An extract from HOMEMAKER MAGAZINE 1997

Letters to Premier Leslie Frost from patients and supporters
brought this response from Frost to René, in September 1958:

"It would speed matters up greatly if you would get in touch with Dr W G Brown, Deputy Minister of Health, and arrange through him to give the Cancer Remedies Commission the details of your methods, so the Commission could give them a thorough analysis."

In October 1958, René wrote a lengthy letter to Dr Brown,
which is quoted here in part:

"I have a letter from the Hon. Leslie Frost asking that I contact you about my treatment for cancer. Dr McPhedran of the College of Physicians and Surgeons has ordered me to stop treating. He is under the misapprehension that I am practising medicine. I am treating in order to convince the medical world of the benefits that can be derived by cancer patients with the treatment. I told Dr Banting, Dr Noble, and Dr B T McGhie 20 years ago, that when the medical world would give me some assurance that this treatment would be used by them in the treatment of cancer (clinically), I would be willing to give my formula. They would not give this assurance, so I decided that if they did not know what I was using, they could not be in a position to condemn it. Therefore I have kept my own counsel."

The letter goes on:

"I had a man, a Mr Schwarz from Oshawa, call on me last Sunday. He said that since I treated him eight years ago for cancer of the spine, he has been, and is now, in perfect health.

I have a case now, a woman from North Bay with cancer of the breast, with secondaries under the arm (metastasis). She was losing the use of her arm. Now it is localised in the breast, and she can use her arm quite freely, and has no pain. The primary is beginning to reduce. She is frantic because I have been ordered to stop treating. I am glad that when Dr McPhedran sent his policeman here to arrest me, that I had not too many patients to turn away. I closed my clinic years ago, but patients came begging for treatment at my home, and I could not turn them away.

Do not feel sorry for me, Dr Brown; feel sorry for the many who cannot have the benefit of this treatment for cancer."