Mr. Clyde R.
Madison Mills, Va. USA


This is a copy of a cancer news group posting.


In January 1998 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer.

My PSA reading was 2034.

The cancer specialist said that I had 6 - 24 months to live and that there was not anything that they could do for me.

A friend of mine suggested that I try an herbal tea called CanTea. She said that she had been taking it for a couple of months and that she was doing well and that all signs of cancer (breast cancer) had gone from her body. She had both breasts removed -a year apart and that the cancer in her chest bones is gone too.


In February 98 I began drinking the tea and by March 98 my PSA was down to 657. I am supplementing the tea with Potassium and Dolemite to strengthen my bones.


My PSA has continued to drop and as of 16 July 98 it is down to 73. The doctors are really amazed that it could happen, and have said that they have no other treatments that would produce this miracle.

My weight and blood pressure are right where they should be.

I am feeling exceptionally good. I will continue to provide information to my friends about this product and will continue to take this tea with hope of a long happy life.

CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results