Patient Mrs Roy Coutts
Address Utterson, Ontario
Age 50 uears Coutts
Doctor Fraser Greig,
Diagnosis   Breast Cancer (Nodular hard mass, size of a large apple.)


August 19, 1936

Patient had six treatments and the growth had entirely disappeared.

November 21, 1936

Last treatment. Patient normal health, weight 185 lbs.

Remarks by Miss Caisse

I took this patient for Dr Greig, to give six treatments to localise the growth for operation, Dr Greig intending to operate and allowed me to give six more treatments to prevent a recurrence. After the sixth treatment, the growth was gone and operation or further treatment unnecessary.

Letters from Mrs Coutts

R. R. #2
Jan. 14th. 1937

Dear Miss Caisse,
I find it is quite possible for me to go to Toronto. I certainly will go to do what I can in your behalf. I feel so well that I would like to do more to show my appreciation for what you have done for me.
Thank you for your kind wishes to myself and family, and I trust that this year may bring to you a wonderful year of prosperity.
Yours very sincerely
Mrs R. Coutts

R.R. #2
Utterson, Ont.

March 26.1937

The following is a complete story of my case and, had it not been for the wonderful treatment given me, by Miss Caisse at the Cancer Clinic Bracebridge, I feel sure would have been an operation.
In July of 1936 my breast was giving me some trouble, and I could feel a lump forming. I visited one of our local doctors and he told me there was a growth as large as an apple, and he advised me to go to hospital and have it removed. I did not like the idea of an operation and on August 19th called at the Clinic to see what Miss Caisse could do for me. I got my first treatment that day. In all I think it was thirteen treatments (six by hypo and seven oral), when the growth was completely gone, and so far there is no sign of it returning and I am enjoying perfect health at the age of 50 years.
I firmly believe Miss Caisse has a complete cure for cancer without an operation which means a great deal to suffering humanity.
Mrs Roy Coutts


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