Patient Mr Archie Brooks
Address Loring, Ontario
Age 52 years
Doctors Dr K. H. Johnstone and Dr R. H. Dillane
Address Powassan, Ontario
Diagnosis   Malignancy of the bowel


Patient had X-ray plates - malignancy of the bowel. -North Bay General Hospital.
Copy of diagnosis
March 30/1937
To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that we have examined Mr Archie Brooks of Loring and find that he has malignancy of the Bowel. This has been confirmed by X-ray examinations.
This condition has emaciated this man so that he is unable to work in any way.
Even if he were able we would not advise him to work on account of his condition.
K. H. Johnstone MD
R. H. Dillane

X Ray Report
Service to Dr Dillane.
Mar 3/37
Name Brooks, Archie
Address Loring
Report No.2984
Employer’s Name ---
Age 52
Suspect_pathologyG. I. -G. B. -&- Barium Enema.

Film made of the gastric-intestinal tract shows no evidence of gastric ulcer, gastric cancer or duodenal ulcer.
Films made after administration of Iodeikon by mouth show an adequate concentration of the dye within the gall-bladder, the function of which , in so far as can be estimated by our concentration, appears to be normal.
Barium Enema: The rectal ampulla is apparently normal, There is an area presenting a filling defect at about the junction of the sigmoid colon with the descending. I believe this represents an organic lesion, which is probably malignant.
The balances of the bowel to the caecum shows no definite abnormality.

Copied report of Dr E. H. Shannon.
Remarks:- March 26,1937.
First treatment. Weight at that date 148½ pounds. Patient at that time haemorrhaging freely, had distress in stomach, great pain in bowel, constipation, bloating from gas, soreness across bottom of stomach.

September 18, 1937,
Patient feels well, still constipated, no bleeding for some time.

October 1938
Patient very much improved, gain weight, no obvious obstruction in bowel, though not completely cured is ready for an examination at any time. General condition very good, patient working every day.

Copy of letter to The Honourable Mr M. F. Hepburn
by Mr Archie Brooks
Loring Ont
July 15/1937

The Hon. Premier Hepburn
House of Parliament
Toronto, Ont.

Dear Sir,

Having recently heard a rumour to the effect that there is a possibility of Miss René Caisse being prevented from using her remedy for cancers upon sufferers in Ontario, as one of these sufferers I desire to add my testimony to the evidence that Miss Caisse’s cure is really a cure and to protest it in the name of humanity against any movement on the part of the Medical Council or the Government that might interfere in any way with the good work she is doing.
The facts in my own case are as follows;
It was February last that I was compelled to see the physician, Dr Dillane Jr. of Powasson for what I thought was some kind of stomach trouble. Dr Dillane sent me to St. Josephs hospital in North Bay. I was X-rayed there and Dr Dillane advised me to get my X-ray plates from the hospital and go to Toronto for an operation. On questioning him, he told me the plates revealed Cancer of the Bowels. Dr Johnston his assistant agreed with the diagnosis and it seemed to have been confirmed by the symptoms, obstruction and bleeding of the bowels.
On the way south before calling in at the office of Dr Dillane, Powassan, I called upon a friend of mine, a clergyman, who strongly advised me to see Miss René Caisse before having an operation. That was in April. I have been taking treatment from Miss Caisse ever since. My bowel trouble has almost cleared up and my bowels are almost normal. So far as the symptoms are concerned.
I am but one among many victims of cancer who could, and I hope will, testify to having been almost cured by Miss Caisse’s remedy.
Surely, before God, Sir, you cannot allow this. I am not a physician, just a plain man who has suffered and is being healed, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Sincerely Yours
Archie Brooks