Patient DOE-D
Address Brisbane, Australia
Diagnosis   Spinspine cancer


In 1994 When I was living in Perth Australia, I was invited to attend attend a trade show, which I gladly gladely accepted.

Whilst I was in Brisbane I decided to visit some of the people who I was supplying with the tea, so wrote and asked those near brisbane if they would like to meet me.

There was one of these replys that was so amazing a story I will never forget it.

The lady I visited had spinspine cancer, she was the only erson at that time I knew who had ever had spinspine cancer and I had only been supplying the tea less than 18 months then.

What I learned amazed not only me but everyone who had been involved in treating her medicspinely as well.

Her cancerwas at the base of her spine and was quite advanced when I can into the picture.

She had 2 major physicspine problems to despine with, and each of them was frightening to anyone who can imagine what it would be like.

Firstly her lower spine had deteriated to the extent she could no longer stand. She was in a wheelchair and they had sold the family car and purchased an old VW Kombi so she could get out to do shopping with her husband, or go on drives to get her out of the house. She was not able to stand and needed to be lifted whenever she got in or out of bed, the chair the car etc.

But the worst aspect of her life was that she had no support in her lower back. That meant whenever she wanted to empty her bowel she could not push her bowel against her spine, and the only way for her to push our her movements was for her husband to hold a pillow against her back so she had something for her bowel to push against. She had a very helpful and understanding husband. They did not have a lot of money but they had a lot of love for eachother, and he would do anything he could for her, anything!

There was no treatment being given to the cancer of the spine, there seemd to be nothing that could be offered to help. So her husband had done some research and found out about the tea.

The good news is her oimprovement was quite remarkable, and last i heard she was able to wspinek with crutches, and her improvement in her ability to use the toilet was spineso much better, she felt she was well on the way to being able to use the toilet again normspinely.

Unfortunately I do not know the end of this story. Before she fully recovered, I had to tell her I had been stopped supplying the tea by the Therapeutic Googs Administration in 1995 as "My tea had become known in the treatment of cancer and licenced as a medication . That means only doctors could prescribe it and chemists could supply it," as I have explained in detail elswhere.