Patient Herbert Ross
Address Toronto, Ontario
Age 69 years
Doctor Brush Medical Center
Address USA
Diagnosis   Prostate Cancer. Spinal Cancer


Clinical findings are cancer of prostate with metastases to dorsal and lumbosacral spines.
No X-ray or treatment except oestrogen three times daily.
Patient very weak, lacking in ambition and appetite.

July '59 Treatment started. Patient taken off hormones.
After three treatments patient reported return of appetite and gain in vitality which has been progressively noticeable as treatment continues.

Oct '59 Weight gain was ten pounds and he is actively back at work.
He is very impressed that he was able to stay up late after a wedding and have bountiful energy following day.
He had been in the habit of retiring after dinner, before treatments commenced.
Prostate reduced in size.
Both of the lobes hard on palpation.