Patient Doe A
Doctor Brusch Medical Center. USA.
Address Brusch Medical Center. USA.
Diagnosis   Breast Cancer leading to Arm metastasis and severe pain..


Patient's left breast removed in 1957.
Cancer proved by biopsy.
Operation followed the deep X-ray therapy of left supraclavicular region and miastinum.
Nerve injury resulted from breast removal.
Strong suspicion of cancerous residue. Patient appeared with left hand in splint.
Had no sensation in upper left arm and manipulation of left hand extremely painful.
Confirmed by physical therapist.
After five weekly treatments, orally and intramuscularly, manipulation of hand no longer painful.
Reaction to touch and pain stimuli returned in upper left arm.
Improvement verified by Miss Raab, therapist, Holy Ghost Hospital.
Weight gain and marked improvement in patients sense of well being.

An extract from
The Brusch Research for Rene Caisse.
Dr Brusch was not interested enough to keep a copy of his research.
These cases were in Rene Caisse's files which were NOT destroyed as some misleading writers claim.