Patient Mrs Geo Donally
Address Bent River, Ontario
Age 61 years
Doctor Dr Ellis
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Growth in pit of stomach - suspected carcinoma



Dr Ellis said he would like to perform an operation for exploration. Patient said she has had growth for about eight years and it has been steadily growing larger. Would not consent to an operation or other treatments. Trouble with gas. Arm becomes numb at times and occasionally patient has sick stomach.

Sep 11th 1937

Patient started to take treatments

Nov. 7, 1937

Patient has gained 5 pounds after four treatments from September 11th. to November 7th. and is feeling much better.

Nov. 1, 1938

Patient still feels very much better

Copy of letter written by Mrs Donnally-

Bent River, Ont.,
Feb. 19, 1938

Dear Miss Caisse,
I am very sorry that I have not been able to call on you, and explain my reasons for not coming back to get more treatments. We do not live on the main highway and the roads have been so bad that it has been impossible to get out anywhere. I can not begin to tell you how thankful I am for all you have done for me. Since I have began taking treatments from you I have gained from ten to fifteen pounds. That lump in my side has almost gone away and I feel a great deal better. I am only too glad to have you sign my name to your petition and I assure you I will do anything in my power to help you. I will call in to see you next time I am in town and take another treatment.
Wishing you the best of luck,
I am yours sincerely
Mrs George Donally.
