Patient Mr Herbert (Bert) Rawson
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Age 48 years
Doctor Dr Bastedo
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Rectum (Carcinoma)



Cancer of rectum. Large hard mass almost closing opening, sloughing and bleeding, very great distress and pain. X-rayed in Orillia by Stewart, X-ray showed large mass in rectum.


Mr Rawson had first treatment by Caisse given hypodermically, weight at time 139 pounds.


Pain and soreness gone, still sloughing and blood streaked mucous - weight 139 1/2 pounds.


Last Caisse treatment.


Weight - 148 pounds

Patient worked all during treatment except for one month's rest. Mass in Rectum entirely gone when last treatment given May 1, 1936.

This patient has since been examined and no trace of Cancer can be found by Dr W. C. Arnold, Ottawa, Dr E. W. Wood, Ottawa, Dr Herbert Minthorne, Timmins, and Dr F. Greig of Bracebridge.

Mr Rawson had thirty treatments from Caisse


Patient still working in hardware store in Bracebridge and feeling fine.

Copy of a letter written by Mr Bert Rawson


I, Bert Rawson, was examined by Dr Kenny and Dr Bastedo in December 1934 at the Red Cross Hospital at Bracebridge, and X-rayed April 1935. My case was diagnosed by above mentioned doctors as carcinoma of the Rectum. I refused operation and Dr Kenny gave Miss René Caisse of Bracebridge Cancer Clinic his written diagnosis and permission to treat me for this malignant disease. I took treatments for ten months and am well.

I was examined in April 26th by two doctors from Ottawa, Dr W. C. Arnold and Dr E. W. Wood who said I had nothing left to show I had even been afflicted with cancer. I weigh 142 pounds. I feel normal and am back to work.

I am writing this in appreciation of what Miss René M. Caisse has done for me with her marvellous treatment for cancer.

I think this treatment should be given recognition and made available for everyone suffering from this Dreaded disease. I am writing this letter voluntarily in appreciation of what Miss Caisse has done for me and can do for others. I have nothing to say against the Medical Profession. I feel sure they do all they can for cancer sufferers, but they cannot cure it, and Miss Caisse has proved that see can, and it should be made known to the public.

My wife and family and myself will ever remain grateful to Miss Caisse.


Herbert Rawson

Bracebridge, Ont.