Anyone who has read the story of Rene Caisse and Essiac will know the whole story started in Canada with a wife of a timber worker who got breast cancer in the 1890's. She could not afford any medical treatment and a local American Indian Medicine Man heard about her and offered to help.

In 1922, 29+ years later Nurse Caisse was washing the lady preparing her for admitting to hospital, when she noticed a horible scar on her breast. Nurse Caisse asked if she had been burnt in a fire.

The lady told her the story of her recovery from breast cancer and how the medicine man had first treated her then taught her how to treat herself.

Then the lady wrote out the formula for Nurse Caisse and gave it for her should she ever need to use it.

In 1924 Nurse Caisse got the terible news her aunt,her mothers sister was dying from cancer. There was nothing anyone could do.

Nurse cauisse went to her aunts's doctor and told her about the tea. As there was nothing else anyone could do he told her to try it and see how the aunt went.

The aunt got better and the nurse started to get requests for her treatment from other locals. The news spread and soon she had to stop her nursing and spend her time helping cancer patients. At one time she was so busy she has helping hundreds a day, and the medical profession got very worried about her destroying their jobs. They tried to stop her and eventually there was a vote in the Canadian Parliament as to whether Nurse Caisse should be allowed to help Cancer Patients. The vote was lost by 1 and she was pretty much stopped from treating people from then on in the late 1930's.

More details and facts of this amazing story can be found elswhere on this site.

Forward to the 1990's in Australia and I have the exclusive licence to supply the tea from the people who bought the formula from Rene Caisse in the late 1970's

I have been supplying the tea in Australia since 1992 and in New Zealand and throughout Europe. How I became involved how I became so successful at hlping people learn to fix their cancer and why is another story is another story.

The story I want to tell you here is about a very distressed lady who rang me in 1994. She told me she had breast cancer, and she had been told she had less than a year to live. I told her about the tea and she started using it right away. No treatments were offered by any doctors. I would talk to her from time to time and she felt she was making good progress.

In 1995 she called me again and said she was going to see her specialist that day. She believed he was going to give her the all clear from the tests she had just had.

Then she said "I will tell him next time you get a breast cancer patient you can't help, don't tell them they have got 12 months to live at best, tell them to contact Max Costello, and he can help them. I will give him some of the information about the tea to show him.

I replied "I really don't think he would appreciate that. Doctors do not giving herbal or natural products to their patients normally."

That afternoon I got a phone call. The caller said "Are you Max Costello?"

I confirmed I was and he asked "You are curing people with cancer?"

I laughed and said "Nice of you to say so doctor but I don't go round making claims like that!"

He shouted "We will stop you doing this to our industry!"

I replied jovially "I thought cancer was a disease not an industry?"

With that he slammed the phone down in my ear in violent anger.

Shortly after that I got a phone call from the Therapeutic Goods Administration. They are the Australian Federal Government body responsible for the control of all medications and licencing of medicines and medical contraptions and eqiuipment.

Mrs V told me who "Essiac has become known in the treatment of cancer. Therefore she was licencing it as a medication. As I was not a doctor I could not prescribe it and as I was not a chemist I could not supply it."

I then received a letter in writing confirming this to be the situation. I was banned from selling Essiac in Australia as it had become known in the treatment of cancer.
We spend billions a year looking for a cure for cancer. We have been for half a century with the futile "WAR ON CANCER"!
The letter reads in part "The maximum penalty is $24,000 for an individual or $120,000 for a corporation in respect of each offence."


Since 1995 many thousands of lives have been taken because doctors can not help cancer patients.

So to protect their Mansions, Mercs and Millions they are prepared to stop anyone who has shown people how to live disease free!

If you have lost a loved one to Cancer since then, place the blame squarely at the feet of the Cancer Industry, Politicians and the Press all of whom refused to give me an interview or meet me when this all happened. The pain and suffering and ultimately the lives of thousands and the unnecessary stress and suffering of everyone who loved them, are on their hands.

Cancer (a brief summary) is a failure of the body's systems to destroy rogue body cells our body creates daily amongst the thousands of healthy cells it produces every day to build rebuild and replace or body cells. A small amount of cancer is related to actual disease which again the immune system should control. So the problem is to get the immune system working properly and then we don't have cancer.

Why the body stops functioning varies, but the solution is not to attack the tumors that are growing, more will grow, the solution is in getting your body to recognise and destroy all malformed cells. Then you can remain cancer free as I and so many have who understand this and have got their body working as it was designed to. There is no point hoping to stop cancer until your immune system can stop it returning.

This is why the whole basis of the use of Chemo which has a success rate of 2-3% is the WORST treatment for any cancer. It kills your only chance of long term recovery, the immune system!

Until your immune system can kill rogue cancer cells your body is producing every day you have little chance of living cancer free.

Every year we find out new things about our body. The more we learn the more we see how little we actually know about how it functions. The body's ability to repair itself is beyond comprehension. Just analise how it takes care of a small cut finger, blocks the bleeding, repairs the blood vessels, repairs the nerves. repairs the skin to protect it from everything from infection to all many types of chemicals. The best plumber in the world with no tools. And that is one cut finger. What about broken bones. They repair stronger than before the break. Every cell is a miracle carrying DNA information. They record when you get measels mumps and other diseases even flue innoculations, and knows how to respond to them. Your body needs to be working at its peak to keep you healthy and cancer free.


CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results