.#1, Ontario
Age 70 years
Doctor Dr W. E. Brown
Address Orelia
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Pancreas and Liver.


Oct 28th 1935
Remarks First treatment.
Weight 93 pounds.
Height 6 feet.
Temp. 96,
Pulse 124,
Resp 26.
Condition Cachexia very noticeable.
Patient had lost 62 lbs., continuous nausea and vomiting and pain in region of liver.
Dr W. E. Brown of Orelia wanted Mr Cotton to have an exploratory operation, but could not promise any benefit by it.
This case was hopeless as far as medical Science was concerned.
Dr Pugh and Dr Cleaver of Toronto also examined the patient.

Nov 20th 1935
Weight Gain in weight 20 lbs.Noticeable improvement.

January 5/ 1936
Patient had gained 8� pounds, greatly improved.

January 22/1936
Patient had gained 20 lbs, greatly improved.

April 25, 1936
Last treatment.
Weight157 lbs, (a gain of 64 lbs)
Patient has no symptoms, condition normal.

October 1938
Mr N. Cotton feeling very well, general condition good. No symptoms of cancer, back to normal weight of 180 lbs.

Copy of report from Mr Cotton

Jan. 22nd 1936
Patients Name Noah Cotton
Patients address R.R.#1, Hawkestone, Ont
Age 70
Normal weight 180
Present weight 115.
First symptoms Stomach flu.
Doctors Consulted Dr W. E. Brown, Dr Pugh and Dr Cleaver (Toronto)
Diagnosis Cancer
X-rays taken Yes
Where and by whom Orelia Soldiers Memorial Hospital by Clifford Stewart.
Date X-rays taken Uncertain. Taken twice
Other treatments taken None except by above physician.
With what resultsNone
Operations None
Family cancer history None

October 1938
Mr N. Cotton feeling very well, general condition good. No symptoms of cancer, back to normal weight of 180 lbs.

These are the worst forms of cancer and the hardest to treat.
Survival after diagnosis in 2016 would normally be less than 3 months.
With this condition YOU can chose to die quickly regardlesss of treatments or use the tea.