Patient Mrs W. Raney
Address Sunbridge, Ontario
Age 43 years
Doctor Dr Galleger
Address Sunbridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the breast about the size of an egg.


3/1937 Patient started Caisse treatment.
Weight on that date was 113 pounds.
Patient troubled with a goitre, nervous condition, and trouble in ears.
4/1937 Has Drawing - up feeling.
5/1937 Patient feeling well, does not notice goitre now.
10/1937 Growth under arm has almost disappeared. Patient has had some pain below the breast and through shoulder blade.
11/1937 Patient has been examined and no trace of the growth was found. Patient has a slight aching under the breast, outside of that she is perfectly well.
1/1938 Patient has slight swelling below her breast, but the growth has completely disappeared.
11/1938 Swelling under breast gone, no trace of growth in breast, and patient says she is perfectly healthy generally.
Copy of letter to Miss Caisse by Mrs Raney.

To whom it may concern
Five years ago I discovered I had a growth in my left breast. I went to the doctor in Sunbridge, he told me the best thing for me to do was to have an operation, but I did not have one, so I came to Miss Caisse last March. My growth had grown to be as large as an egg, now it is all gone and I feel so much better. I certainly recommend Miss Caisse's treatment for cancer of every kind because I believe it is a real cure.
I think Miss Caisse should be given a license to practice so other people could have the same cure as I have got from Miss Caisse's treatment.

Mrs Wilfred Raney
December 7th 1937,
Sunbridge, Ontario

Copy of letter written by Mrs Raney to Miss E. Stephens.


Sunbridge, March 14-1939
To whom it may concern
I have been going to Miss Caisse of Bracebridge for treatment for a growth in my left breast that was the size of an egg, but it has disappeared and I am feeling much better and am very much in favour of Miss Caisse having a license so that she can treat other patients with her wonderful cure for cancer which is a terrible disease of humanity.
Wishing Miss Caisse success in getting her license.

Mrs W Raney.

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