Patient Mrs Wm Rowley
Address Westport, Ontario
Age 72 years
Doctor Dr McCormick
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Breast


4/1937 Patient took first treatment by Caisse. Had six treatments and the growth entirely disappeared.
6/1937 Patient took a trip. Was examined in Kingston, Ontario by Dr Jones and there was no sign of growth in breast.
11/1938 Patient very well and has not had a recurrence of the growth in breast.Patient only had six treatments with Caisse.
Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse by Mrs Rowley


Dear Miss Caisse,
No doubt you will be surprised to get a letter from me, however I thought you would like to know how I am getting along after our trip to the old country. Well first of all let me say we had a wonderful trip. Everyone was lovely to us and made us more than welcome, and the weather was all that we could wish for. We were away about 11 weeks in all, visiting England and Wales. We arrived back in Canada about the 27th of Sept., and on the 11th Oct. my husband met with an accident, and had his leg broken in 4 places. He was in Kingston General Hospital for about 2 weeks, just long enough for the swelling to go down, then they put his leg in a cast. I have him at home at present but in bed all the time.
I am pleased to say there is no trace of any lump in my breast. I went into Kingston with the Dr and my husband and the Dr had Dr Jones the cancer specialist examine my breast. My nerves were all acting up. Now I am taking medicine for the nerves and feeling better. Many thanks dear for the help I received from you and may god bless you, that you may be able to help some more poor souls who suffer.
Sincerely yours

Mrs Wm Rowley